He says I love you/ First kiss
Seth Rollins:
"Morning babe." You spoke and you took your jacket off. He was still in bed. You sat next to him.
"Morning." He wrapped an arm around you pulling you beside him. Not even minutes later light snores were heard.
"Seth?" Nothing. You sighed and turned in his arms. "Sethie wake up." You poked his cheek. "Seeeetttthhhh." You pouted as his didn't budge at all. Hmph. "Fine." You pinched and poked at his face but nothing. You were close to giving up until you had an idea. You inched closer to his face. Your lips brushed against his as you kissed him gently. He surprisingly kissed back after a few seconds. You smiled and pulled back looking at him. Still sleep? You smacked his chest frowning. He jumped up rubbing his chest.
"What the heck?" He looked at you wide eyed.
"You were ignoring me."
"I'm sorry." He pulled you close cuddling you. "Just sleep with me a bit." His voice got lighter as he spoke. You didn't bother arguing.
"Lucky I love you." You mumbled under your breath.
"I love you, too, babe." You blushed bright red and closed your eyes.
Roman Reigns:
"I love you? I. Love....you? I looove you?"
"I'm flattered but I don't think Roman would like that." You jumped and spun around. Dean of course. Always Dean.
"W-what are you doing here?" He motioned to his bruised cheek. "Oh...um sit." You stared grabbing everything you'd need.
"So... Love him, huh?" Your cheeks were bright red.
"Please don't say anything. I don't want to scare him away." He held up his hands.
"Didn't plan on it. But why?"
"Why not tell him? You've been together for like every it seems."
"4 months 3 days 22 hours and 10 minutes." Dean raised a brow at you. "I mean 4 months..."
"That's not long enough?"
"What if he doesn't feel the same? I'd be so embarrassed." You started covering the bruise.
"What if you don't tell him and he does feel the same? You could lose him and vice versa." You thought about what he said. He was right. You finished covering it up and stepped back. He stood. "I think you should but do what you see fit. Lemme know how it goes." He left the room. You sat in the chair and sighed.
"Hey, alofa. Just ran into Dean. He said you needed to talk."
"That's all? He didn't say anything else?"
"Crazy ish. But otherwise that's it. Why?" You shook your head.
"Can we talk later? I have people waiting." He nodded. You gave him a hug.
"I love you, too, alofa." You groaned.
"I'm going to kill him." His chest rumbled as he laughed. You hugged him a bit longer. Before he had to go he leaned down and captured your lips on a sweet kiss. "I'll see you later." You blushed even redder than you were as he walked off.
Dean Ambrose:
You and Dean had just came back from the movies. Dean was unusually quiet but you didn't think much of it. At least not until you hot in the elevator. You asked him many questions which he replied with short responses. You were getting mad.
"What the hell, Dean. Are you trying to ruin this? Did you change your mind about us? Are you-"
"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind."
"Talk to me. I'm here for you."
"I want to but I can't. It's just ugh." He pulled at his blondish locks.
"Dean, babe." You grabbed his hands. "You can talk to me about anything, okay."
"I..." You looked up at him. "Don't leave when I tell you alright. I don't want to lose you." His arms wrapped around your waist.
"I promise I won't." He sighed.
"Okay...I...I love you." He held you tighter as if to not let you leave.
"Don't leave. You don't have to say it back but don't leave."
"Stop it. I love you, too." His blue eyes somehow got brighter. I pulled him down and kissed him.
"Okay how long will you be? I've tried to not interrupt your sappy moment but this is the fourth time I missed the elevator." We pulled apart, Sasha stood in the hall with a slight smirk.
"Sorry." I grabbed Dean's hand and pulled him out the elevator. Dean pushed me against the wall and kissed me again.
"I love you so much." You smiled in the kiss.
"I love you, too." You whispered when he pulled away.
John Cena:
John had an interview. So you were sat on the couch waiting. You would have went but you had a cold.
"Welcome John. How are you?"
"I'm great. Never felt better."
"You look great." John only smiled. "So, WWE have released that you are a free agent. Have you decided where you'll return?"
"Uh, yeah. Raw."
"Any reason why?"
"It's where I ended. I'd like to begin there, too." The interviewer nodded.
"Off that topic. I'd like to know more about the real you. Are you seeing anyone and how soon will the world see the Cena family?" John coughed clearly uncomfortable.
"I am. And I don't think we're ready for kids."
"Ooo. Who's the lucky lady?"
"Y/r/n. She's absolutely perfect. I love her." Your jaw dropped at his statement.
"Well we wish you two the best. Coming up next..." You couldn't believe he admitted he loved you.
You sat in the same spot until he arrived.
"Babe you here?" You got up and walked to where he was. "Hey." He smiled. His smile gave you butterflies. You wrapped your arms around his neck connecting your lips in a heated kiss. When you finally pulled back you returned his words.
"I love you, too, John." Realisation set in and he hugged you again before kissing you again.
Randy Orton:
You were lying in bed scrolling through Instagram when Randy barfed in your room.
"What the hell, Randall."
"Oh, hey y/n." He smiled...a weird smile. You suddenly felt uneasy.
"Leave me alone. I don't want to play your sinister games." He stalked towards you.
"What game?" He stood over you... "I just wanted to spend time with my amazing girlfriend.
"..." He sat next to you and kissed you. Your first kiss together. Of course you kissed back. Who could resist the viper?
"I love you, you know." He spoke once the kiss ended. Your eyes glossed over as his words go to through your mind. " Don't cry, babe." He thumbed away your tears. You say up and hugged him tight.
"I love you, too." He rubbed your back soothingly. I know. But now since that's out the way... how about a game?
Samoa Joe:
"Pleeeeeeease? Please Joel?" You were at Roman and Samoa's meet and greet. Begging to sit with him during the 5 hour greet.
"Go with Roman. I'll be fine."
"Go!" He walked off leaving you stunned. You were just trying to be a good girlfriend and he yells at you. Your brother didn't like Joel on or off screen so it was hard. You were torn and he....left. You stomped off in the opposite direction and went back to the hotel.
***5 hours later***
You laid in bed facing away from the door when he came in.
"Y/n?" He whispered. You ignored him. "Talk to me. I know you aren't sleep. You snore."
"I do not snore." You sat up crossing your arms.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I love you too much to lose you over something so small."
"You mean it? You're not just trying to have me feel better?"
"I do mean it. And I want you to feel better." You have a small smile.
"Fine. I love you, too." You jumped on him planting kisses on his lips. He groaned in frustration when he couldn't kiss back. You have on last passionate kiss. "By the way you and Roman need to talk. I want you to to get along for me."
"Anything you want, Nani."
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