C72: "In the new world"
While they argued these things noticed that it was not lia neither michy near, seeing that there was a small girl between some bushes approached to see if they could have answers.
-Hear small have not seen to a woman....- It said kamen but suddenly of the sky listened .
-Ahhhhh Help- Lia shouted of horror as she to the not happening like the others to this plane call the attention of beings interdimensionales that were attacking it and she did not have a lot If I achieve more there is of the that attained to recover thanks to the elementary glasses that brought achieve attained to give him something of battle but only attained to keep it far.
-Lia!-They shouted all even the girl. Suck I look it extrañado but soon notice that she was nude, besides that felt like a connection with her. Taking into account what knew of Yogui gave account that it happened, this girl is Michy. Yogui The one who at last saw 100% normal to the ewhatual that more felt that she was something like them and understood that it treated of her after shouting with them.
Yogui Did not lose the time and flew to the sky giving account that was not so easy to fly in that place, there is an odd energy surrounding those that uses to attain the flight; however still it can do it although slow combining all his strengths. Suddenly of the sky appears like a portal and of there can see as it went out a woman, which was with the red eyes and the pale face of scare.
Behind her an intangible shadow was it aimed to devour...
-Lia!-Cry Yogui while the other those who did not have a lot control of the elements of the wind looked powerless this scene. They could not go to help. Yogui Launched a fierce attack to the creature which only served for relentizarla avoiding that it will attain to eat to Lía. She relieve when seeing this the other could help it to lidiar with this impossible creature.
The creature went out a bit of the portal but something began it to jalar again to inside, shouting of fury and powerless was found to inside and the portal closed . In the meantime Yogui and Lia fell in free fall, using the little Whati that remained them to brake. The other from down treated to brake them exasperated due to the fact that this was a bit useless, however attained that his fall was a bit soft.
-Thank heaven!- It said Lia embracing to Yogui The one who saw like a normal person, the only had gone back to his hybrid form for desatar an elder can to the hour to go by her to the sky. They understood that she was the one who had taken part with his ascensiones, for like this avoid that they were separate. This explained because it had crossed to travez of the zone of more danger, in addition to that it was not rare that with his level of understanding will attain can take part.
All were relieved and the girl that had gone out of the bushes to help, went back to put to them of the shame. I notice them this and the other denied with the head a bit with laugh, Yogui took out one of his pieces and offered it to him so that it have for the moment, the other did the same fearing that it had cold.
-Pope- said michy looking to kamen sonrojado and with sadness, was scared by his future because of being woman. Lia comparecía of her and prompt all approached to her and said him.
- You do not concern you you are part of the family- said him all at the same time and máx the one who observed from far curious said-from before already were my sister, is well that do not follow like beast; it had been still more dangerous- sonriendole to her.
-mmhhmm- Said she assisting with the head treating to say something but only issued sounds, she knew to speak now but did not go out him of the all well.
-You go to help it to train, has to accustom to his new body- said him Kamen to his son. This assented in agreement.
-Nose Where will be that we are but the best will be that we move us away, is possible that have called the attention of the near strengths like risen, with luck will be able to camuflajearnos between the demas- said Dark while it directed to forward beginning to direct to the group.
-They expect give me all his hands- said Lia and whatuickly attained them transmit the new Whati leaving in each one a small strand of the same, after recovering with help of a glass that gave him Kamen to be able to split fast. All attained to understand thanks to this and the applications that she gave the bsoc of this, sabian that the only that had to do was prácticar. But to avoid possible penurias would keep limited with these leaving his state near of the beak, for like this not exhausting his energies retained.
While they split to kilometres of kilometres felt that they had come.
-Somebody jump the main world and rose to an upper plane?!- They exclaimed several elderly of a sect.
-As it is this possible?! Maybe Stole to some egg or there was an illicit birth?!, fast verify to all the females; even to which were sacrificed or buried. His corpses have to follow here or not having traces to having given to light- all had fear to find that they had failed in controlling the lineage of this clan- Expect that it was a boy of another clan- muttered angry. This situation repeated in all the clans of the world, all investigated that it happened maybe only maybe will treat of a cultivador incredibly strong which had a lot of luck. In case the doubts consulted to the others clans and to the inferior worlds. It is possible that some son of one of the inferior world have strengthened the sufficient and instead of going with his father have attained to go to this place. However there were not answers that confirmed east throw.
-Only there are two options, or attained to hide well his trace was of the son of the one who was of the divine world; or it is a person which inherited a divine inheritance- said one of the wise persons in one of the sects, the other in other sects also would arrive to this conclusion. It was the situation that was treats of a cultivador strong and possibly also possess different valuable resources. Although the of the resources are not so valuable or was something sure that this have it all wanted to go after his trace. It was a good staff which take care to strengthen his sect, although in case the doubts would keep it in the low stairs of the clan.
Looking to the horizon the sects of this world had to be followed the trace of this recien arrived, having a very powerful sect which felt the transfer of Lia. East throw call them a lot the attention, somebody that rose until this plane challenging to the skies is a be very little common and more still powerful. It seems to be that it appeared in the same place that the recien arrived.They will be that they have come together? It asked the leader of this sect with excitation because of the emotion that produced him east throw
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