C71: "Ascensión"
They were not conscious of the luck that really had, as there weren a lot of strengths in research of the and still did not attain to find it; if it did not go by you litigate them interns that had entr and they to be able to put in her his hands first the history of her now same would be something entirely different.
-Ma Seat me rarp- said him more to The while his body seemed to shine and on the formed nuves of storm.
-Carajo Did not think that our son would be the first- said Kamen when seeing this all already had arrived to the maximum level including to Lía and the tribulación to rise to the sky had not arrived them still. But they understood that this had to be related co the mark of married, as his son of inherent way also had it, only once that all arrive to his beak his ascensión would begin.
Soon all the other began to shares the odd feeling of Max save by Lía, which only felt to flow by them a new type of energy and the deal to begin to cultivate. While the other began to suffer the hits of the rays she without giving of account had gone skywards flying, wanting to investigate this strength closely, as it was mixed with many others. Only in the cloud could feel it more purely, although they had others that were disturbing.
However these flow with this energy instead of covering the working like one improving the first from the second, she went of if same thinking in as it was this possible investigating that it could do. So much so that I do not notice the sufferings and penurias of the tribulaciones below, felt that everything was well; besides his son did not go to die by her and she already had learnt to calm his mind for seeing it injure. However to feel something bad between the connection of him and of her will take part immediately, she besides had been warned of not taking part when it will happen this; it could be more hurtful that the not doing at all. In front of this she decided will force to do what would be less harmful, by what distract with this energy to avoid fall in the temptation to take part.
Prontamente Saw that of the noves of the sky saw a new earth and remain marvelled, in addition to that had a lot of beautiful places viendose to the same time. Soon if uncle like these places seemed to connect with each one of which were below, almost as if they were calling them and she concerned because they were separating them. It was what was up there is not better that here below, have to remain together; she that had something of understanding of this energy block these signals and the deal to direct to any another place.
This was very difficult especially because the previous places insisted in separating them, but she attained atravez to spend all his strengths and the ones of this cloud open the image of a new place that did not seem to be it calling. She saw like his loved husbands and his children were transported to this place and jump to travez of the portal of the sky. Expecting attain appear beside them, did not know because these places seemed to call them; maybe it was something well but maybe no.
There was not guarantee that when going to where called them would not be esclavizados to the little time to arrive, still with the protection to be recien risen could find the way pair to bury them until being able to esclavizados. This was so but she was not safe, only imagined that forms could treat against the recien arrived.
With fear of what could happen did what did with such to avoid the suffering of all in a future, especially by his son. Although the risk follow be the same without mattering where went due to the fact that always it notices where is that somebody goes to ascendee. The best for them is to follow together almenos so would give litigates.
In the meantime in some mountainous zones surrounded of beatas create was, the sky begins to put turbulent and some hazes of light begin to descend of them. From inside of these begin to notice human figures.
-Which devils was this?- I exclaim kamen angry, while the other repeated the same. There weren Seen a beautiful place to arrive full of resources to cultivate. they were expecting Them With open arms as if of the return of the son pródigo will treat . But after 0ensar a bit, gave account that maybe have gone to these places was not something well. No there weren given account that were in a transe, and were separating them; in this class of places although they can not esclavizarte sure there are other forms to keep you under his control with which can you attach. They almost leave carry to the mouth of the wolf.
-How it was that we attain to go out of that?- They said all the men to the unísono, they at the beginning felt that they were going to the paradise and that a bad was them snatched of these doors. They struggled to attain arrive to them but went in vain. After thinking a bit gave account that it was very dangerous what happened somehow called the attention of the upper world, surely because of the level of understanding that had when doing the ascensión. At the beginning the strengths were treating of jalar litigating by them, but only the 6 stronger could persist in calling them. As there was one for each one left d litigate and delivered them between them to the chance before the energy spent to attract them exhaust . Never it would have occurred them that a main strength intervendria, and by more than treated to sell it joining between them could not; finishing losing the resources. Now same are treating to understand that it was what happened, especially because it is strength was not any of the known of the upper worlds.
But afterwards they remembered falling of the divine beast and joined capes probably is had a method for lidiar against the announcement when rising , They were angry in front of this finished of peede4 a lot in addition to the face; Which class of beast or be divine descended to have a technician like that?!. There are not registers in any side like a prince losing his place or some legacy of high rank being missing as so that it was possible this.
Maybe Will be possible that this was the result of a stray inheritance of the upper world? They asked these people. These inheritances are left by those that attain to advance more have to the divinity. This is super rare occurs once each trillion centenas of years maso less, is an exaggeration give an average of time so that something like this occur; almost there are not registers of this and if there are them no takes them to him seriously.
How can arrive to rise more aya of this sky? This concept seems them impossible, as to attain it would have to attain obtain an absolute understanding of all the existent strengths in the Whati or even until creating a new way to use it or a new energy. However there are registers of those who with a type of energy super powerful attained to happen this barrier. Therefore it is class of things considered fantsoes.
Only the big sects had the certainty on this truth thanks to the inheritances that leave by these after rising, as when one rise to the divine plane leaving behind if a full earth that related to which studied; doing the excellent for the crop of these same. These inheritances are still better that these terrains, as they have his own consciousness; a more developed of which could leave after rising to the divinity. In this is so all the technicians of crop that used and is able to complement with the soul of one siendole the guide.
The occurred does not leave him ptra explanation that think that it treats of something like this, this did that by all sides there is a big stir.
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