What Does This Mean
"What does this mean for us?" Jensen's question rolled around in your head. He was staring at you, his grip tight on the glass of wine in his hands, his teeth nervously tugging on his bottom lip. You could tell he wasn't sure he wanted the answer, that he was still scared and unsure. Afraid that you might end up picking Misha over him.
You took a sip of water, quenching your suddenly parched throat, before finally answering him. "This means a lot of things, not just for us, but for the people around us. Jensen, getting my memories back has been somewhat of a big relief for me. I remember meeting you for the first time, and how easy it was to fall in love with the amazing man behind those stunning green eyes."
He still seemed unsure, because you hadn't actually gotten to the point of your story yet. You felt horrible for dragging it on, but you really wanted to make sure you got your point across. Setting your glass of water farther away from you, you slid your chair out, scooting it closer to Jensen's, taking his hand in yours. His eyes had taken on the darkened hue of pine needles in the candle light, and for a moment you lost yourself in the depth of love and compassion shining from within them.
"Jensen, I want to go back to that. Where the two of us are so deeply in love, that we don't even think about it. Back to when we don't have all of this hanging over our heads. I know that's almost impossible, but I would love to try. But to do that, a couple of things need to happen." You told him, then bit your lip, nervously awaiting his reaction.
He had gripped your hand tightly through your entire mini speech, his eyes never leaving your face as you spoke. But when you were done, his gaze tilted down, landing on your joined hands, and he was silent. It was your turn to squirm in your seat, waiting for him to say something, anything. It had only been days ago that he had promised to stick with you, to work this out. But you knew things changed, feelings changed, and now that your memories were back, he might not feel the same.
"You don't know how much I want that. To start over, to pretend that I never walked in on that kiss between Misha and you. But in order to do that, we need to clear the air. Don't you think?" He finally said, his head tilting back up, his gaze once again connecting with yours.
"Of course." You answered quickly, wanting to do anything to make this right. "Just let me know what you need. I want to do anything to make this work."
He nodded, licking his bottom lip before continuing on. "Then I need to know. What do you really feel for Misha? I remember you saying that it wasn't what it looked like. And I know Misha's told me time and time again, but I need to hear it from your lips before I can truly put it behind me."
You gulped, knowing this conversation had to happen but you weren't good with words and you didn't want it to spiral out of control. "Just listen at first please. I'm going to start at the beginning, and it might be tough." You pleaded.
A slight nod was all the answer he gave you.
Taking another sip of your water, you continued. "It all started at the Vegas convention. He came up to me, and was all charming. It threw me at first, and I tried everything to stay away. But he was always thrown in my way, and he was persistent."
Jensen's hand had tightened in yours as you talked, but it was the only indication that he was affected by your words. "We both tried to fight our attraction to each other. At least he said he did. I know I did, I kept pleading with him, telling him how happy I was with you. But we kept getting thrown together, and he was so, there." You said, at a lost for the right word.
"Then, at the BBQ, it all came to a head. He kissed me, and said he couldn't control my feelings for me. But I was so confused I told him we needed to talk. That's why he came back that morning."
"That's why you couldn't sleep that night." Jensen interrupted, and you nodded.
"True. I was so stressed. I knew what I had with Misha was just an infatuation, and I didn't want to mess up what you and I have. And I didn't want to hurt your friendship with him either. So when he showed up that morning, I told him I couldn't. That whatever was happening between us couldn't anymore. Then he leaned in to kiss me goodbye, and that's when you came in."
You took a deep breath, feeling a heavy weight lift from your chest. It felt so much better, having no secrets between you and Jensen. Now you just had to wait, to see what he said. He pushed his hair back, and you were worried he was going to walk away. But he leaned down, taking your face between his hands, kissing you gently on the lips. "You don't know how scared I was you were going to leave me when your memories returned. But hearing the words, from your lips, has given me so much relief. I love you so freaking much."
"I love you too. But Jensen, I don't think our problems our completely taken care of." You told him, elated at the way he had taken the news.
"What do you mean?" He asked, sitting back down in his chair.
"I want to make things right. With everyone. I know I need to talk to Misha to make him understand. I want everything to work out so your friendship isn't ruined. Because of me."
"Misha is great. But I'm more worried about our relationship." He told you.
Shaking your head, you tried to get him to see your side. "I do too. But I know I won't feel right, things won't feel right until this all gets figured out. I won't be able to forgive myself until it's all worked out."
"I've already forgiven you. Isn't that enough?" He asked, and you could see he truly meant it.
"That's a start. But I really need this. Can you please help me?" You pleaded.
"Of course. Anything to make this all work out." He agreed. "What do you want me to do?"
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