Im sorry
"I love you Wy." You said hugging your boyfriends arm tightly as you sat on the edge of the water fountain.
"I love you so much. No matter what happens I always love you. I don't love anyone else. Ok?" He said playing with his hands.
"what's wrong. You're acting really weird. You won't look me in the eye, you don't kiss me nearly as much as u did, you seem weighed down by something." As you listed what he was acting like it hit you. It all kinda started the week after you got back from Denver where you had been shooting a movie. "Wyatt did you cheat on me." He didn't respond. You looked over at him and saw his eyes glistening with tears. You immediately dropped his arm. Your eyes started to water. "Who was it." He still didn't answer. "I swear to god Wyatt. Who the hell was it?"
A tear fell.
"I don't know."
Another one.
"How did it happen?"
"I..I was at a party because my friends said I needed to get out more. I just had a couple of drinks and I was kinda out of it. I wasn't thinking. You had been gone for months and my drunken mind was lonely. I was hanging out and she came over. My senses were blurred. It just kinda h-happened." He started to cry. "I didn't enjoy it. I didn't feel anything. I didn't even know her name." A sob escaped your lips. "Y/N I never meant to do it. I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me. I promise it didn't mean anything to me. I had never seen her in my life." You stood up. He grabbed your wrist. "Please don't leave. I promise I didn't mean to....I need you."
You turned around to look at him," Y-you cheated." Then you walked away.
It's been a month since you've seen Wyatt. A month since you spoke. It hurt. Honestly you didn't know how to get over him. He still had your heart. You still slept with his sweat shirt. You stared at the pictures on your phone of you two having fun. You couldn't bring yourself to change your lock screen. It was a picture from the time you went to the IT premiere with him. Part of you knew you never would. You were still madly in love with him.
You also knew he was too. Jaden and Finn gave you updates on him. He never left his house. He never took off the shirt you bought him for his birthday. He was always going through his camera role watching and rewatching all of the videos he had of you. He wasn't eating that much and he wasn't sleeping.
"He misses you very much," Finn said sitting on your couch.
"I could guess that much." You mumbled playing with your hands. "What should I do. I mean I have this feeling he didn't mean it but it still hurts he did it. Can I forgive him? Should I?"
"Well maybe you don't want to forgive him, but keep in mind, forgiving isn't just for the other person. It's also for you. When you forgive, you are able to let the bad emotions out. Holding grudges puts a lot of negative energy on you."
"So forgive but don't forget."
" my opinion forgiving is worthless if you don't also try to forget because when you keep it in your mind you will keep remembering, making it hard to not be bitter to that person. When you forgive and forget, it's like letting it all go. What you choose to do with the person after that is your choice m, but your now able to think with a clear mind that's not fueled by anger and hurt."
You were quiet for a second, mouth agape. "Wow Finn...that's like the best advice ever."
Finn nodded before getting a text message. "Gotta go. Band practice."
"See ya."
"Mhm." Finn mumbled giving you a side hug before leaving.
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