Prologue: Invitation to hell.. (Trial)
???: Welcome my sinners, to the class trial!! A trial to determine your fate upon my judgement!! Now, discuss on how did Camila died. If you guess it right, I'll tell you the truth of why all of you are here! And if you guess it wrong... YOUR FLESH ARE MINE TO EAT!!!!! Good luck.
Kanade: Oh this...I remember my universe's killing game has this. Everytime there's a murder, we have an hour or so or few to investigate and then meet up here..
Marinette: Must be a torture to do this everyday right?
Kanade: No worries, I love solving the murders there. Solving murder mystery is pretty much a hobby of mine outside of playing guitar.
Guess that means she's the most experience out of all of us..
Marvelous: While you do have experience with this, I suggest to have Franziska and Vivia to start since their talent has something to do with the justice system.
Franziska: Thank you Captain, now after a certain detective gave such a foolish but effective suggestion, we have confirmed that the victim died to having her neck sliced by the knife on the crime scene.
Vivia: But yet where did the knife come from?
K: Back in the kitchen with me, Ashlynn, Flora and Marinette, we found a knife rack with a sign that says six knives but there's only five there. Perhaps the culprit took it.
Kanade: In the trials, we call them blackened.
K: Oh, sorry. I meant blackened..
Why is Otonokoji so serious all of the sudden?
Maria: voice? Is the blackened here before any of us?
Will the voice help?
???: Indeed, the victim and the blackened was already here before any of you arrive.
Marvelous: But who's the blackened?!
???: Don't worry, I have that the way, this will be the only time I'll be helping you, for now.. when another one comes, you can freely ask me.
Weird, what does they mean when "another one comes"?
Ruby: But what about the other stuff we found in the mudroom?
Kanade: Yeah, we found a lot of things, tools, guns and even bombs!
Carl: This could explain the bomb that me and Ohdo found.
Sayaka: The WHAT!!!!????
Yuga: Yeah, a poisonous gas bomb!
Carl: From the looks of it, it also used to be a fire extinguisher grenade.
Marvelous: Wait! Wouldn't that means the bomb would be the weapon?
Oh no...I have a feeling an argument will happen..
Non-stop Debate: Start!!
Truth bullet: Crooked window.
Marvelous: Think about it, bombs usually the cost of death in an instant.
Cloud: That is true.
Marvelous: Then that means the blackened sliced the victim's neck and then throw the bomb.
Franziska: That could be true..
Vivia: This would also would explain why the bomb is near the body.
I hope everyone will agree with me for this....
Truth bullet was used on sliced the victim's neck and then throw the bomb.
K: The bomb could possibly be used before the victim's neck was sliced..
Franziska: Really? EXPLAIN!
K: T-The crooked window! Above the body..!
Roy: She's right, the window was crooked in the crime scene!!
Ren: But how can the window be crooked?
The only way to make the window crooked is...
Truth bullet: The rock.
I got it!
K: There's a rock underneath the victim's right thigh. Maybe that was used to open the window which made it crooked.
Sayaka: Yeah, the blackened probably used that to open the window.
Flora: But how can the bomb get inside?
I suppose it has something to do with the rock...
Hangman's Gambit: Start!!
Going _ _ _ _ _ _ _
O _ _ _ _ _ _
O U _ _ _ _ _
O U T _ _ _ _
O U T S _ _ _
O U T S I _ _
O U T S I D _
I think this is it!
K: The outside. The culprit throw the rock from the outside and then throw the bomb right after.
Flora: Oh, that makes so much sense now!
Franziska: It's a foolish thing for a fairy of nature to not know what a rock does and where it comes from.
Flora: Um.. I'm sorry for that..
Ruby: Now don't be mean Franziska! Being in a trial for the first time is obviously messing with her head.
Franziska: I suppose so..
Ashlynn: What about how the bomb was made?
I kinda forgot about that...
Non-stop Debate: Start!!
Truth bullet: Microwave.
Ren: Well it's obvious it's made of glass and plastic.
Roy: But how does the gas was made?
Flora: I did found a half empty poison bottle in the top cabinet.
Carl: That's it! To turn liquid into gas, you need to heat up the liquid with energy, usually fire heat.
Roy: That can happen? World is very mysterious...
Thank you Carl for the reminder.
Truth bullet was used on heat up the liquid with energy, usually fire heat.
K: Carl's right, the microwave has some liquid in it. It's probably from the poison bottle.
Carl: Wait, it is!?
Yuga: So my microwave theory was correct!
Carl: Great..I owe Ohdo inventing materials...
Sayaka: Wait Carl, what was your theory?
Carl: I theorized the bomb gas was made by having the bomb be placed on a frying pan on a stove.
Yuga: Guess that means I'm the better machine genius!
Franziska: STOP PLAYING AROUND ALREADY!! You bunch of foolish children.
Yuga: Eeep!
Carl: Forgive me, von Karma. It is a terrible time to joke around.
K: So with that, I guess we are done with the bomb..?
Marvelous: We aren't done yet, how did the bomb not poison themselves and us?!
Um.. how do I explain that...
Rebuttal Showdown: Start!!
Truth blade: Locked windows.
