Stretching, you felt something warm and solid behind you. It was completely spooned around you, a heavy arm across your middle. Trying to not wake him, you took your time turning until you came face to face with Misha. He was sound asleep, his long, dark lashes brushing his cheekbones. It was your first chance ever to study him, really study him without any consequences.
His blue eyes had been one of the first things that had suckered you in, how completely blue they were. Not pale, or a navy blue, but a bright, shiny royal blue. But now that his eyes were closed you could concentrate on his other features. Like how smooth his skin was, no freckles or moles marring it. Or his lips. They might seem a little rough and chapped, but they were really smooth. While they weren't as plump as Jensen's, they were still full, and you loved the feel of them against yours. You loved his cleft chin, and the dark stubble that was already covering his face. You loved how tousled his hair was, as if the two of you had spent a busy night making love.
Just the thought of that brought a blush to your cheeks. While you were in love with the man, the two of you hadn't even come close to talk about that aspect of your relationship. Your kisses had been heated, but you weren't sure if you were ready to jump that far in, not yet.
Feeling the urge to use the bathroom, you slid out from underneath his arm. Deciding to use the bathroom connected to your room, you slipped into the hallway, grabbing your phone. Checking for messages, you were surprised to see three from Gen. Opening them up, you saw the urgency in her texts. "Are you awake yet?" "Y/N, have you been on the internet yet?" "Damn it Y/N, wake up and call me!"
Not wanting to disturb Misha, you went down the stairs, unlocking the back door and stepping into the back yard. Taking a moment to admire his view, you wondered what was so important that Gen was texting you at 8 in the morning.
Quickly dialing her number, you waited for her to pick up. You didn't have to wait long before you heard her pick up. "Y/N, thank god."
"Hey Gen. Whats up?" You asked, as you perched on the edge of one of Misha's patio chairs.
"So, I heard about you and Jensen. I'm sorry it didn't work out. But you're with Misha now?" She asked you, not getting to the point.
"Yeah, Jensen and I decided it was for the best. And I really do love Misha. It was such a hard choice, but it felt right." You told her, grateful to talk to somebody about it.
"You know even though I'm with Jared, I will support you with whatever choice you make. But that's not why I called." She said.
"I appreciate that. It's so nice having you as a friend. But what's up?" You told her.
"So that mean's you haven't been on the internet at all. How about I come over, and talk to you in person." She suggested.
"Sure. Misha's not up yet, but I don't think he will mind." Rattling off his address, you hung up before heading back into the house.
Standing in the middle of the kitchen, you looked around for the coffee maker. You could really use at least one cup, if not more because it sounded like Gen had some news that you weren't going to take very well.
You jumped when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind. "Morning. I was a little disappointed when I woke up and you weren't in bed with me." Misha whispered into your ear.
You turned so you were facing him, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry, I had to use the bathroom. Then Gen called." You explained.
"Gen called? What did she want?" He asked, as he grabbed an old fashioned coffee maker. Filling it with water and grounds, he placed it on the stove to perk.
"I don't know. She didn't tell me. But it sounded really important. Actually she's on her way here now." You said. "Maybe I should go get dressed." You said, looking down at your night outfit of shorts and a tank top.
"Me too." Misha agreed. He was still dressed in his boxer briefs, and a snug fitting t-shirt. Both of you rushed up the stairs, heading to your respective rooms. Grabbing a pair of jeans, and a loose, flowing blouse, you put them on before pulling your hair up into a simple ponytail. By the time you were done, Misha was knocking at your door.
"Coffee's ready." He told you, standing there in a pair of faded, low slung jeans and a gishwhes t-shirt. Following him down, you let him pour you a cup of coffee. "Do you know what's sad? I don't even know how you take your coffee." He admitted, making the both of you realize how much you still had to learn about each other.
Taking it black, you were ready to take a sip when you heard a knock on the door. "I've got it." You told Misha, setting your cup down. Gen stood at the door, wearing a pair of light tan colored pants along with a navy tank top.
Giving her a hug, you moved to the side, letting her into the house. "Wow, Misha I like your house." She said, just as Misha came from the kitchen.
"Thanks, built her myself." He answered her.
"Do you want some coffee?" You asked, and she nodded.
"How about I bring you two coffee, and you go relax on the porch. It''s a gorgeous morning." Misha suggested.
You agreed, opening the patio door and letting her go first. Once the two of you were settled, Misha came out with the coffee, joining you outside.
"So what was so important you couldn't talk to me over the phone?" You finally got to the point.
She sighed, looking down at her coffee. "Somehow, someone found out about last night. I'm not sure how, Jensen promised he didn't say anything.But it's all over the tabloids, and Y/N, they aren't painting you in a good light."
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