Chapter 4
Alright guys and gals I'm back with the next chapter and you can play the song when ever so now then let's get with the story
"As I wake up with ruby laying on top of me I use my telekinesis to lift her up and put her back down on the bed."
Y/n:now then let's see the time okay it's 5:40 now let's go take a shower
"Huh is that the shower meh now let's see the time 6:00 huh big brother dose let me sleep in."
(You then walk out with the clothes of x-tale Gaster on yourself)
(That's what he looks like and his clothes)
Y/n:so ruby go get ready in the bathroom for classes
Ruby:okay see you when I get dressed
"Now then let's get back to work with my new blaster heh now let's see ah yes let's try and put a new soul power in it maybe kindness could use that one heh heals stamina and wounds even fatal maybe repair robots along with a shield function and hopefully penny survives the festival now that I think about it might as well as make it just in case also make one that can brake illusions now let's get started with the kindness soul shield function then so on."
Y/n:hey ruby do you mind handing me that laser multi tool
Y/n:the one that has about 8 buttons
Ruby:okay here
(She hands you it)
Y/n:thanks now hold on to the jaw
(You then fuse the jaw so that it can go on the hand and close along with open it to a full 180)
Y/n:ok know done with one part so let's go to class
Ruby:umm what time is it
Y/n:classes begin at 9:00
Ruby:okay should we start running
Y/n:no it's 8:30
Ruby:okay now let's walk
Timeskip along with place change still YourPOV
"Now let's see me and ruby are at ports and without her team oh wait there they are crashing though the door dear god help me and as time in ports went on ruby fell asleep and then woke up she then started to draw port with poop on his head meh beats me but Weiss is getting on my nerves with her staring at my sister like she is going to bribe the police to bring her in the station but she won't get far with that idea not at all."
Port:now then who believes that they are a true hunter/huntress in training
(Y/n)/Weiss:I do
Port:good thing I bought two random grim from some where that I won't tell you all about
(Then you just jump down)
Port:aren't you going to get ready
Y/n:no I always have my weapons on me
(Then two blasters appear and attached to your arms and then two blades appear out of the open mouth)
Port:ok then let's get on with this
(He then opens the cage and out comes a weapon master grim basically this grim can make any of its limbs into weapons and use them no problem)
Y/n:let's do this
You the rush the Grimm and double slash him with your swords but the Grimm blocks with his own two swords and then attacks with near light speed slash's but you being gaster infused warp reality to were the blades go through you without any damage done to you and you counter with six slash's one for each leg and one for each arm then you slash him in the chest to were he can't move because of blood loss then you end it with cutting his head off
Y/n:*yawns* seems like my morning exercise
Weiss:I can do that better
Y/n:huh oh it's just you like you could I just didn't give the Grimm enough time to switch weapons
Weiss:I could do it to were he wouldn't have time to do it
Y/n:wrong about that your style of fighting requires your enemy to go a certain way with no way to change or adapt your style with the fight which means a lack of relaxation in your style and it will go down in flames like that forest when there was Grimm to your right you instead went to the Grimm that ruby had and you were to stiff you couldn't flow and hit the Grimm you could of
Port:ah yes you are correct mr Gaster
Y/n:thank you professor port
(Bell rings)
Port:alright that's the bell now off to your other classes
Timeskip to lunch by killing CRLD oh wait your about to do that
Velvet:ow Cardin stop that or else Y/n will kill you
Cardin:hah as if he doesn't know
Y/n:actually I do
Cardin:ahhh n-n-now c-c-can't we talk about t-t-this
Y/n:I did tell oz and I did tell you that If found you bullying someone that I would kill you now then
You then take him to the void and start to make him lose his sense of time and use a knife that was created out of nothing and start cutting into him and you then make needles to go into other parts of his body the you make the rest of his team appear with the same thing done to them you the line them up and take out two pistols made from two Gaster blasters that have infinite ammunition that you like to call Dante and alucard then you shot of all four heads and exit the void with the guns in there holsters
Ruby:hey big brother what are those(she then points to the two guns)
Y/n:oh these two they are the guns I made which I like to call Dante and alucard(note Dante is red and silver and alucard is red and black you chose the way the pistols look and the type of pistols along with the type of mm ammunition)
Ruby:oh okay now then lunch was the last thing to do(just pretend it is)
Y/n:well I have to go and work on that project of mine so you do what you want remember just say or think my name and I'll come to your location
Ruby:alright see you later
Now that's a rap gals and guys also if you all want I can add the whole this amount of words if you all like just comment on it and I hope you enjoyed now then I'll see you all in the next chapter ah byyyyeeee
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