Chapter 1: Wilting and rotting, what's the difference? (Daily Life)
Day 1, 7:15pm
Why...why am I here... It's the words
that kept repeating in my head non-stop. It's just... too much for me to handle.... I've been making this song since yesterday..I believe it's morning already...
Suddenly, I heard my door opening..
Sayaka: Hi K!! Wow, your room is a mess.
K: I don't really like house working anyway.
Sayaka: Seriously!? What have you been doing all night!?!?
K: Making a new song.
I just shake my head. It's always been this way.
Sayaka: Whatever.... let's just go to the dining room to eat breakfast.
K: I just had breakfast. Cup ramen.
Sayaka: Eh!? Is that just what you eat!?
K: Yup, other than my friends home cooking.
Sayaka: You're going to get sodium poisoning from just eating that!!! Come on! You are going to have an actual healthy breakfast!!!
She drags me out of my room and we go down stairs by the.... stairs.
K: Why don't we just use the elevator?
Sayaka: The elevator doesn't have the bottom floor button for some reason.
That's weird...
We arrive at the dining room where everyone is waiting.
Marvelous: There you are advisor.
Carl: Good morning, Yoisaki.
Ashlynn: Good morning!
Ren: So you are up? Good, I was worried.
Roy: Me too! Especially if you were dead somehow.
Yuga: Roy, we can only die if a murder happen. Which probably never will.
Maria: Uuu, Uuu! Maria believes that too!!
Franziska: Well, it's about time you got out of bed!
Vivia: Pipe down... she probably has a reason..
Ruby: I agree! She probably was composing all night.
Cloud: She didn't even sleep? That's crazy.
Flora: Well, if you are in an environment like this, of course you would do something to distract yourself.
Marinette: Yeah, like me doing some fashion designing.
Kanade: Are you feeling alright Yoisaki?
K: I'm fine... just like Ruby said, I was composing all night.
Sayaka: After this, make sure you sleep. Got it?
I just nodded. I have a bad habit of composing at night.
Sayaka: Now sit down, and eat this actually healthy breakfast!
She places me on one of the seat. In front of me is curry rice.
K: I thought I told you I just ate.
Sayaka: Cup ramen? Yeah, I don't think you can actually get full from just eating that.
Roy: What's a cup ramen?
Ren: It's in the name, the ramen is smaller and the seasoning and vegetables comes in packages.
Ashlynn: Oh! I want to try!
Flora: Me too!
Cloud: I suppose I could try.
Ruby: Man, I remember when I had the giant ramen bowl in my universe.
Giant WHAT!?
Yuga: I prefer Udon.
Uncultured child!!
Roy: That sounds like a fascinating food! Maybe it's as good as this curry rice Ren made. You should try it!
Ren just blushed at him, he's probably embarrassed.
K: I would but-
Marvelous: Just eat it all ready.
He fed me the curry rice. It's actually very good!
Sayaka: What do you think K?
K: It's very good!
Ren: Thanks. Marvelous is at his fourth plate already.
Huh. Welp, I guess no matter what type of pirate captain you are, you are always going to have that big appetite.
After that amazing breakfast, Marvelous set up a meeting.
Marvelous: Alright everyone listen up! I have a plan to escape.
K: Where did he get that white board?
Yuga: My room. Don't worry, I gave him permission.
I- okay..
Marvelous: We are going to investigate more of this place and find some materials for Yuga and Carl to create a invention to get us out of here. This place is pretty big so I suggest we check our monophones' building app.
K: Building app?
Ruby: Basically, the map for this place.
I checked the monophone and found the building app.
The bottom floor has the hallway, nursery room,staircase room, mudroom (which I still have trauma from that room), two powder rooms (one for girls and one for boys), the dining room, the kitchen, the living room and the family room.
The upper floor has all of our rooms, two bathrooms for each genders and Monoentity's room with an en suite. Why do they have that?
There's also the front porch with the frontyard having a playground, a garden and a clubhouse.
And finally the back veranda with the backyard having a golf course, pool, greenhouse, a shed and a treehouse.
Marvelous: We will divide into groups of four. I will be with Ruby, Roy and Ren at the top floor. Flora, Franziska, Cloud and Vivia, you guys will go to the backyard. Marinette, Maria, Ashlynn and Kanade will go to the frontyard. Finally, K, Sayaka, Yuga and Carl will stay here. Got it?
Everyone else: Yes Captain!
Everyone goes to their assigned places. With Marvelous and Roy lifting Yuga's white board back to his room.
I stay with Sayaka, Yuga and Carl. The two boys are busy planning on the invention to get us out of here.
K: Um.. Sayaka...
Sayaka: What is it K?
