Mechanical Genius Brothers (with hats!)
Yuga: Caaaarl!!!!! Franziska is dead in the home bar!!!!!
Carl: Ohhhh....heyyy.... how did she get here?
Yuga: Caaaarl!!!!!! What did you do???!
Carl: Me? *Stutters* I didn't do this.
Yuga: Explain what happened Carl!
Carl: I've never seen her before in my life.
Yuga: Why did you kill her, Carl!?
Carl: I do not kill people. That is.... that is my LEAST favorite thing to do.
Yuga: Tell me Carl, exactly what you were doing before the body was discovered.
Carl: Alright well, I was with you and Marvelous.
Yuga: Okay.
Carl: I was uh....I met QAHR.
Yuga: Yes.
Carl: Gave her a command.
Yuga: Go on.
Carl: Franziska was alone.
Yuga: Okay...?
Carl: So me and QAHR went up to her.
Yuga: Yes?
Carl: And I, uh, well I command QAHR to strangle her from behind.
Yuga:..... Caaaarl!!!! That KILLS people!!!!!!
Carl: Oh! Oh... W-wow I....
Yuga: Caaaarl......
Carl: I- *stutters* I didn't know that!!
Yuga: How could you not know that!!!???
Carl: Yeah, I'm in the wrong here. I suck.
Yuga: Where's QAHR now?
Carl: What's that?
Yuga: Where's QAHR?!?! Why, why is she missing?
Carl: Well I,uh, I kind of, uh, hide her. In the walk-in closet.
Yuga: Caaarl....
Carl: Well, I uh, I was mad and well, you know, when you are mad-
Yuga: Why on earth would you do that?!
Carl: I was mad I didn't found my secret! Gimme a break!
Yuga: Caaarl....
Carl: My madness was making the rumbliees.
Yuga: Caaarl.....
Carl: That only bloodshed would satisfy.
Yuga: What is WRONG WITH YOU, CARL!!!
Carl: Well I, I kill people and I'm secretly insane. That's-that's two things.
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