Chapter 10: Solitude
A.N. Sorry for the delay, guys, I was busy with all university applications. Steam summer sale didn't make things easier.
"I'm not sure if that was necessary," Danny grumbled.
"He wanted to kill you," Serana groaned, putting a hand on her face, looking at the unconscious Nord on Phantom's shoulder. "Did you have to scare him so much that he tried to choke you?"
"Hey, I politely asked him not to resist," The half ghost complained.
"You are a daedra, child," Dixion responded, strangely calm. "Actually...are you a child?"
"Well, compared to you..."
Danny was interrupted by a hard nudge and a glare.
"I'm eighteen," he answered.
"Even so, people tend to be scared of your kind, especially if you really are what you claim to be."
"I'm trying," Danny shrugged, before kicking the conscious elf who was trying to get up, sending him to the dreamland. " can't read the Scroll, I take it."
"No, child, I cannot. I am blinded by the knowledge given to me. But I do know the way, please, just get me to safety and I'll tell you everything."
He sounded so tired. It wasn't surprising, the old man had gone through a lot recently. Both of the undead pitied the poor guy, and they were going to get him to at least Solitude. It was going to be on their way, after all. The group went up the stairs, to the entrance of the fort. The elves were yet to wake up, and they tried not to trip over them. It probably would have been funny to watch them wake up without realizing what even happened, but Danny would rather leave before that. When they went out however, the group froze, because they weren't alone.
There were men and women in armor, reminiscent of the Roman one a bit. The legionaries. In front of them was a mid aged woman in a heavy armor, who observed them with curiosity and at the same time anger.
"What in Oblivion has happened?" She asked.
"With whom am I having honor speaking?" Danny grinned, dropping the unconscious Nord in the snow.
"Legate Rikke of the Imperial Legion. And you Stormcloaks have made a mistake coming so far into the Imperial territory."
"Uhm, we are not Stormcloaks," Danny responded, seeing the bows aimed at him. "These assholes just arrested our old friend for no reason," he pointed at Dixion. "And we came in to free him."
"You...slaughtered the entire garrison...alone?"
Phantom and Serana weren't sure about what emotions she felt at the moment. But shock was evident on everyone's faces. Someone started to fear, judging from the slight shaking.
"Well, I wouldn't say 'slaughtered'. Serana here was doing the killing. I just knocked most of them out. With these hands."
Danny wriggled his fingers, which glowed with green light.
"He is a mage!"
The legionaries held their weapons tighter. The situation was getting out of hand pretty damn quickly. Rikke's hand was unwavering on her blade.
"Do it and I'll cut you in half," she threatened.
"Relax, we don't want to harm anybody. Right, Serana?"
"We could kill them, but we don't need any problems with the Empire."
"Thalmor's fortress is under Imperial protection."
"As much as we hate it," someone mumbled.
Danny recalled the terms of White Gold Concordat. The Empire lost, and thus had to abide by certain rules. The elves could persecute whoever they wanted. And the imperials had to assist if the Altmers demanded so. That must have sucked, Phantom decided. So maybe he could use that obvious hatred.
"Guys, look. None of the elves is looking. Let us go our way, which one of you wanted to do this yourselves?"
Phantom gestured at the unconscious soldiers in the golden-looking armor. Serana smirked slightly, she realized what he was doing and had no objections. The legionaries obviously internally agreed with him, but tried not to show it. They really liked the sight of that arrogant bastards being beaten so easily. Rikke, however, was not easily convinced.
"Our regiment was supposed to go here, anyway. The elves are not as easily fooled."
"You can say that we've gone out before you got here. If you will be the ones who wake them up, then there will be even less suspicions."
Rikke hummed. Yes, the opportunity was too good, and those three didn't look like the rebels. Minus the unconscious Nord.
"Leave this one and you are free," she made a condition.
Two undead looked at each other.
"Okay, take him," Serana smiled innocently.
