Uh Oh! Body Swap!!
Basically, another alternative for the first motive.
I woke up and..... wait, this isn't my room..
I go to a mirror for a moment....
Is that Marvelous?!?!?? Wait.... unless this is.....
(Note: Any names with this font means that is the soul of the body)
Marvelous (K): Sayaka!!!!!
I knock at the door furiously..is this true!?!??!
Sayaka (Carl): Ugh... Marvelous.. don't yell at me like that... and why did you say Sayaka? I'm Carl.
Marvelous (K):...... look at your mirror.
Sayaka (Carl): What? Is there something wrong with my face?
He... she...I don't even know!!! Goes to check the mirror....
Sayaka (Carl): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And then...."Carl" was awake.
Carl (Sayaka): What is going o-! WHY IS THERE ANOTHER ME!??!!??!!?
Sayaka (Carl): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marvelous (K): S-Sayaka!! Look at the mirror!!!
Carl (Sayaka): Um... okay Captain..?
Suddenly, someone kicked...MY DOOR!!!!!!!!!
K (Marvelous): WHO THE HELL SWAP OUR BODIES!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no idea that my body can do that..
Carl (Sayaka): K's right!!!!! Our bodies were swapped!!!!!!!!!!!
K (Marvelous): I'M NOT K!!!!!!!!! I'M MARVELOUS!!!!!!!!!
Carl (Sayaka): Wait.... that means.....
Marvelous (K): Yea, I become an alien!
K (Marvelous): Don't yea!!!! I'm short now!!!!!!
Carl (Sayaka): Wait, Captain, how did you know we were body swapped?
K (Marvelous): Two of my teammates were effected by this before. I couldn't believe it happened to me now.....
Sayaka (Carl): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAA AAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carl (Sayaka): CARL!!!!!! Stop screaming in my body!!!!!!
Sayaka (Carl): Sorry.
Suddenly, Yuga woke up.
Yuga (Maria): Uuu.... what's all the noise? Maria couldn't sleep....
Uuu? Maria?!?
Marvelous (K): .... check your mirror..
Yuga (Maria): Uuu? Okay.....
Suddenly... Maria's....? Door was busted open.
Maria (Yuga): WHERE THE HELL IS MARIA?!??!?!?!
Yuga (Maria): Uuu... here... inside your body.
Maria (Yuga): OH GOD WHY!!?!!????!!!??
Yuga (Maria): Don't know... also, no cursing in Maria's body!!!
Maria (Yuga): Seriously...?
And then, Roy woke up.
Roy (Ren): YUGA!! What's all the rackets going on here?!?!!
Maria (Yuga): .... Roy, who did you body swap with?
Roy (Ren): Body swap? What are you talking?!
And then..."Ren" woke up.
Ren (Roy): Good morning ev- is that my body?!?!
Roy (Ren): Oh my god he's right....we are body swapped.
Ren (Roy): What?
Yuga (Maria): Body swap! It's where your soul and conscious are inside of someone else's body and theirs is in yours.
Ren (Roy): Really?!!?!? Then who's body I'm in?!!?!!
Roy (Ren): Mine!!!! I'm Ren!!!! And I'm in yours!!!!!!
Roy then..... check his (Ren's body) butt?!?!?
Ren (Roy): No wonder I feel like my butt was bigger.
Roy (Ren): HEY!!!!!!!!!!!
Cloud woke up.
Cloud (Vivia): Ugh.... what's going on? I couldn't sleep with all of you making so much noise.
Vivia also wok- wait....
Vivia (Cloud):Yeah, what the hell?! Why are you guys sc-
... they look at each other for a moment.
Vivia (Cloud): AAAA!!! What the fuck?!?!?!
Cloud (Vivia): ..... did we just body swapped somehow..?
Yuga (Maria): Uuu Uuu! Yes! You two did!!
Cloud (Vivia): Maria, is that you in there?!
Marvelous (K): .... This couldn't get any worse.... right?
I was wrong. It did. Ruby kicked her door open.
.... someone opens their door. I'm not gonna bother on who is it.
Franziska (Ruby): Here I- whaaaat?
..... she goes to her.
She shakes her body.
Franziska (Ruby): I don't know!!!!!! But it's fun!!!!
Ruby (Franziska): No it's NOT!!!!!!!!!
Ashlynn woke up.
Ashlynn (Flora): Is everyone experiencing a body swap?!!!!??
Carl (Sayaka): Wait, Ashlynn, how did you know?
Ashlynn (Flora): I'm not Ashlynn. I'm Flora. I noticed it when I looked at my mirror.
Flora (Ashlynn): Indeed. I'm Ashlynn!! Although, you have an amazing skin Flora.
Ashlynn (Flora): My, yours is more beautiful, Ashlynn.
Not them complimenting each other's bodies.....
Kanade (Marinette): WAAAAAAH!!!!!!! Guys!!!!! What happened??!??!?!! My body is larger!!!!!!
Marvelous (K): It seems like that's Marinette.
Kanade (Marinette): Wait what?!!?!!!! Body swap?!!?!???!
Marinette (Kanade): Indeed...I have a bad feeling this the motive for the murder...
What kind of motive is that??!??!!???
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