Strings attached again.
(Note: This is a side story about Carl's perspective before the killing game happened. So this will be in his perspective.)
A year went by.......I still remember everything.
About the Boundary, Embryo and how my entire life before was a time loop.
"He" sacrifice himself for the world to be think the Grim Reaper would do that.....
(Note: In case you don't know, this is Ragna the Bloodege. In short, during Central Fiction, he sacrifice himself and erase others memories of him. I have a feeling that Carl is the only that remembers everything due to peering into the Boundary.)
But yet, why didn't I get my happiness?! Why must I be the only one that suffers!!?? I'm all alone... with my sister..... and she's lately disobeying my orders. But she still follows me...
Do you hate me now, sis? Do you only follow me so I wouldn't get sad?
(Note: Nirvana is mute.)
Carl: Oh... it's nothing sis. Let's get going.
My sister and I have been traveling all around the world to find ways to make her human again. There's still nothing....
Suddenly...I found a weird..... phone..?
Carl: Don't worry sis, it's just an harmless phone. Maybe we can use this.
A video automatically plays...
A video of Despair....or at least... for my past self.
The world in flames, everyone killing themselves, the people I knew are dead....
I already thrown my humanity away. So I couldn't be bothered.
Carl: This thing is useless.
Carl: So? The world can burn, for all I care.
I threw it away... someone manages to catch it..... it's not sister.
???: Well that's awfully rude of you. Participant number five.
This..."person" put it back into their pockets.
???: However, that truly shows your potential to become one of us.
"One of us"? What does it mean?
¿¿¿: Indeed. What do you say? Be one of our alliance for the sake of the killing game?
Alliance?! Killing game?! What on earth are they blabbing about?!?! Also, where did he come from?!?!?
Sis came to protect me from them.
Carl: Forgive me, but I have no interest on this "alliance" of yours. I work alone with my sister.
???: Oh? Her? Well.... what if we told you we have a way to make her human again?
Carl: What?!
¿¿¿: Um.... Yeah! For our Lord shall give you a Utopia that shall save your sister.
He is stuttering. He's lying.
Carl: Convince me all you want but no means no.
???:.... you ask for it. Faker.
Faker? That's what he's called? The Faker takes out a knife of some sort and attack me. Thankfully, sis save me in time.
Carl: If it's a fight you want, it's a fight you get. ADA!
She punches the man but misses. He's very agile.
Carl: Grr! I'll handle him. Sis, you handle her.
And so our battle begins.
Fighting this guy is so hard! He dodges my attacks effortlessly and he has some sort of magic I never seen before. Suddenly....sis collapse.
Carl: ADA!!!!!!
Some black energy appears on her arm.... what are these two?!!?!??!
Carl: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!??!?!!
???: Aw~. Don't be like that participant number five. We'll fix her. But we'll also keeping her.
Carl: WHAT?!??!?! NO!!!!!!! THAT'S MY SISTER!!!!!!!! GIVE HER BACK!!!!!!!!!
???: Ugh. They are right, you really are stubborn.
They snap their fingers again.
???: LORD MONOENTITY!!!!!!!!!
Suddenly, a..... thing... appears.
Monoentity: On it, Messiah.
A bright flash hits me.... and I fainted.....
After that, I woke up. In a place I'm not familiar with. Sis is not by my side....
Carl: Sis?!?! SIS?!!!!??!????
There eleven more people here....I better get off of this....bed and go to find sis.
Carl: Sis?!??! Ada?!!?!!? Nirvana?!!??!
No matter what I called her, she is no where to be found.....sis.... don't leave me....
A weird hair boy: Excuse me...? Are you one of another person that just woke up from the nursery room?
Was that the room I woke up in?
Carl: Um.... yeah....
Yuga: Oh. Makes sense, by the way, I'm Yuga Ohdo, Li'l Ultimate Invent. Nice to meet you.
Something rang in my pocket. It's a.... phone..? The same phone....
I go to the app called Sinner's has all of the participants information.... including mine....
Ultimate Vigilante....
Carl: Um....Carl Clover.. Ultimate Vigilante.
Yuga: WOW! You're an vigilante?!?? I never seen one before!!!! Hey, are you a cyborg?!?
Carl: What the?!!? Why do you think that?!!?
Yuga: says your sister is an automaton which I asked someone here on what is it and they say those are moving mechanical device made in imitation of humans! That's so cool!! So.. are you not a cyborg?
Carl: No...
This boy seems to be interested in machines....
I felt my left for a moment....
Carl: Hey, is there any mirrors?
Yuga: Well, there's the bathrooms and powder rooms. Make sure don't go to the girl's parts.
Carl: You think I'm insane to do that?!?! I would never do such thing.
I go to the boy's powder room and stare at the mirror for the moment..
It seems I gain a new half-mask that functions like a real eye... not to mention how perfectly they replicate it...
Yuga: So are you interested in any machines of some kind?!?!?
Carl: Well... other than automatons, I have a petit knowledge about androids.
Yuga: WOW!!!!!! Really?!!??!!! Can you teach me everything about them!??!?!! I want to learn more on how to make them!!!!!!!
Carl: I-sure....
It seems I have no choice but to be my old self that I've abandon a year ago. For my sister.
You guys want to play this?!!?!?!! Fine, I'll play. But I want my sister to be okay. Don't harm Ada.
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