"You sure? He seems quite badly bloodied," Danny asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
The vampire's look just screamed: 'WHO IS DAEDRA, YOU OR ME?' Honestly, the guy was too much of a pacifist sometimes, when it wasn't even needed. And it sometimes got really annoying. Phantom sighed, his shoulders falling down. The soldiers just looked curiously at them and their exchange. It was a very unusual encounter - to see two barely adults arguing like that, even if they had beaten the elite soldiers of Aldmeri Dominion.
"Fine," Danny said. "Just make sure he is not treated as badly."
"Cannot promise that, but I'll try. Not a fan of violence, huh?" Rikke asked, putting a hand on her hip.
"All who draw a sword die by a sword," Phantom responded. "Now, we will be going, c'mon, Dixie, take my hand."
The group walked by the soldiers, briefly glancing back. They took the road which obviously led to Solitude.
"What a nice lad," someone mumbled.
"A lad who must be quite dangerous if not handled correctly," Rikke looked at the elves.
General Tullius was going to be notified of this. If only the boy could be persuaded to help...It was going to be hard, but the possibilities granted by recruiting the two were too great. But it had to be subtle, because the Thalmor would be looking for them from now on.
Meanwhile the group was just going up the stone road.
"You know, I actually wonder," Danny started, looking at Serana. "How come no one recognizes you? I mean, these pretty shiny eyes should be a dead giveaway."
The vampire preferred not to pay attention to the complimentary part. "I don't know. Maybe our world is strange enough as it is and the people aren't the most attentive ones."
Phantom felt Dixion shaking. It got him worried.
"You alright, old man?"
"It's...cold...I'm only wearing a robe," the priest rubbed his body with his free hand.
"Why did you even come here like this?" Serana grumbled quietly. "Skyrim is the coldest province there is. Any ideas?" She looked at Danny.
"I specialize in ice, even my fire is cold," Danny's fingers flickered with smoke as if to prove his point. "Do you know any fire spells?"
"It's not going to help. There must be a tavern not far. I hope."
"If not," Danny mused. "You can hide within a corpse of a bear. It should be warm inside."
The others grimaced in disgust. The priest even looked like he was ready to throw up.
"What, it works!" Phantom whined.
Soon, however, they found a relief - a small house, from which the smoke was coming. It was good enough. Yes, the old man was a burden, even if no one said it aloud. That's why they were leaving Dixion in Solitude - the main citadel of Imperial power. From what they heard. There he would be safe and given a shelter. Moth priests were quite respected across the Empire. The group approached to the door and knocked.
It was opened by a gruff looking man, who seemed to be quite surprised by the unusual group.
"Hello there, good man, do you have a moment to hear about our lord and savior..."
"Stop it, would you?" Serana interrupted him in an exhausted tone. It was beyond her how much energy he possessed. "Excuse us sir, can we stay here for a while? We will warm up and then continue on our path."
Danny snorted invisibly. Serana could act like an innocent weak girl so easily. If he didn't know, he would have fallen for it.
"I don't know ya, and this is not an inn."
Phantom smelled alcohol. Just perfect, they were negotiating with a drunkard.
"Please, sir, we are freezing out here."
"Nah. Get out."
He was suddenly punched into the face. Serana spun to the side and saw Danny standing there.
"Hey, either he is unconscious or our friend dies. I have priorities."
The vampire couldn't argue with that logic. They hadn't come there to rob the man, only to let Dixion rest. The house wasn't big, he was living alone. What a piano in the bush, it was extremely convenient. It was warm, thanks to the fire in the center of the room. Dixion immediately went to the sleeping bag nearby. There weren't any normal beds, and the place looked worse for the wear. Danny sat on a bench, reading one of the books occasionally lying around. Serana soon joined him, a piece of dried meat in her hand. She lightly chewed on it and leaned against the wall.
"Do you want some?" She offered.
"No, I'm not hungry," Danny refused politely. "What about...your other hunger?"
Serana's look turned thoughtful. "Thirst makes us stronger. More night powers are available to me then."
"If you say so."
After this the vampire yawned, making the ghost raise his eyebrow.
"I thought you don't need sleep."
