Lakeside pt2
The pack house was Massive on the outside, and once inside you truly saw just how truly gigantic the place really was.
I tried not to openly gawk at the palacial space I now found myself in.
I thought about Kelly, Gigi, and Hope...Kelly would be super nosey trying to go into all the rooms, my sister would be snapping constant selfies with everything, all while Gigi chased after, begging them to act more mature.
After more introductions and some slight revelation from Gio and his possible boyfriend Jonni, Auggie suggested we go upstairs.
My wolf and I could tell he wanted us to go and lay down...and of course he would, he's had such a long emotional day.
And my poor mate...He's held it altogether this long, I'm sure he just wants to breath and let it all out.
I walked beside him as we finally reached the third floor.
"Such a big place and no elevator?" I teased a little.
He shook his head, "No one ever felt the need I guess...most Andolini's own their own homes so no one ever really came and stay on the third floor all to often...but of course the rooms are cleaned weekly on the off chance someone does need to stay."
We walked a little more and reached a door.
"Here's your room, after you." He said.
I opened the door and walked in, he walked in after me and I expected him to close the door but he left it wide open.
He turned on the lights and I could see a very pretty room made up nicely.
There was a queen sized bed off to the right, and a television sat mounted on the wall oppose that just to my left, sandwhiched between two doors. Along the back wall (what I knew would be the back of the house) were two large windows.
"The door right here next to the bedroom door is the closet...I'll take you back to Harmon tomorrow and you can pick up some clothes if you want to stay, also grab your car while we're at it so you can come and go as you please." He said.
I nodded.
"The door closer to the windows leads to a isn't much, but it's got your standard toilet, sink, and a standing shower..."
"Sounds perfect." I tried to assure him.
He smiled but it was off, "...So feel free to get comfortable, so long as your bedroom door is closed no one will bother you by so much as knock on it. "Please keep your door locked as well...while I love my pack members and they know the rules...I refuse to be too safe when it comes to you."
I smiled and shook my head now, "You finished?" I asked. "If so, close the door and lets cuddle.
He sighed, "I really wish I could...but we really do have to keep up pretenses while you're here if we're going to pull off this charade."
He nodded, "we'll see each other through out the day, by every night you'll come up to your bedroom and I'll go to mine and we'll go to bed and wake up and do it all over won't be forever, I promise."
I sighed, I knew he right. "Ok then...can I at least have a good night kiss?" He smirked and looked behind him at the open door before he turned back to face me and nodded, He moved and pulled me back over toward the bedroom door, but instead we were off to the side, using the wall to sheild us incase anyone came up here and walked by trying to look into the room...they'd have to literally put their head into the room to find us.
It was all beyond silly really.
But the minute his lips touched mine, none of it mattered. It was all my wolf and I had craved all evening.
But he pulled away too quickly for my liking."Can't get carried away in here." He smirked mischeviously before stealing one more kiss.
This was of course cut short when The man named Jonni's voice sounded."You get lost up there Alpha?"I knew he was telling us we'd been in the room together...alone, for much longer than necessary.
"I'm Fine..." Auggie called back before he kissed my forehead.
"I don't think Gio's boyfriend likes me much."
"Gio's boyfriend...really?" He asked.
I shrugged, "I'm just assuming."
He shrugged, "Oh well, guess it's time for me to go then...relax, rest, and keep your ears open."
It was weird, I knew he was warning me about the dangers of rogues potentially coming back so to keep and ear out for anything...but the way he said gave of another vibe.
I was going to question him about it but he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.
"I'm going to bed." He sounded from the otherside of the door, I knew he'd said it to the guys downstairs as all too soon I heard his footsteps making hteir way away from the room I was in.
Now alone I looked around the room...while pretty it was kind of boring.I looked at the tv...but with The house so empty I didn't want the tv to be echoing through the night.
Instead I opened the closet door, I was surprised to find some clothing garments (a few dresses, and a thick fur coat) as well as an extra blanket.
I walked into the was just like Auggie had said, it wasn't necesarrily small as he made it seem...(And given the deep navy ticking wall paper that ran floor to ceiling it gave it the illusion that it had high ceilings), but it was just a little cramped...this however was in
large part to a wide built in shelving unit that housed big fluffy towels.
I contemplated having a shower since there were clean towels and everything...but with no clothes of my own to change into, it felt useless.
I closed the bathroom door and made myself as comfortable as I could by kicking my shoes off before letting my body fall onto the bed.
I was restless...I doubted I'd be getting any sleep tonight since I was awy from Auggie.
My wolf whined and I got back up, I went over to the window.
I could make out the lake...only because the half moon was shining down about it and the wind from the night's air was causing the waters to ripple delicately.
I sighed, If I couldn't be with Auggie a run wold be nice...but I knew it'd be out of the question tonight.
I continued to look out at the darkened lake when suddenly I heard a sound.
We were too high up to hear or see anything from the ground it was a sound from inside the house.
*knock, knock, knock*
I looked around the bedroom. It was knocking...but it was soft. I went to open the bedroom door but remmebered Auggie said no one would knock if the door was closed.
My heart raced a little, was this place haunted?
I heard it again. I shook my head and "This place isn't're tripping."
Then my phone vibrated and I looked at my newest text.
[Auggie: Don't scream.]
The text sent a chill downmy spine.
[Auggie: lol, that was creepy...I'm in the RR]
I looked at the texts again...was he playing with me?
I carefully open the restroom door and lo and behold there he was, index finger over his lips, and the linen shelves open to display a hidden passage way.
"Come with me" He whispered.
"Hold on, let me lock the room door." I replied before moving to do just that and then rejoining him.
I stepped into the secret passgeway and saw he had his cellphone's flashlight on.
With the light from his phone I could see there were two sets of was the linen shelves, it's backing had a metal handle (which he used to close the door behind him) and two thick metal locks.
"Hold this please." He said as he handed me his phone. I watched him lock up the hidden "linen shelves" door then he moved and looked at me.
"Serious question...can you close this door?" He asked as he motioned toward a brick was a door made of bricks but it had hinges that you could only see while it was open.
"I think so." I said as I handed him his phone back to demonstrate, it was heavy...the brick was super thick but with some obvious force put into it I was able to get it closed.
"Good." he said seriously as he handed me his phone back and reopened it.
"What the hell?" I wondered aloud, "why ask me to close it if you were just going to reopen it?"
He chuckled, "Sorry, I just needed to make sure you could close it...My room's door stays locked at all times so if ever there is a time where you're in danger I want you to go to my room but you'll have to use this passage way..."
He said as he walked on toward another opening, as for tonight we can keep your bathroom unlocked so you can easily go back to your room if need be."
We moved on down the corridor and once again there was another "linen shelves" door that led into his bathroom..."this one also has locks on it as well." I commented. "but no bricks."
He nodded, "'s a long story." He said as he held his hand out ot me and led me through the doorway.
I shrugged, "I've got all night."
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