𝑖𝑡'𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑓𝑎𝑖𝑟
Chloe and Nova's School/ 3:25 pm/
"What's going on here at your school tonight? It's all decorated" Malcolm asks his daughters as they walked out of the school from yet another parent meeting.
The twins aren't always the best behaved in class...
"The annual daddy daughter dance" Nova shouted throwing her hands in the air out of excitement, they then dropped back down to her side. "But we can't go until we're in second grade"
"And that's next year" Chloe adds.
"Well when this time rolls around next year I'll be happy to take you two"
Nova and Chloe looked at each other and smiled. "Really?! But there's two of us."
"So? That means I get two lovely princesses to dance with" Malcolm said taking Chloe's hand and spinning her around. "Daddy do me!" Nova squealed and Mac did the same with her.
Unfortunately next year never rolled around, now Chloe sat in the back of her classroom watching all of the other girls and her friends talk about the annual dance tonight. She wanted to cry but was able to act like she was fine on the outside. She was used to faking smiles, over time it became a normal thing anyways.
The worst part was that she knew Nova was feeling the same. Her class was just across from Chloe's. They begged Ariana to let them stay in the same class this year but she suggested to have them separated as they could become too much of a handful when they were together.
Chloe watched as her teacher slowly approached her with a paper in her hand. She sat it down on Chloe's desk. A flyer for tonight. "Chloe, you sure you don't want one? Do you maybe have a uncle, or a friend-" Chloe shook her head, "No, it's okay though. Thanks" The teacher nodded in understanding not wanting to push anything on the little girl. Her friends watched her walk away and then ran up to Chloe's desk.
(doing faceclaims because they'll be featured more in the book)
"So you're really not coming tonight" Mya asked.
"No, I can't"
"My dad can dance with you, I don't mind sharing. If it'll make you come-"
"Thanks Mya but I'm not going."
"Have you talked to your mom?"
"No, she's stressed. Me and Nova don't wanna worry her"
The bell rang and Chloe quickly got up throwing her backpack over her shoulder. She and Nova always meet exactly 12.3 seconds after it rang. "See you Monday. You can tell me all about it!" She turned around rushing out and running into her sister.
"How was your day?" Nova asked her arm going around her sisters shoulder. She knew Chloe was upset about the dance. She had been all week. Nova was too but Chloe's looked forward to this for years on end. Nova was pretty tough on the outside but she has a soft spot when it comes to her family especially her little sister. (only by like 5 seconds)
"Boring. Why did mom have to switch our class? We were lucky enough to get into the same one this year"
"Yeah I wish you could've been with me today,"
"The dance" The two say at the same time. They stop and look at each other,
"We're not going" They say once again at the same time.
"Stop doing that" They tell the other, their words still synced.
They kept quiet leaving the front door of the school and running to their mothers car. "Hey babies. How was your-" Something caught her eye. The sad looks on both her daughters faces.
"Babies," She frowned. "Did something happen?"
Nova took a deep breath, reached into her backpack, pulled out the flyer, and handed it to Ariana. Unlike Chloe she had kept hers. "What is..." Ariana read it over and before she could get to the details, her heart sunk the second she read the top.
"Nova, Chloe, I'm sorry. You two have looked forward to this for years." Ariana said looking up at them.
"Don't worry," Chloe said trying to swallow the lump in her throat. "It's fine."
"No it's not fine. You girls deserve to go to this." Ariana got an idea, "How about I call Uncle Aaron? I bet he'd love to take you guys"
Nova shook her head. "We don't look like Uncle Aaron"
Ariana sighed, "What about...Frankie?" Deep down the twins were delighted by that idea. Their Uncle Frankie would make them completely forget about their father not being there. They'd spend the whole night laughing. But they knew him and Ariana weren't on good terms right now.
"Sounds good actually. But you guys are fighting"
"We're brother and sister. We fight and disagree all the time. He won't mind. He'll do it for you two. Plus I think it's about time we make up."
Grande Household/ 5:00
Chloe and Nova were now officially going to the dance! With their favorite Uncle ever. The night was going to be so fun they could hardly wait. They were so excited to surprise their friends who were still disappointed with them not going.
"You two look beautiful." Ariana smiled as she snapped a few photos.
Mac would certainly be proud. Ever since Chloe had brought the dance up he imagined what it would be like. A night with his two favorite little humans.
