You meet again pt 2
Seth Rollins
You couldn't believe it. You are officially a WWE diva!!!! You trained extremely hard to get here. You were dressed in your attire for your debut match. You were going against Emma. You walked through the halls waving at all the Superstars and Divas but one particularly caught your eye. He caught you staring and headed towards you. He fell into step with you.
"You're the new diva?" You nodded.
"Cute. Gotta real name?"
"Y/n." You stopped at the guerilla.
"How about a date tomorrow night, y/n? You did fall for me before." You blushed a deep red.
"Okay." Your music played (Sasha's theme). You gave a short wave before walking out.
Roman Reigns
You were the new make up artist for WWE. You'd done Sasha Banks, Naomi, The Bellas, cover ups for Sami Zayn and Cesaro, too. Your next Superstar had a black eye from a previous match. You didn't know who it was because you never really watched.
"Hey, y/n. Long time no see." You looked up. Memories flooded your thoughts.
"The one and only. You work here?"
"The newest make up artist." You motioned for him to sit and got started. You both made small talk and when you were finished you'll thanked each other. Him for the cover up and you for the incident.
"You don't have to thank me."
"I want to." He smiled making your heart flutter.
"How about dinner? My treat. Be ready baby girl." He walked out leaving you stunned.
Dean Ambrose
You were a designer. You fixed things made things anything. Right now you were sewing up a leather jacket. It smelled like cigarettes but that didn't much bother you. You were almost done when the door opened.
"Just a second and I'll be right there."
"My match is soon. My jacket ready?" You finished just as he spoke.
"As good as new." You stood handing him the jacket.
"Uh thanks...." He eyed your badge. "Y/n?" He eyed you weirdly.
"No pr-"
"It's you. Holy hell. I knew I recognized you. From Tinder."
"Dean match is up." Seth called. The name instantly clicked.
"Don't leave. I'll be back after my match." You watched him leave. Mix emotions filled you.
John Cena
The authority had put you in your very first storyline. You and a random Superstar against the Miz and Maryse. You stood as the end of the ramp as your music clicked off. It quickly switched to your partners theme. You eyes widened when you saw who it was. He ran down the ramp and you both entered the ring. Miz and Maryse instantly backed up. John spoke a few choice words before Maryse got in his face and slapped him. You pushed her and pounced on her. John ended up grabbing Miz but he got away and pulled Maryse from my grasp. We raised our hands and hugged before going backstage. (Ik that's not how it happened but bare with me.)
You walked away from him once backstage. Or you tried.,
"Wanna hang out? I'm free as of now. I'm sure you are too."
"Shouldn't you hang out with Sadie?"
"Why w- oh. You thought we were together. And we aren't." You looked away with your arms crossed. "So....15 minutes. I'll see you then." He walked off before you could protest. Not like you would've anyway.
Randy Orton
You pulled your hair in a loose ponytail and stepped on the treadmill. You had minor body issues but nothing exercising won't fix.
"Morning." You screamed and fell of the treadmill. You hadn't even noticed anyone else was here. You groaned as you looked up to see.... Randy. "Sorry." He helped you up. "Good?"
"I'm fine thanks. Happens all the time." You joked. He chuckled. It sounded heavenly.
"So listen, I'm having lunch with a few should come."
"If I'm not intruding I'd love to."
"Great. Maybe I should have your number just in case anything changes." You giggled covering your mouth. You gently took his phone and put your number in. "I'll text you.... If something changes. Or too send the address. Or...I mean..."
"Or anytime you want."
"Yeah...." He backed outta the room. "Bye y/n."
"Bye Randy." You got back on the treadmill and continued your work out. Smiling a bit.
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