Hugs? (Fluff and Gay)
Get ready for cringe and gay fluff, if you dont like this ship and prefer them as homies or bros
Serioudly please this is cringe, bro please dont, if you dont like them as friend, then don't see this please im warning you, dont ask me why i do this to myself
Xolum put his mace down and layed down on his bed, it was another rough day of fighting against Kang and his minions. He looked at the top of the tent, as he slowly started to doze of, Veb came and suprised him, "Hey Xolum! Veb greeted him, " Oh, hey there Veb." Xolum greeeted him back, "What are you doing?" Veb looked around, "I'm resting." Xolum replied.
"Can I join you? Veb asked, Xolum blushed and turned his head around, " You have your own bed, just sleep there." Xolum reasoned, "I know but,your bed is so big and comfortable...I sleep in a really small bed." Veb sighed.
Xolum continued to refuse, but in the end, he reluctantly let Veb sleep in his bed, "This is....embarrassing." Xolum tought, he was still blushing, even though you can't really see it, the supernova in his head turned into a mix of red and orange.
As Xolum was currently cursing to himself, he felt a hand thug his back, he quickly turned around and quickly realized who it was, it was veb, and he was hugging him, while he was sleeping.
Xolum's cranium get even redder in color, he was flustered, he's never felt a hug in his entrie life, it felt...warm and nice, which bugged him out.
I am Xolum, one of the strongest and fearsome fighters of the freedom fighters and I'm being hugged by.... a celiphod?
As Xolum was questioning his life, Veb was moving around and mubling random worlds, Xolum faced his blobby friend and listened to his sleep talk, "L-love you..." Veb mumbled. Xolum stared at him, he continued looking at him, when he finally processed what happened, he broke.
"W-what?!" Xolum covered the front of his cylinder head, after he calmed down, he looked at Veb.
He decided to just sleep, he slouched back on the bed, he fell into sleep.
"Love you....."
"Pickle Joe."
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