"We're going to be late if we don't leave now" Frankie said snapping his fingers and opening the door. "Girls have fun! Take pictures, I wanna see"
liked by frankiejgrande and 2.745.102. others
arianagrande how did I get so lucky with two? 🤍✨ (Chloe left, Nova Right)
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Chloe and Nova's School/ 5:45 pm
"This is exciting" Frankie cheered as the three entree the schools gym, which was quite big. Ariana and Mac spent months stressing over if they should homeschool their kids due to all of the attention. In the end they decided to send them to a private school. They wanted their daughters to have a normal life and school was a big thing. Ariana was worried that it would turn out...badly but years later she's glad that she made the right decision. School works out great for them, most of the time. Except for her getting a call from the school everyday about the twins clowning around or pranking their fellow classmates.
"You came!" The girl's friends shouted running to give them hugs. "Yeah, this is our mom's brother" Frankie did jazz hands, "Hello now let's get our dance on shall we?" Chloe and Nova stood there unimpressed.
"No one says that Frankie"
"Sorry I'm just trying to—what would your dad do?"
Chloe smiled, "He'd dance with the both of us"
"Do you think you'll be able to get back in the studio?" Victoria tries and I look over at her. She reads the look on my face leaving it alone.
"When do the twins get back?" Courtney asks and I check the time on my phone. "Not for another hour" Courtney rubbed her hand up and down my back, "Have you felt any better?"
"You know what, actually I have. Much better" Honestly, I couldn't believe what I was saying. Just two weeks ago my daughters wouldn't even speak to me. Now they're by my side at any point in time that they can be.
"That's all we want for you Ari, is for you to feel better. For Chloe and Nova to have support. We're here for you all the time"
I smiled, "thanks Vic."
"And don't try to get rid of us again, you're our best friend, we'll leave when we want to"
I chuckled, "So I guess that means you're never leaving huh?"
"Pretty much"
Suddenly the front door swings open startling the three of us. Chloe coming in first Nova after her.
Frankie came in closing the door behind him giving me a sad look. Here we go... (a/n coming to you soon! 😉)
I leaned forward, "Chloe? Do you wanna talk-"
"No mom! There's nothing to talk about" She let out a breath, teary eyed. "I don't have a dad and there's nothing that you can say or do to change that right?" She says leaving me in shock. I bit my lip and shake my head.
"See" She started off to her room. Nova running after her. "Chloe wait up!"
I placed my hands on the crown of my head. "Frankie, what happened?"
Courtney drew circles on my back and Frankie sat down in front of us. "What she said. She doesn't have a dad. I'm just a replacement..a filler for tonight. It doesn't feel right for her I guess"
"What about Nova?"
"She feels the same, you know she's just got a tough exterior."
"I need to go handle this" I sigh leaving the room. "Girls can I come in" I ask gently outside the door. Normally I wouldn't even bother to knock. It's my house I'll walk in whenever I please. But I do have to respect their privacy at times like these.
"Yes" I hear Nova say and go inside. Nova gets up giving me room to sit next to Chloe who laid face down into the pillow on her bed. I stroked her hair, "I'm sorry you had such a bad time tonight...you wanna talk about it?"
"I already told you. There's nothing to talk about"
"Chloe, I really, really wanna make this better. And I can't if you don't tell me what's wrong. We have to communicate remember?"
She rolled over so that I could see her face. "I'll tell you what's wrong. It's not fair! Tonight at the dance—" She let out a harsh breath, "all those girls, with their dads tonight were so happy. And I wanted to be happy too mama. So why couldn't I?"
My heart was breaking, it hurt me so bad that they now have to experience things like this. When they did nothing to deserve it. I laid down next to her and motioned for Nova to come lay down too. The three of us squished together on the bed, me in the middle.
"Wanna know something? Sometimes when I'm out on the street. Or just scrolling thru my Instagram feed, I see other girls with their dads and I feel the exact same way. The bond that you two had with your father was all I could ever ask for and more. Your dad was my best friend."
Nova laughed a little, "You guys were soulmates"
She says and tears come to my eyes. I blinked trying to fight them back but I couldn't. The universe works in twisted ways. Months ago I would've said the same thing. 'It's not fair. Why me?' But I'm thankful for the moments and memories that I've had with him.
"Guess what? Instead of worrying about the things that we don't have, think about the things that we do have."
"Like what?"
"Well, you have 3 super amazing people downstairs who love, and care for you. If there's anything that you don't feel comfortable telling me, you've got them. I bet you nobody has a Frankie" I say and we all start laughing. "Who can do jazz hands"
"Probably not"
"See? Also, don't say you don't have a dad. Because you do. He's just not here anymore but I can promise he loved you two more than anything."
"More than you?"
"Yes more than me, and he wanted to give you girls the world and more"
"I miss him mommy" Chloe said snuggling into me.
"Me too" Nova adds.
"Me three..."
I got a little in my feels writing this...and the next chapter.
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