"I don't NEED it. But we do sleep to replenish power. Now I'm just bored."
"Well, you can do it now," Danny smiled. "I'll watch out for anything suspicious."
"You are going to waste yours instead," Serana narrowed her orange eyes.
"Relax, as long as my stomach is full, I am fine. I'm a half ghost, after all."
The vampire looked suspicious at him at first. For all she knew, he could be lying just to make her have rest. But Phantom really didn't look that tired. Sighing, Serana leaned against the wall.
"It's hard to fall asleep at night, but I'll try. And don't you dare not to wake me up if something happens."
Danny raised his hands in surrender. While the vampire closed her eyes and made herself comfortable, since the only bed was occupied, Phantom occasionally glanced at his companion. It was quiet around the house, only the fire maintained by the half ghost kept cracking from its place. Judging from the lack of movement from Serana, she was actually sleeping. Danny smiled at her, before walking off to get some food. Once he ate, Phantom returned on his place near the vampire and opened the book. He had lost the ones he got at the College, this one was off topic.
The half ghost tapped on the opened pages in thought. They already had a plan of further actions, and Danny was going to finish the task. Never could he imagine helping out the vampire of all people. Rather pretty one, but it was still unusual. Wait before Sam hears about it. Although Tucker would be more interested in the latter part. Phantom chuckled at the thought, before feeling something press against his shoulder. He looked to the side and was greeted by Serana's soft hair. Danny blushed slightly, but remained on his place. If she felt comfortable like that, then why bother, he wasn't complaining.
For a while Phantom stayed like that. Suddenly his sensitive ears caught something outside. The owner was still unconscious inside, so it was someone else. Serana was probably going to kill him, but she seemed too peaceful for a change. Danny gently put her head against the wall, before getting up. Then he approached the door and opened it. The stormy wind blew into his face. But he could make out the crunching of the snow, even if light.
Danny pretended not to hear it, while the steps were getting closer. Suddenly he heard a light metallic sound, like an unsheathing blade. In a split second he moved aside, the weapon missed him entirely. Phantom got a sight of his attacker. She was dressed in tight red and black spandex-like clothes, with a hood hiding the face. She wielded a black curved dagger in her hand.
"Shh!" Phantom hissed, dodging again and closing the door. "My friends are sleeping!" He said a bit louder.
The woman kept attacking, quite smoothly, but Danny was yet to start attacking. His reaction was more than enough to defend himself.
"Are you an assassin or something?" He calmly asked, swapping away the hand holding the dagger. "You suck at your job, you know?"
The attacks kept coming, and Phantom finally had enough. After another stab, he grabbed the hand holding the dagger and elbowed the attacker. She stumbled a step back, but hardly had she recovered when the green goo was thrown at her, holding her still and on the ground.
"Unexpected, huh?" Danny teased. "Now," he said, picking the assassin up and pinning her to the wall. "On whose behalf are you here, may I ask?"
The woman tried to get out, but to no avail, without uttering a word.
"No use. The more you wriggle, the tighter it's going to keep ya. Mind answering my question?"
Danny pulled off the hood, which showed the woman in her early thirties, with blond hair, glaring at the half ghost. Phantom curiously tilted his head, expecting the answer. She stayed quiet. Danny sighed, sitting cross legged on the snow.
"I can wait all night. But I doubt your clothes can save you from being frozen to death."
The woman thought he was bluffing. How wrong she was. Half an hour passed. Danny didn't even move from his place, while the weather was getting even colder. It was goddamn creepy, he wasn't even blinking. The assassin hadn't said anything, although she was becoming blue from the steadily dropping temperature. Phantom grinned deviously at seeing her discomfort.
"Any second I can bring you inside," he offered teasingly. "How you've managed to come here without freezing is a question of the day."
She glared at him again. "Untie me from this...thing."
"You are going to try killing me again."
"Doing my duty. The Dark Sacrament was done by all rules and you shall die."
