TJ Perkins
Requested by BabyDino1
"You're gonna debut next Monday on Raw. It'll be an intergender tag team match. Dana Brook and Rich Swann against you and any willing Superstar." Stephanie spoke with a ghostly smirk. "This can make or break you. Choose wisely." As much as you wanted your debut to be a singles match, you knew not to go against her. You gave a short nod and walked out her office.
-end of flashback-
You practically begged every Superstar. No one was interested in a match with the new girl. And now on top of everything Stephanie is making you go out there and make an announcement live and in front of the entire arena.
You were pacing backstage when your music blasted.
Dana and Rich Swann were already in the ring. You simply waved to the arena before starting towards the ring. You were about to climb in when your music cut...and new music started. You looked back to see...TJ Perkins? He did his entrance and proceeded down the ramp being booed by the majority. He climbed on the ring an parted the ropes and looked at you. You hesitantly got in. He got in behind you and motioned to the announcer to announce him. You realised he decided to be your partner.
⬇⬇⬇After the match⬇⬇⬇
Dana and Rich Swann had won. You slid out the ring and made your way up the ramp. TJ had disappeared somewhere. Guess he was mad or something. You walked backstage and was met by the Bella twins.
"Hey Skylar. Nice match...for Dana and Rich." Nikki smirked. Brie held an "L" to her forehead. "I won't blame TJ though. If I was his partner we would've won." You pushed past them and stormed away only to bump into someone.
"Sorry..." You looked up and saw you intergender partner.
"You really shouldn't listen to them. You just need more training. I could help."
"If it isn't too much trouble. I thought I was ready but clearly not." He chuckled.
"You'll be ready for your next match." You nodded. You both exchanged numbers before he had to go.
1 Year Later
You had been on a winning streak. After your loss against Dana and Rich Swann a year ago you'd been training with TJ extremely hard. He gave you amazing tips and he even let you steal some of his moveset. As of now you were basically the female TJ Perkins. You stood in the gorilla in your gear as you waited for him. You were having the same exact match but knew there would be different results. TJ walked up beside me but didn't say anything.
"You ready? I'm super psyched." You beamed. He only shrugged. "You al-" My music played. Something was wrong but you walked out. Dana and Rich Swann were in the ring already once again. You did your entrance before running down the ramp. You slid in the ring and did your thing. Once your music ended TJ's played and he came out. He started the match. It wasn't going well at all. Every punch he threw Rich blocked or reverse. Every kick was a miss. Rich must've noticed because he threw him to your corner. You tagged yourself in eyeing TJ. He could've thrown the match! What is up with him? You began fighting Dana. This was the turn around. Most of your punches connected. Your kicks were well distributed. You were on fire. You smashed her face into the matter before you decided to locked in the TJP Clutch. Dana tapped within seconds. You released and stood. You smiled widely. TJ got in the ring and held your hand up. He smile on your face only grew. After that was a little hazy. One minute you were facing the crowd the next you were face to face with him. Before you could question anything he kissed you in front of the entire arena! The crowd erupted. He slowly pulled back. "Sorry. I was gonna ask but...I'd rather show you and the world. Be my girl?" You hesitated thinking this was a dream. You slowly nodded when you realised it wasn't and kissed him again only to get interrupted.
🎶You can look but you can't touch🎶
You pulled back but still smiled. This would be the highlight of your career. Skylar vs Nikki Bella. All based around your newly found boyfriend. You turned and waited for what was to come.
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