Chapter One
"Hurry up Redd! We are going to miss the book signing!" Ashley said as she hurriedly walked down the hall of the Atlanta Merchandise mart.
" Hold up, Rogue! I am trying to find the comics I want signed!" Jean yelled back sifting through her large backpack.
"Oh, you are so slow!"
"Get a grip, I'm coming!"
"I'll hold your place!" She called behind her as she quickly rounded the corner not watching where she was going. As she rounded the corner, she ran into what she thought was a wall and fell back dropping everything. Saying a few curse words as she bent down to pick up her things.
"Pardon, mameselle, let me 'elp you." He said as he knelt down to help you.
As they finished picking up the books and stood up ahe looked into the most beautiful brown eyes she had ever seen. They were the color of warm caramel and she had gotten stuck. A few seconds later Jean caught up with them and Ashley realized who the eyes belonged to.
"Redd, have we just stepped into a comic book, because I just ran into Rwmy Lebeau and I sure dont want to leave." Ashley asked in a confused stupor. " Thaks for helping me pick up my books by the way."
"You're welcome. Well, I need to get moving, if I'm late to my photo OP my boss will kill me" He said as he hurried off in the direction he was headed.
"Was he hot or what?" Ashley asked Jean when the stranger left.
"Yes, he was." Now pick your tongue up off the floor and let's go. You were the one that was in a hurry, remember?"
"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot. Let's go!"Ashley returned as they took off for where they were holding the book signings.
They arrived with just enough time to get their comic books signed and some of their collected cards. After they were finished they decided to go and see who they could get there pictures taken with.
"Hey look, it's Cyclops and Gambit!" Jean noticed.
"Oh no, and Gambit is the one I ran into. I still want to get my picture with that mutant though." Ashley returned.
They went over and stood in the appropriate lines. Soon it was Ashley's turn and she stepped up to the platform.
"Nice to bump into you again." Ashley said with a smile as she took her place next to him.
He laughed at the comment and put his arm around her as they took the picture. She walked off the platform and went over to where they were printing the pictures and she picked hers up. Then she turned around to where the Cyclops look alike stood.
"Hey, look." Called out a young boy from the line, "She could be Jean Grey, with all that red hair.
At that, the performer looked down at Jean, smiled and said loud enough for the crowd to hear. "I thought I left you back at the Mansion."
Jean blushed furiously, not used to being the center of attention. "Come on Redd, smile for me!" Cyclops said, pulling her around so that she stood in front of him. He crossed his arms in front of her hugging her back against him. Jean smiled automatically as her eye caught Ashley's and the other girl grinned. Once the photo was taken Jean went to pick up her copy and headed over to Ashley.
"I can't believe what just happened to me! I am so embarrassed, but I can't complain too much about being in the arms of that Cyclops. He is a dream."
"Well, we don't call you Redd for nothing!" Ashley said with a smile.
"Yeah, well..."
"Would you come on!" Ashley said cutting her off and grabbing hold of her friends t-shirt and pulling her along the aisle heading to the banquet room where they both knew a slide show presentation would soon be taking place.
"I can't wait for the new comic book to come out! From the looks of it, it sounds like it's going to be a good one." Jean commented as they left the building for the car.
"I can't wait either, but let's talk about the here and now. What's on the agenda for this evening?" Ashley said in return.
"I don't know what do you want to do?"
"I don't know what do you want to do?" Ashley returned shrugging her shoulders.
"Let's not start that again. We'll think of something when we get home." Jean winced.
When they got home, they put away all their stuff and settled down on the couch. Jean picked up her tablet and looked for what was going on. She noticed the club where she worked at during college, The Cajun Grille, was having a band from Cajun country performing. She's showed it to Ashley and she said she would try it out.bbShe liked going to new places to see what they were like, and to see if they were worth going back to. The girls began to get ready, and soon were ready to go and they headed out the door. They climbed into Ashley's jeep and headed out to the grille. It didn't take them long to get there. They found a parking space and went in.
'Why am I here?' Ashley asked no one in particular as she looked arou.g the crowded interior. It was mostly a restaurant, but there was a small stage and dance floor in the back.
"Would you hush, Rogue! I promise you will love it!" Jean said as she sat down across from her friend. "I promise you'll like it."
"Hey Redd!
"Hey Shel."Jean looked up at the frazzled young waiter."Quite a crowd you got here."
"Long time no see, girl!"
"Yeah I know! I have been so busy with work! I know I promised to visit more often, but work just wears me out most times."
"Hey, you don't have to apologize to me. I know how exhausting work can be. It's g'on to be fun tonight. What can I get you girls?"
"Burger and gumbo, you know, the usual or have you forgotten?"
"No, I haven't. Dat's de vegetable gumbo and ice water to drink. How about your friend?"
"I'll have the seafood gumbo." Ashley smiled.
"Sure t'ing." Sheldon turned to leave then turned back. "Hey, Redd?"
"You t'ink my big brother could sit wit' you when he get here? Dis place be fillin' up fast."
"Sure thing Shell!"
"Merci!" He returned and scurried off.
"So," Ashley said a moment after Sheldon walked away. "Who are we her to see again.
"Beauseleil, there the band that performed with Mary Chapin Carpenter on down at the twist and shout. Think of it as the kind of music Gambit grew up with........ No way!"
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