"Aaah," Danny said in understanding. "So you are from the Dark Brotherhood. Might I inquire who made this order? There are very few who want me dead here. I doubt it will be the vampires, so...ah, it must be someone from the Silverblood family. Well, they got what was coming. Just so you know, you automatically failed the task the moment you took it, wanting me dead is rather pointless."
The woman did not respond.
"Not the most chatty, huh?"
Serana rubbed her eyes slowly, starting to shift on her place. It was a good sleep, she felt felt nice and fresh. A wonderful smell reached her sensitive nose as she finally looked around. Danny was sitting near the fire, cooking something on a frying pan. He perked up at hearing her moving and smiled softly.
"Good morning!" He called in his ever cheerful tone. "How was your sleep?"
"Just fine," the vampire smiled slightly. "What are you making?"
"Just scrambled eggs, there wasn't much to find. I'm almost finished."
Danny was putting the food on the plates when Serana noticed an extra audience. In the corner was a tied woman.
"Eh...Danny, who is that?" She asked.
"A Dark Brotherhood assassin. She is yet to tell me her name."
Serana narrowed her eyes. "And you didn't wake me up as I had told you."
"Hey, all of that was over in a couple of minutes. Not worth disrupting your sleep."
The vampire sighed, but decided not to complain. It was pointless.
"And what are you going to do with her?"
"Well, I'm not into torture, so I cannot get out anything out of her. I'll just leave her here and once we leave, untie her."
"She is from the murder worshipping cult. Are you sure we should leave her alive?"
"Sometimes you scare me," Phantom mumbled, only receiving a sly smirk as she approached the captive. "Serana...don't."
"Why? She will kill even more."
"I don't want my appetite to be ruined," Danny responded dryly, holding the plate. Then he came up with an idea. "You can 'drink', though. If you want."
Serana smiled. "Fine by me."
"What do you...agh!"
The vampire was quick like a predator. She stabbed the assassin's neck with her fangs and pulled the blood. The woman froze in paralysis. A few seconds later Serana retracted, some drops still on her lips. The young woman went back to Phantom, whose back was turned. She sat by him, taking the plate from the half ghost. Danny looked at her and chuckled.
"What?" The vampire asked.
"For a lady you aren't the most careful during the food," Phantom picked up a piece of cloth. "Here."
He gently wiped off the bloody spots off her lips and lower part of the face. It was rather awkward once they realized what he was doing. But she didn't stop him. Danny yet again gave his boyish smile, and Serana couldn't help but smile in return. Maybe it could go further, if not for a shout.
"You are a bunch of crazies!"
Both of the undead groaned. Serana actually glared at the assassin angrily.
"Says the worshipper of Sithis," She spat, grudgingly starting to eat.
"One day this girl will suck you dry when you are not looking!" The woman said to Danny.
"That sounded...wrong on many levels," he muttered, greening from embarrassment. No one understood what he implied. "I'll wake up Dixion. After food we will move out."
Said and done. Half an hour later the group was already on their way to Solitude. Now, during the morning, they could see the tops of the towers behind the mountains. The pearly white snow was blindingly shining under the sun, which didn't make Serana any more happy about the predicament. Dixion was now wearing a coat, they had left some money in exchange. Danny didn't want to steal. It could be considered a purchase.
Finally the city came into view. The snowy peaks were replaced by cool tundra, filled with lush and green pines. The city itself looked majestic, the short, but tall walls stood near the only entrance, up the cliff road. Solitude probably got its name from the location, because it stood on the edge of the mountain. The disposition looked dangerous, but it seemed to be holding just fine on the place it was. Danny saw a huge port right under the cliff. Solitude had the biggest one in Skyrim, being its nominal capital, despite what stubborn Nords said, claiming that that right belonged to Windhelm.
There weren't many problems at the gates, the guards let them in, obviously thinking that the rebels couldn't get that deep into the Imperial territory. And the group received the best form of welcome - a public execution on the square near the gates. Wonderful.
"They can't hurt uncle Roggvir. Tell them he didn't do it," they heard a girl saying.
"Positions," the guard said.
"Svari, you need to go home. Go home and stay there until your mother comes."
"Lock the city gate."
