C4:" an odd situacion (1)"
Because estara bent so was what even hurts him and can not move- think she, unable to see the delirios mental of the bear what have on her; were finished to cook a bit of meat of fish and the put in the snout to the animal.
Ella were cut as it could to the fish a part and as if it was a malvadizo put it to chance.
The tooth although it cut the meat of the same was not a knife, and was him dificil to handle; ademas of whar she tambien taenia something of hunger and no him it could support decided do it as it could .
Reflectioning All what happen up to now while oppen the other fishes and had to clean them remember. Bitch leave a cacke in the oven.... well My sister also was home I wish take it out before turn in a fire.
She were put to play with some magnets while it rested of the mental stunned that him wete produced so many hours of study, and seeing that the opposite poles no atraian attempt force them to join . She Was entertaining with this for did not begin vitiate whit his telephone or the pc, and in a moment with help of gripper and all his strengths attain it.
In this moment a particke of time separated of the atoms with which travelled creating a break of energi, this manifest in front she like a species of sparks.
I amaze him, the what jo knew is what this were perturbed in the space as ls particle of time they kwpt flowed, subject to the atomos and the gravitrones attaining a balance imperciptible what for the human.
I have what do it with magnets but big, said thrilled and happy. She believes what maybe were discovered a new way to generate energy, so what follow distracting analysising.
When doing it a break dimesiinal manifest, veia different to a black hole but alone resemblance what but long, was a ray what swallowed the image to his around, looking black, the thing flow to the as in the black holes but did not suck to the table o the materials what the were caused.
She thinking that was opening an hole black tink, were if with two positive it open with two negativis go it to close truth?.
Having throw fierza whit two poles of the positive between if to cause it, seeing what this no hupaba matter even put inside the for were can close it.
When bumping the twp negative saw what the ray decreassed, but suddenly feel what something the pulled and when it gave account was thrown on the pasture.
But that?!- I exclaim, in front of her were a very long river. Feeling comi all his body burned him almost jump in the, but recordo q no wise swim, and she feared to drown almost was aquofobics.
When seeing his reflection in the water that was of a girl of 14 years she turns pale, what fuck. When going in found with the particles of time his body were rejuvenated some years, only the experts of some rank podrian see his real age in his reflection; like ocurrio but late with the bear.
To the "trasmigrate", nose if it explains like transmigrate, sure go in in contact with another type of flow of time and this alter my body- thinks afterwards to see , the particulas of time influenced in his body rejuvenate fiscaly, although she not know the as and the existence of them in his body; it found like a happy event.
Although she believe what was been due to the different flows of time of a place and of another, something what does not have sense, but for somebody what does not understand the physics very is not rare to think so.
To the voltear sees a pastizal that goes to a forest, she estaria in the limit of the q serious this pastizal almost adentrandose in the zone of forest; when seeing to atras tambien notices two subjects struggling.
Gua This ea a dragon!- I exclaim, distrayendose to the subjects doing that these exclaim words that she no entendio.
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