Spin the bottle
"Alright guys, who has the bottle?" Jack asked rubbing his hands together menacingly. You, the cast, and all your old friends from school were at your house for your birthday party.
"I do!" Finn yelled sitting down next to you. "Who's ready to play spinnnn theee bottttllllee???!!!" Finn screamed right into your ear.
"Extra," You muttered laughing. Soon everyone was settled down and Finn spun the bottle. It landed right on your best friend. She shrugged and kissed him. Everyone cheered for the first kissers. Finn was red. You playfully elbowed him,"get some finny."
Then some more people went. Jack, Chosen, Jeremy, and Wyatt all kissed one of your friends. Sophia and Jaden kissed, Finn and Jack kissed, you and Finn kissed and a couple of your other friends kissed. The last spin of the night was your spin. Everyone decided that since it was your birthday you had to spin the bottle with a blind fold on and then guess the person you kissed.
You spun the bottle and it was dead silent until you guessed it was done spinning because the crowd of your friend erupted in ohhhs, laughs, and cheers. You could hear a person making their way over to you. You could feel their presence in front of you, and then you felt someone's lips against yours. It was kinda quick, but it felt really nice. When they pulled away it was disappointing because for some reason you wanted more.
Finally Sophia removed your blindfold and everyone sat looking at your intensely. You sat here for a second before simply stating, "It was Wyatt." Everyone just looked shocked.
"How did you know?!" Jaden asked, obviously shook to the gods.
"Well clearly she's kissed him before and she knows what his kisses are like," Chosen smirked raising his eyebrows. The crowd looked even more shook and some oooed.
"What! No! I have never kissed Wyatt before!" You said shaking your head. "I knew because I felt his hair brush my cheek. You can't disguise the noodles." Everyone started to laugh. You made eye contact with Wyatt as y'all laughed and your face turned bright red. His did too and he quickly looked away. "Well, my moms here I gotta go." A couple of kids said, before leaving.
You said goodbye to everyone as they left, but you weren't really thinking about anything but that kiss...and Wyatt. That was the best spin the bottle game you had ever played. EvEr.
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