"You should tell her that her uncle is scum that betrayed his High King. Best she know now, Addvar."
"You're all heart, Vivienne."
The raven haired guard proceeded. "Roggvir. You helped Ulfric Stormcloak escape this city after he murdered High King Torygg. By opening that gate for Ulfric you betrayed the people of Solitude."
Several shaming shouts were heard. Directed at the bald prisoner, dressed in rags and cuffed.
"There was no murder! Ulfric challenged Torygg. He beat the High King in fair combat. Such is our way! Such as the ancient custom of Skyrim, and all Nords!"
That phrase was followed by even more booing sounds and exclamations to cut off his head already. Danny looked at his companion.
"I don't think we should interfere," Serana said, making the half ghost shrug.
At that moment the head of the prisoner was separated from his body. Good thing there weren't many children around. As the group got on a distance from the crowd, the vampire decided to ask a question.
"So, do you have a plan of what to do with Dixion?"
"If I can make a suggestion," the old man put in. "We can ask the jarl. I think she will help me get back to Cyrodiil."
Serana raised her eyebrow. "A Jarl? The pretender to the throne of Skyrim? Are you sure we won't be just kicked off at the gates?"
"I heard the most complimentary words about her."
"I guess it won't harm to try," Danny responded. "If not, we will think up something else. Where exactly is she?"
"In the Blue Palace. It's at the end of the main road."
With that they set off, unaware that not so far away, in the headquarters of the Imperial Legion, General Tullius got a report. In the average sized room, with a table in its middle and a map of the province, he was listening to what Rikke had to say. The woman hadn't stopped for a night rest, so that's why she arrived simultaneously with the undead group. Tullius was an aged man, he didn't look older than fifty, with greyed short hair, he was dressed in regal looking armor, which was more than reminiscent of the roman centurion's.
"Sorry if I haven't heard you properly, Rikke. I thought you said that the entire garrison was killed off by a bunch of kids."
"No, sir. They are adults from the seems, even if young. And only a few were found murdered. The rest was knocked out and very...embarrassed."
The general snorted. "I won't be surprised if I will be ordered to hung their portraits and find them," he muttered. "Is there something on your mind?"
"I just had an idea...they might be of use."
"Please, Rikke, are we taking in children now? What will Thalmor think if they see their offenders helping us? The scandal it will create will be less than pleasant."
"They are not...I understand, general. And I'm not saying anything about serving in the Legion. I doubt they will agree. They can help us indirectly, though. Like getting the jagged crown, for instance."
"I'm not going to waste my men chasing a fairytale, legate."
"Exactly why I am proposing sending someone from the side. Under a limited watch of the legionaries. They seem to be powerful mages, we need those."
The general sighed, leaning against the table, obviously contemplating the decision. "If they agree, that is. Be sure not to let your guard down around them, and arrange a proper payment after finding them. I give you one day to do that."
Meanwhile Phantom was busy examining the buildings around. Despite the roman look of the Imperials, the architecture was totally different. Here they looked more like something from middle Europe of Medieval times. Not that Danny complained, it was still very culturally enlightening. Suddenly Serana bumped into someone. It turned out to be a VERY old man, judging from the horrific wrinkles. It was a wood elf, actually.
"Oh, sorry, I wasn't looking," Serana apologized, quickly pulling on the hood.
"Nothing, child. Nothing is as painful as my predicament," the elf moaned dramatically.
"Sounds like a typical quest giver to me," Danny mumbled. "What's wrong?"
"My master has abandoned me! Abandoned his people. And nothing I say can change his mind. Now he refuses to even see me. He says I interrupt his vacation! It's been so many years... Won't you please help?"
"Uhm...what exactly do you need?"
"He went to the forbidden ring of the Blue Palace. To talk with his friend. But he's been away for so long. No one wants to help me, please, talk to him, try to convince him. Are you going to the Blue Palace?" He talked non stop, even grabbing the edge of Danny's clothes. He really looked like a madman.
"Alright," Danny said in a soothing voice. "I'll go there."
"Oh, thank you so much! Here, it will help you enter."