K: Why don't we just hop over the gates?
Sayaka: About that, the entire building's surrounding is made of hardened glass. We can't do that.
K: WHAT! Then how are we breathing!?
Sayaka: There's probably an oxygen machine somewhere that makes us breath.
Great. Now that truly proves that we are trap here forever...
Carl: No you imbecile! That part goes here!!
Oh no.. there's a feud going on..
Yuga: It's my invention so it's going that way you fancy pants!!
Carl: At least I look great! What's wrong with your hair!?!?
Yuga: Do you mind taking that stupid top hat and cape of yours off!??! It's annoying enough like your face!!!!
Sayaka and I break those two up.
Sayaka: Enough both of you!! Just pick an idea and go for it!
Those two look away from each other. Not going to lie, they feel like brothers of some sort. Like Ena and her brother.
We heard Monoentity's voice again.
Monoentity: Attention my sinners! Please meet up at the living room IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!
They sound mad. What happened?
Everyone meet up in the living room and Monoentity appears. We are not allowed to skip their meeting after all.
Monoentity: Before I gave this announcement, new rule, DO NOT ENTER MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!
Goodness, they are loud!
Cloud: That's weird, what happened?
Ruby: Marvelous tried to enter Monoentity's room.
Marvelous: Why do you even have a room?
Monoentity: LIKE I'M GOING TO ANSWER YOU FILTHY PIRATE!!!! *Ahem*, Anyways, I open up the third and fourth floors for this building. You are allowed to check it out. Have fun!
Monoentity leaves in a flash.
Franziska: Why does that being always tell us to have fun!?
Flora: Maybe because they want us to stay positive...?
Vivia: We're in a killing game. I don't think they meant that. I suppose it's sarcastic.
Ruby: Well whatever it is, we should probably see what's in the third and fourth floors.
Everyone checked the monophone's building app. It's updated.
The third floor has a pet room (even though there's no animals), a walk-in closet, a dressing room for each genders, a laundry room, a linen room, a sunroom, a observatory and a conservatory.
The fourth floor has a pantry, a butler's pantry, a cellar, a wine cellar, a wine tasting room, a wine storage room and a home bar.
Ren: Weird. Usually pantries are always near the kitchen. And the cellars, wine rooms and bar are usually at the basement.
Kanade: Well, the basement is for the class trial. So they had to move it somewhere else.
K: I suppose so..
This building layout is very weird.
Marvelous: Whatever it is, let's go and see the rooms.
We first go to the third floor. We decided to go to the pet room first. There's only small animatronic animals here.
Ashlynn: Oh what a shame, I was excited on seeing the animals.
Cloud: Well, there's too much fans in this room anyways. It won't be good for the animals.
Cloud's right, there are fans everywhere in this room. In fact, there's so many fans in the third floor in the first place. It's very cold, with the wind from the fans being very strong.
We then go to the walk-in closet.
Marinette: Wow! So many clothes in here!!!
Maria: Uuu, Uuu! They're very pretty!!
So many wonderful clothes. It reminds me of my many outfits when going into Sekai.
We then go to the dressing rooms separately. But before that, Marvelous ask a very awkward question.
Marvelous: Why do we have dressing rooms when we can just change clothes in the walk-in closet together.
Carl: And see the women unclothed!? NO THANKS!!
Why did the Captain gave that question? Is he curious?
We enter the dressing rooms separately. Not much to say about that room. The same can be said for the laundry room and the linen room. It's something you expect from those kind of rooms.
We then go to the conservatory. Flora seems happy.
Flora: What a lovely room! It feels like the garden from outside.
Ren: That's weird, conservatories are always at the bottom floor.
Ruby: We already have a garden, so it's better to have it here.
Ren and I still find it weird.
We then go to the sunroom.
K: Weird, don't we already have a conservatory? Because if I remember correctly, conservatory and sunrooms are the same.
Vivia: The sunroom is a room to get a tan while the conservatory is a room to gardening indoors.
So that's the difference...
We then go to the observatory. Why do we have this when we aren't allowed to go anywhere at night...?
We then go to the fourth floor.
Yuga: Brr.. This floor is colder than before!!!!
Carl: Aren't your hair is just a fire?
Yuga: Shut it, top hat!
Sayaka: Please don't start an argument here!
Those two boys look away from each other. I'm starting to feel like they are siblings.
We then go to the wine cellar. After that, the wine tasting room. And then the wine storage room and finally the home bar.
After all of that, Franziska start to complain.
Franziska: Why is there so many rooms DEDICATED TO WINE!!!??? Only a few of us are legal enough to drink it!!!!!!
