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"Ah, you must be Huang Renjun," a somewhat tall and enthusiastic man chirped happily, thrusting his hand out to the shorter boy and taking his to shake it. "I'm Lee Taeyong."
"Oh," Renjun tilted his head, glancing around the small reception and noting that the smaller size was made up for in charming aesthetics. Things like motivational plaques, potted flowers both real and fake, as well as pastel colours filled the room. It felt a bit like an ice cream parlour, actually. "You run this place?"
"Mmm. It's pretty new as well, so you might find a few mistakes here and there that I need to correct. Anyway, I can take you straight to your room if you'd like, after you sign these."
Taeyong slid a collection of documents in front of the new resident, a few dotted lines already signed and one at the very end that required his own. "Okay."
As the pen the older handed him hit the paper, and the black ink spilled from the nib across the white surface, the initials H.RJ appearing in neat handwriting.....the deal was set, and his new life in this place would begin.
A mistake, he would learn.....but let's rewind time a little to how this came to be...
"Yes, yes I have it," the Chinese male assured his mother over the phone as he sat on the speeding train. "Of course I'll shower, what do you take me for?"
The sharp rumbles of the vehicle had a few passenger's stomachs in knots, and Renjun half kept an eye on the nervous travellers running up and down to the bathrooms, and half on the scenery passing him by through the window. He was moving out of one city and into another.
"Make sure you call me when you arrive, okay? I'm worried about you."
"I will, I promise. Talk to you soon, Mum."
"Okay, Baby. Talk to you soon."
Renjun sighed deeply before leaning his temple against the window, the rattle of the glass sending vibrations through his head. His phone's screen blacked out, so he slid it into the front compartment of his bag and attempted to find some semblance of rest before starting a new chapter of his life.
Unfortunately, the young adult wanted to study medicine in college, and none of the schools in his local area had very good reputations. His grades were too high and were worth more than simply choosing a university due to its proximity. His mother wanted what was best for him (for all she worried a great deal), and agreed that letting him go off on his own to a reputable school would've been much wiser.
Thus, he was merely twenty minutes away from the new city after a two hour long journey. His hands fidgeted with the hem of his coat as his eyes flicked over every detail of the landscape outside. Buildings went from being small, to taller, to bolder, to high-rise.
Before he knew it, the lady's voice over the intercom was informing all passengers that their next stop was their last, and to grab all their belongings. The Chinese boy searched his seat three times over to make sure he had everything, learning his fussy and paranoid traits from his mother.
The 'beep' of the warning sounded, and suddenly the brakes ground down on the train tracks, hissing as the vehicle stopped. Renjun jolted forward by accident, bumping into one of the passengers in front of him before apologising profusely.
"Ah, I'm so sorry. I lost my footing-"
"It's okay," the stranger smiled softly, "Accidents happen."
The shorter stared at his face a little longer, noticing that the male was actually around his age. He didn't particularly look Korean either....
Everyone piled off the train and flooded onto the platform, scrambling to make way for the next wave and looking for quiet places to call people. Renjun was no different as he bolted for the grubby toilet's door, pulling his sleeve over his hand before yanking the handle and being faced with a row of three poorly kept cubicles.
He didn't need to use them though, and instead the young adult stood in front of the filth caked mirrors and already felt like running back home. The smell was awful, and he was absolutely certain there was shit left in one of the toilets.
His face didn't match his surroundings. Renjun had soft and pretty features, like a fairy. In fact, that was one of his irritating nicknames back in high school, and he would've done anything to erase that fact. His neat and beautiful appearance almost looked laughable while he stood in what was possibly the worst place on the planet.
Since the male was alone, he pulled out his phone (an expensive one at that since he came from a higher-class background), and scrolled down his contacts in search for one name in particular.
A small conversation he had held with a new apartment owner reached his attention, and he tapped into it. There were directions to the complex, which didn't help a whole lot when he wasn't familiar with the area. Instead, he typed the name into Google Maps and smiled victoriously at the straightforward arrows painted across the grey city.
Quickly running out of the putrid space, Renjun started his journey towards the apartments which were apparently only a fifteen minute walk away. The darkness of the station vanished once he stepped into the light of day.
Cars whirred past along the busy roads, pedestrians walked up and down the sidewalks, traffic lights directed traffic and the smell of coffee had his head tilting a particular direction.
Pitstop, the blonde thought excitedly, craving a caffeine boost as his legs took him towards a cafe to the side of a cinema. The scent of crushed coffee beans wafted through the polluted air and so he entered.
"Welcome," the barista chirped.
So, after a half an hour of getting lost, an extra five minutes of asking random people for directions, and kicking a creep in the groin for almost mugging him, Renjun finally knew where he was going. The problem seemed to be the fact that the apartment itself was so new it was still gaining reputation. Some people had seen it, others had heard of it.....yet the maps were confused.
Eventually, the large building of five floors grew in height the closer Renjun got. The paintwork was fresh, the windows were glimmering under the ageing sun that was starting to set, and everything looked beautiful.
Nice, the blonde thought, slowly edging closer to the double doors, which were painted white, and pushing them open.
Upon arrival, he was immediately met with a handsome man behind the tidy reception desk, listening to soft music.
"Um.....hi?" Renjun tried, scratching the back of his neck while standing his suitcase up properly.
This brings us to the present, where he is due to meet his new flat mates....
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Hey everyone,
Welcome to my Renjun-centric/polyamorous NCT Dream fanfic! I've never done this sort of idea before, with polygamy. I hope it works, and it's a bit of fun in the end.
Thanks for reading~
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