Then he gave them a bone. By all signs a human bone. Everyone raised their eyebrows.
"Alright, thank you very much," Danny smiled, despite his obvious desire to get out.
"Thank you!" The old elf shouted after them.
"Jeez, what a nutcase," the half ghost mumbled.
"Why did you agree to this?" Serana asked. "This entire task is ridiculous."
"My sister is a psychiatrist. She specializes in helping those like him. One of the key principles of communication with the crazies is taking this calm tone and agreeing to everything they say. Otherwise it can get very nasty. We aren't obligated to actually do as he asks, though."
The vampire hummed. It actually made sense. Dixion was also impressed.
"Is your sister like you?" He asked.
"No, she is a human. A scholar, you may say," Danny smiled. "We often help each other. I would have gone crazy myself from everything dropping on me if not for her. I mean, becoming a half ghost, then the King of...Oblivion. And I'm barely eighteen."
Finally they got to the Palace. The name obviously came from the blue roofs of the building. It wasn't that majestic, except for a roof, it looked rather dull. The guards dressed in red let them in easily yet again. Those were audience hours, luckily. Inside it looked much better: white marble, stone were mixed together harmoniously. The staircase led to the throne. There was plenty of people. There was a very beautiful redhead sitting on the throne, dressed in yellow dress, on the left stood a ginger man in brown clothes, on the right - a man in a massive suit of armor. All eyes turned to the newest arrivals.
"The meeting was not arranged," the ginger man looked in the scroll and then back on them.
"I know, sir," Dixion nodded. "Please, we are in a hurry, the vampires are on my tail for the knowledge I possess. I am the Moth priest, Dixion is my name, Your Majesty Elisif."
He somehow managed to bow in the Jarl's direction despite his blindness.
"Is this bandage because of the Elder Scroll?" Elisif asked.
"Yes, I was forced by the vampires to read the scroll for them. And I was blinded by it. These two kind people helped me get here despite the dangers. I'm humbly asking for protection until I will be able to return to Cyrodiil. I don't need allowance, just someone to keep me safe."
"Can't these two protect you?" The armored man looked at the undead.
"We have our own things to do, and quick," Serana responded. "He was lucky we found him."
"It will be an honor to help the Moth priest," Elisif smiled. "But please, wait until the audience hours are over, then we will discuss your problem. Your friends may go, we will take it from here."
"Thank you, Jarl Elisif. You are as kind as people say," Dixion bowed again, before the group went downstairs again.
They were alone, and the old man turned to his followers.
"There are no words to describe my gratitude to you, too. Without your help I would have been dead. But you need to read another scroll, yes. It is in the cave. If you go down the road from Solitude and over the Dragon bridge, turn west after a mile and up the small path to the mountains. There will be twin mountain peaks. Near the ground there will be a small cave. Once inside, you will need a special ritual, the details of which I cannot tell. This you must do alone, but the tip is: you will need a piece of wood."
"Not very clarifying," Serana grumbled. "Better than nothing, I guess."
Danny then perked up at overhearing a conversation. He smirked.
"Meanwhile we will check the abandoned ring," Phantom pulled Serana's hand, making her yelp in surprise.
They approached the door, separated from others. It was locked, but it never was an obstacle for the half ghost. While no one was looking, he phased himself and his friend through. Serana shivered at the strange feeling.
"It feels...weird," she commented.
"Yeah, you get used to it," Danny shrugged.
"Why do you even want to come here?"
"Just curious. We have nothing else to do yet, anyway, right? I'd like to stay until Dixie is surely safe."
Serana nodded. "You are right."
The place surely was abandoned. Spiders' webs everywhere, the broken furniture, the layers of dust the thickness of a fist. There was nothing to look at, which was to be expected. Only a madman like that elf would have a meeting at such place. But there wasn't a single sound. Danny suddenly snorted.
"Ah, yes, I forgot the key," he said sarcastically, before taking out a bone. "Why would it..."
Serana suddenly fell through the floor. Danny's eyes widened, before he jumped after her.
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