Chapter 1: Light at the end of the Tunnel
(Y/N) was cold,wet and hungry, God he was so fucking cold, he had lost track of how long he had been in this cold,dark,damp cell that was grey to the point of madness. If he where to honestly gusse he'd give it at least six or seven months, the collar around his neck was digging into his skin again probably leaving a bruse or some type of permanent damage.
(Y/N) " I just want to go home " he thought to himself as he struggled to keep himself upright and his eye's open as he watched the door.
"They'll probably come through that door in a few moments and continue their 'test' on me soon " he thought darkly
(Y/N) had recently ran away from home, scared as he had woke up one night to find everything in his room floating, a scream from him as his mother walked in his powers changed her bodys gravitational pull forcing her to the the ground with a soild thud. Her head had cracked open and his Fathers reaction was to yell at him to leave,which is what he did. Hell of a way to learn you a mutant
Unfortunately being alone and scared had made him a target. Some group of peopme found him and somehow knew he was a Mutant and abducted him off the streets.
(Y/N) use to be a fine build he wasn't body builder mussel but he looked good, now he was pretty sure was gonna die due to the lack of food and he'd look more like a skeleton than a man
His eyes where heavy, good god he wished he could keep them open, He wishes he could sleep, even if it was just five minutes he wishes he was asleep right now, back at home before all this happened, he wanted his old life , he was just about to go to college to become a teacher , he would help his younger brother with his Spider-Man scrap book, he'd argue with his dad over stupid stuff eat his mums fresh Steak and Kidney pie.
" All I want to do is just go home " he thinks as he feels exhaustion take over his body.He looked to his right arm the scars from the beatings and the neddles the carelessly jammed into him were present.
"I'm, gonna take a nap ,right here"
His eyes where closed and he began to drift to Sleep.
(Y/N) was jolted awake the whole place began to shake
" WHAT THE FUCK " He shouted as he could hear gaurds begin to run and shout orders about, Clearly something was hear and they were worried about it.
(Y/N) tried to stand up but he couldn't his legs gave up on himself
"For god sake ,Stand up you idiot " said (Y/N) to himself.
(Y/N) tried to pull at his collar but it was no use,he was to week and too injured to get it off,
"Hey is anyone in there " a voice shouts.The voice is cheerful and upbeat
"Of course there is ShadowCat Stop actin dumb" This time a Southern voice cut through, a hint of annoyances in her voice
"Rouge, ShadowCat this isn't the time to argue " a Third voice cut through them , this voice was older more and clearly
"Stand back Sugah I'm gonna knock the door down okay"
(Y/N) rolled out of the way as the door came flying towards where he was
His eyes began to refocus on the 3 figures in front of him
"Holy Shit she's beautiful" (Y/N) said to himself as he looked at one of the women in awe
"My god, your skin and bone " the pale skin girl with with her hair dyed white in the front and who had dark purple lipstick and eye shadow, she bent down to his eye level. (Y/N) and her staired in each other eye's , and she smiled at him
"Ummmm Rouge we have to meet up with Cyclopes soon " The girl was shorter sport a ponytail and alot of shrunchys.
"ShadowCat is right Rouge "
(Y/N) looked to the older woman with her bright red hair he looked at them all and then knew who they where.
"X..X...X-Men" he barely got out his throat dry, the girl who he now knew to call Rouge smiled at him
"You betcha,and I promise yeah we'll get you out" (Y/N) gave her a week smile as The two other women helped him to his feet
" Right, ShadowCat and I got him , Rouge you go ahead Rouge "
Rouge nodded before casting a glance at (Y/N) and simply smiling at him before taking off ahead.
"Marvel Girl to Cyclopes. We've got the Special unit prisoner on our way back to the black bird"
(Y/N) didn't hear the other end of the call but he was hoping it was good. And they made thier way out as they caught up with Rouge
"Where all good coming up this way" Rouge said as she looked around the corner . The group where making their way down the hall and to the hanger .
To which (Y/N) saw uncanny sight, the X-men fighting members of the purifiers and the friend's of humanity
The group duck behind a stack of Crates as Marvelgirl began to speak
"Shadow Cat, Rouge get to the Black bird , I'll help Beast and Wolverine " the two girls nodded as Shadow Cat grabbed them both " I promise it only sucks the first time" Shadow Cat spoke and began (Y/N) knew it he went head first into through the crate as the trio raced to the black bird .(Y/N) looked behind them as as Wolverine,Beast and Marvel Girl where sprinting behind them.
"Everyone Strap in" (Y/N) looked into the black bird to see Cyclopes . (Y/N) also noticed other Mutant who looked to be in the same shape as him,
"This must have been a rescue mission" He thinks to himself, a sigh of relief escape him. He was free he was going to escape he was finally-
" Scott where Getting some heavy fire, if we Take any more we wont be able to lift off " Marvel girl Shouts at Cyclopes
(Y/N) eyes widened as he looked around. NO he wouldn't go back no way in HELL he was going back,
"H..He..Help you " he manges to spit out as he moved to Rouge.