Kanade: To be fair, I once drinked alcohol by accident. The blackened in my universe swap the drinks with alcohols there.
Franziska: GOODNESS!!!! Are you okay after that!??!!?
Kanade: I'm fine, it was someone else that got murdered.
Marinette: I'm so sorry for your lost..
Kanade: That's fine, he's in a better place now.
Whoever heard that better not make the same thing then.
We then go to the cellar, the pantry and the butler's pantry.
Ruby: With there being a butler's pantry, wouldn't there be a butler here?
Sayaka: I don't think so. If anything, we ARE the butlers here. But who is the most butler out of all of us?
Roy: I believe it's Ren. Not only does he have a skills and looks of a butler but he also has the charisma of one!
Ren is blushing again.
Ren: Knock it off, Roy! Your compliment from breakfast is already embarrassing enough for me..!
We go back to the first floor and discuss it in the dining room.
Maria: You know guys, this entire building reminds Maria of something...
Ruby: What is it, Maria?
Maria: Yuga, can Maria borrow your sketchbook and pencils please?
Yuga: Sure...?
The boy gives her his sketchbook and pencils. Maria starts to draw something.
What is that?
Sayaka: Um... Maria, what's this?
Maria: The Inferno.
Everyone was shocked. The Inferno!?!?
Maria: Preferably Dante's Inferno. It's a novel made by Dante himself about going to the Inferno.
Franziska: What does this have to do with this situation!? EXPLAIN!!!!
Maria just smiles...
Yuga: Maria..?
The smile widens but her eye turns soulless...
K: Maria..? We're waiting...
Maria: KIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI!!!!! I thought all of you all ready know what the concept of hell is!!!!!
All of us are shocked! Is that.... really Maria....?
Maria: The first floor is the perfect replica of the first level of the Inferno, the Limbo. The Limbo is just earth but the major difference is that we can't die at all. The first floor feels lively like the earth but the outside is covered by hardened glass and we can still breath. Just like the Limbo.
She isn't wrong....
Maria: The second floor, while it isn't fully relevant, is the area of Minos. Minos is a figure from ancient Greek mythology that judges where people need to go in the underworld based on their actions. Think of Monoentity as Minos, we are near them and we are constantly judged by them.
She is so right, it's scary...
Maria: The third floor is the replica of the second level of the Inferno, Lust. In that level, the sinners of lust will be blown away by strong winds as strong as a hurricane. The third floor has so many fans that are incredibly strong. Strong like the level of Lust.
Where does she get these informations!?!!?
Maria: Finally, the fourth floor is the replica of the third level of the Inferno, Gluttony. In that level, there is mixture of rain, sleet, snow and hail coming down rapidly on to the sinners. The fourth level is very cold as if rain, sleet, snow and hail rained down on us.
We were too stunned to speak after hearing all of that... until Marvelous sit next to her.
Marvelous: So what about these other levels? Will they be replicated too?
Maria: Possible. This entire building is themed around the Inferno.
Marvelous: Well with us being called sinners, I come to the conclusion, we are in hell.
Everyone except Maria was shocked by Marvelous's words... Seriously!!??
Sayaka: WHAT!??!? But we aren't dead yet and we didn't do anything wrong!!!!
Marvelous: CALM DOWN!!! We aren't really in hell, we are just in a replica of it. Whoever send us here must have want to pin the blame of something on us while we are suffering when we don't realize.
That's just made everything worse!!
Marvelous: Here Maria, I got you a candy as a reward.
He gave her a wrapped candy.
Maria: Thank you Captain!! Uuu! Uuu!!
Franziska: Why the hell would you gave her a reward!?!!!? She literally went psycho!!!!
Marvelous: Relax, at least be thankful for her giving this information. Besides, I don't think she can kill anyone here. But I will keep my eyes on her.
Marvelous is very brave to keep an eye out for her....I wish to be brave too...
K: Um.. guys, it's 9:17 pm. We should go to bed before Monoentity scream at us...
Marvelous: I agree, we will continue tomorrow.
Everyone goes back to their rooms... Are we truly in hell...?
Monoentity's Theater.
(Note: In Monoentity's Theater, Monoentity will be playing as one of the sinners in the killing game. You guys will guess which is it.)
Monoentity: This Sinner is a hero but they have other duties too. To the point where they are mocking God as if He never grant humanity pleasure but only them. Not only that, but the Sinner has eyes for someone. So much so that they commit many atrocities and still claim the title of the hero.
(Note: That's it for the Daily Life for now. I'll be continuing it along with releasing six Free Time Events. With a Motive after the first three Free Time Events and a Body Discovery Announcement after the last one. Writing a Free Time Event takes a long time. Be seeing you.)
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