Your mouth open, you stood there staring at Misha. You couldn't believe what he had just told you. Here you were, a married woman, one married to one of his best friends. And he comes out and tells you that he already has some feelings for you.
Before you could answer, an arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you tight to a warm and sturdy chest. "I see you met Misha. The slacker who couldn't even make it to our wedding." Jensen teased, not noticing the awkwardness between the two of you.
"Yeah, I finally came over and introduced myself. You have a lovely wife. You better watch out, or I might just take her from you." Misha teased back, but in his blue eyes you could see a hint of truth, and it scared you but also excited you at the same time.
"You hear that sweetheart? He thinks he could take you from me." Jensen said near your ear, and acting on impulse, you turned in his grasp and kissed him passionately on the lips.
"Never." You told him, glancing back to see a hurt look on Misha's face, making you feel bad. "But don't worry Misha. We can still be friends." You told him, holding your hand out. He grasped it tightly, and you tried to ignore the lightning bolt that sizzled from his hand to yours at the touch.
"It's time to call it a night." Jensen told you, and you nodded. Placing his hand on the small of your back, he guided you away from a staring Misha, and out of the emptying room, into the hallway where Cliff and Jared were already waiting. The four of you made your way outside, where the Suburban was already waiting. Sliding into the backseat, Jensen followed you in. Jared climbed into the front, and you were off.
Staying quiet, you stared out the window, your mind in a whirl as you tried to forget the fact that you had just been seriously attracted to a man that was not your husband. You were startled back into the here and now, when Jensen leaned over and whispered into your ear. "Is everything okay?"
You nodded. "Just a little tired. Too much excitement from seeing my rock star husband." You told him, giving him a small smile. Grabbing your hand, he gave it a gentle squeeze.
Once you were back in your room, you changed into your pajama's, which was one of Jensen's old Cowboys jerseys. Sliding under the covers, you watched as he got undressed, leaving his boxers and his undershirt on. You realized how lucky you were, how amazing and handsome he was. But then, without your permission, your mind turned back to the blue eyed temptation, and how handsome he was. Not like Jensen, who was a heady mixture of the boy next door plus model. Misha was handsome in his own way, with his awkwardness, but compelling eyes, and sweet smile.
Groaning, you slid further under the sheets, noticing that Jensen was frowning at you. "Everything okay Y/N?"
You nodded, closing your eyes as he slid in next to you, spooning you. "Just a stupid headache." You answered, and you felt him rubbing your hip soothingly.
"Well, hopefully you can sleep it off tonight. Because tomorrow is going to be a busy day." He told you, and you nodded.
As you slowly drifted to sleep, your thoughts kept drifting between the wonderful man who was holding you tightly, and the one who sent sparks flying through your body.
The next morning, you were gently shook awake. "Hey, sweetheart. Time to wake up."
You moaned, burrowing farther under the covers. Jensen chuckled, before grabbing them in both hands and yanking them away from you. "I don't think so. If you want breakfast, we need to go, soon. The gold panel starts in an hour and a half."
You groaned, but did as you were told, sitting up. You stumbled your way into the bathroom, slamming the door in Jensen's face.
Quickly going through your morning routine, you were ready in less than a half an hour. Jensen was sitting on the bed, thumbing through the channels as he waited for you. Seeing you, he stood up, and the two of you made your way down the hallway, just as Jared and Cliff stepped out of their rooms.
"Morning everyone." Jared said, giving everyone a hearty slap on the back.
Before you knew it you were back in that small little room that everyone called the green room, even though it was cream colored with different tones of tan carpet. The room was empty, and you glanced at Jensen confused. "Where is everyone?"
"They don't show up until later. This is just me and Jared. You can stay in here, watch the big screen, or stand with Cliff on the side. Up to you." Jensen told you, as Adam, one of the conventions managers told them they had five minutes.
"If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd like to stand by Cliff." You said nervously, waiting for the bodyguard's approval.
He shrugged. "I'm okay with it."
You hugged Jensen and Jared, wishing them good luck, and walked outside the black curtains with Cliff. The room was big, much bigger than you had imagined, but most of the chairs were empty. "Where is everyone?" You leaned in to ask, not missing the fact that many of the fans were looking your way and pointing.
"This is just for Gold ticket holders. This room will be packed for the second panel."
Just then the curtain opened, and Adam stepped out, introducing the boys. You watched mesmerized as Jared and Jensen joked and talked to the audience, totally at ease and comfortable with their fans. You loved seeing Jensen like this, and you couldn't wait to see how the autographs and photo op sessions would go.
You felt like Jensen's shadow, following him down the hallway as he moved from one place to another. You could hear girls and grown women giggling as he walked by, and you smiled at them. Jensen was up first for photo ops, and you stood in the corner as women man handled your husband. At first you were a little jealous, but then you calmed down. These women were having their moment of glory, while you had the real thing to go home to at night.
You were completely relaxed, having fun, joking with the cameraman during breaks, when they announced a new photo op, one with Jensen and Misha. Immediately, you stiffened up, wondering if he would do or say something again.
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