Marvelous: How did the bomb hit only the mudroom?
Marvelous: It's unknown how did the door was locked.
Marvelous: It's only possible if the house was locked in some way.
Sorry Captain!
Truth blade was used on the house was locked in some way.
K: Um.. Captain, did you forget about the locked windows?
Marvelous: hm, what about them?
K: The blackened probably locked the windows so the gas wouldn't get inside the house.
Marvelous: That's actually a pretty solid reason. You're a better investigator than the prosecutor and the detective.
Franziska: What the-!
Vivia: No, no, he's got a point.
Huh, he's right. I never knew I had these investigating skills..
Kanade: But it doesn't explain how the mudroom is locked for the bomb not to reach the house.
Maria: Uuu, Uuu! Maria knows! Maria knows!
Ruby: What is it Maria?
Maria: Maria found keys under couch. It's probably for the mudroom and the front door!
K: But how can the killer get to her...?
Sayaka: Don't worry K! I know exactly how the blackened gets to her! Trust me!
I suppose so...
Logic Refresh: Start!!
Truth bullet: Screwdriver.
Sayaka: Remember how the door was crooked?
Sayaka: It's almost like it was opened from the inside!
Sayaka: So the victim probably used something to open the door when she was locked in!
Sayaka: And why you ask? It's because the bomb was thrown after the rock!
Thank you Sayaka.
Truth bullet was used on used something to open the door when she was locked in.
K: Like that screwdriver in the crime scene.
Sayaka: Yes! That's the one!
Ren: Like Roy said, it could be used as a tool to escape. So with this reasoning, I think we are done here.
K: Yeah, I can see the full picture.
Closing Argument: Start!
Act 1
Both the blackened and the victim woke up like the rest of us. The voice probably told them the truth of what's going on here. With both panicked, only one took the dreadful action..
Act 2
The blackened set up their plan. Firstly, they locked the windows all except the mudroom window. Then, they create the bomb with the poison bottle. Finally, they took the key to the mudroom and the front door.
Act 3
The blackened told Camila about the mudroom. As she enters the room, the blackened locked her inside. The blackened run outside to where the mudroom window was, throw the rock to widen it and throw the bomb in before running back inside and lock the front door. The blackened then grab one of the knives on the knife rack.
Act 4
Meanwhile, Camila was suffering with the gas from the bomb. She grabbed the screwdriver from one of the boxes in the mudroom and brute force the door open. However, the blackened was waiting for her. After she got out, the blackened sliced her neck as she about to step out of the room.
Act 5
After the gas was cleared, the blackened leaves the knife there, cover the screwdriver and the bomb with blood splatter and hide the rock underneath her thigh. They also hide the keys underneath the couch so no one could get it.
Cloud: So that's it?
Marvelous: Not yet, we have to ask that voice first.
Suddenly, the voice came back.
???: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Well done!!! You have successfully found out on how Camila died!!! As a reward, I'll gladly tell you all the truth!!!
Marinette: Wow! I can't believe we did it!!
Sayaka: Yup! All thanks to K!!!
K: Um.. thanks...
Kanade: Wow Yoisaki! I never knew you would solve this! Is solving murders your hobby too?
K: Not really... it's my first time..
Franziska: Not bad for a first time. Without you, these fools will probably kill us with their foolish words.
Everyone just looked at Franziska with an annoyed look. Make sense.
K: Thank you everyone, but I couldn't have done you guys.
Marvelous: You're right, K. Now, let's see what is this truth about.
???: Step out of your podiums and gather around the giant throne of mine.
We all got out of our podiums. Why does the voice mean by "throne of mine"? Has this throne always been here?
We gather around the throne. When suddenly, it appears...
The hell am I looking at?
Yuga: Good grief!!!! It's naked!!!!
Carl: That's the first thing you noticed?!?! Not the abnormal design it has!??!?
Marvelous: Who are you...!?
Monoentity: Greetings my sinners!!! My name is Monoentity, your grand judge!!! It's an honor to meet all of you.
Why is it talking with those energy balls?! Why does the balls have mouths!?!?
Franziska: How dare you call me a sinner you disgusting creature!!!!!
She punch the...thing but to no avail.
Monoentity: you punched me? YOU PUNCHED ME!!??!!??!
The creature's uses the balls to attack but missed on purpose. Dealing a massive damage to the wall. Everyone was stunned, what the actual hell!?!?!?
It then summons other energy balls with mouths on it.
Monoentity: That's the consequences for attacking your judge, UNDERSTAND!??!!?
Franziska just nods. Still incredibly shocked.
Monoentity: Oh, and yes, I was the one that stole all your powers. All in the name of this killing game.
Kanade: Wait, you mean just like-
Monoentity: The one in your universe, yes!!
Kanade: No!! Not again!!!!!
Marinette: There, there Kanade!! It's okay!!!
Killing game!? Seriously!!???
Monoentity: Oh, and don't worry about the blackened. I already caught them in my hands!
The creature show us the monitor that shows a girl..
Who is that..?
Monoentity: This is Lily Rogue, the Ultimate Con Artist! And I'll gladly give her what she deserves.
What does it mean by that.....?
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