"What? She said looking at him shocked as (Y/N) was bearly Standing on his own
"Help" (Y/N),this time a short gruff man in a yellow and blue suit stand infront of him " Listen Bub we just saved your ass ,now you wanna die "
" Logan at least hear him out " Beast spoke as they heard another shot hit the ship
Cyclopes looks at him and sighs " Take the kids collar off "
Beast nodds and takes it off as the hanger door opens on the black bird
(Y/N) eye's rolled to the back of this head as soon as his power began to activate for the first time in sick months
All the purifiers and friends of humanity began to lift up in the air as (Y/N) began to shake then
He pushed his hands down sending them all crashing down into the ground a army of small craters being made in the ground.
(Y/N) couldn't remember much as he felt darkness take him over and he fell backwards only to be caught
"Will one of Yall help he's kind of -"
"Ah I see your finally wake young man " A voice spoke as (Y/N) opened his eyes
"God where am I " (Y/N) said out loud ... wait Something is different his voice, it's wrong it sounds... Robotic in a way.
(Y/N) shots up sitting straight as a figure comes towards him
"Please child come yourself " A large blue furry man thing came towards him
"You stay back, and what's with my voice " panic set in as (Y/N) looked at his hands , it wasn't his hands it was a glove, wait no wasn't a glove it was a suit.
(Y/N) slowly and carefully touched his wasn't his face that he touched it was glass.
(Forget the cape)
A semi Robtic shreak came out of (Y/N) mouth as he tried to stand up but in his panic he slipped.
Luckily he was caught by the blue man from earlier
"Are you alright?, please try to stay calm I know this is quite the shock but lets not act to hastily alright "
(Y/N) looked at the blue man , he could feel his heart pound ,the fear was taking over.
" I am Doctor Hank McCoy,and if you please just wait a moment, professor Xavier will be with us shortly "
(Y/N) felt his heartbeat qucken, as things in the room began to shake Doctor McCoy began to feel Gravity around him begin to push him him down
"Please calm down young man ,We wish you no harm " A voice cut through
"My name is Charles Xavier, please calm down for a moment" (Y/N) looked at Charles, beside him was the redheaded woman from earlier
(Y/N) looked at the pair but noticed something.
"Wait his mouth isn't moving " he noticed
"Quite right young man ,were speaking telepathically "Xavier smiled at him as he moved closer in his wheelchair.
(Y/N) powers began to quite down as Hank began to stand up
"Are you alright Hank " the redheaded woman asked as she helped him up." I'm quite alright Jean ,however I'm more worried about our new friend here".
The pair look at Xavier and (Y/N) who where talking telepathically
" Whats, Whats going on " asked (Y/N)
" Well Young man, my X-Men saved you you from a mutant slaughter camp " Xavier said to him with some sadness
(Y/N) looked at Charles and rolled his eyes "Trust me I know that part.....WAIT THE X-MEN "
"Yes the X-Men young man, also please don't shout it still works like shouting in my ear " Charles smiled at him
"Oh sorry I didn't realise " (Y/N) said which caused Charles to laugh
"Your quite alright young man " Charles spoke to him out loud.
"Okay why am I in this suit" he asked his hand touching his helmet.
" You helped my X-Men but it seemed the purifiers and the friend's of humanity were tampering with your powers and have effected your X-Gene, your powers are unstable you almost took down the Blackbird "
(Y/N) felt his body freeze up.
"So for the moment until we can figure out how to fix or lessen the effect , you need to stay in the suit Beast designed for you " Xavier looked at him with sadness
"I'm stuck in this thing " the tone of voice was broken,he looked to Xavier.
'Yes am I am sorry young man" Xavier waited a moment before he spoke "Would you mind walking with me for a moment? "
(Y/N) looked at Xavier he had a moment of silence, "Umm okay"
(Y/N) stood up and took a step as Charles began to move along with him as the moved from the infromery
They soon came to a corridor which seemed to be made all from some metal and look high tech, a door opened and it lead to an elevator which the pair walked into.
"I founded this school with the highest hopes of teaching mutants not to fear their powers but to learn how to control, So when the time came humans and mutants could live in harmony "
"They'll never accept us,why even try" (Y/N) spat out bitterly as they rose up and came out to a mansion
"You sound like an old friend of mine he said"
"You mean Magneto"
The pair stood there as they stepped out looking at each other
" He truly believes he is doing what's right for our race,he believes human are lesser than human-"
"They aren't lesser they just don't like mutants" (Y/N) cut him off
"Heck Normal people can't even stand each other ,let alone people who can do thing either things thier god or science cant explain its either 5G caused mutants or where the next step in human evolution depends on who you listen to " (Y/N) spat bitterly.
" you are angry, what did you deserve to this fate, nothing and yes human do fear us ,but we cannot change how they feel, but I can make sure you can control your powers"
A bell rang a students came out of classes and then (Y/N) her
"That's the girl who helped save me " his helmet began toemotes to show wide eyes which also seemed to have a small blush underneat them.
Said girl was talking the other girl who seemed to be more bubbly.
"You me Rouge,yes? (Y/N) nodded at him which Charles slightly chuckled at.
"I was going to over you a place at this school,to learn how to - "
Charles smiled" welcome to the X-Men"
A person passed Charles and (Y/N) which caught Charles intention
"Ah mr Herman "
"Yes Mr Xavier "
"I'd like you to meet you roomate "
Later to all my bitches and bros and non-binary hoes
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