Meet Up
Ringing. That's all you heard as you held your phone up to your ear. You were waiting for Misha to pick it up, a little shake to your hands as you listened to each ring echo in your ear. One ring, two rings, you had almost given up home that he would answer when you heard his voice at the other end of the line. "Hello? Y/N?"
"Hi Misha." You said softly. "Is this an okay time to talk?"
You heard some shuffling on the other end of the line, him mutter under his breath, then he came back. "Yeah, I guess. I have to be back on set in ten minutes though."
"You're still filming?" You asked him, running your finger along your water glass that had been left behind. Jensen had gathered all the dishes, promising to do clean up while you called Misha.
You heard him chuckle. "Some of us weren't lucky enough to take time off."
"I guess I will make this short and quick." You told him. "Jensen and I want to meet up with you, to have a chance for all three of us to talk, face to face. We have some things that need aired out, and I thought that would be the best way."
"Wait, does this mean your memories are back?" He asked, completely ignoring the fact you had asked for a meeting.
"Yeah, they came back in full force this morning." You told him.
He was quiet for a moment, and you wondered if he had accidentally ended the call. But then you heard him. "So I guess this means you are still picking him." He said, and you could detect a hint of sadness in his voice.
"Misha, that's why I want us to get together and talk. But yes, I want to fix things with my husband. But please, can we pick a time and place?" You asked him.
You heard him sigh. "Sure. How about I swing by your place? Maybe tonight if we finish filming early enough. If not then tomorrow morning."
"Sounds good." You told him. "See you then."
You hung up, dropping your phone to the table. Rubbing your temples, you couldn't wait for the day to be over. It had been so full of emotional stress that you were exhausted. But you were far from done, especially if Misha did come over tonight.
Deciding you needed to let Jensen know about the probable meeting, you slowly made your way into the kitchen, your body sore from sitting so long. As you turned to round the corner, you stopped when you heard Jensen talking to someone.
His voice was a little hushed, as if he didn't want you to overhear, so instead of walking right into the room, you stayed hidden in the hallway, listening in to his conversation.
"Jared, she's calling him right now." You heard Jensen say. "Gen told you? Yeah her memories are back."
He was silent for a moment, Jared must have been talking, and you almost moved into the kitchen, but something held you back. "She wants to meet up with the guy. She says it so we can all work this out, and get our marriage back on track, along with my friendship with Misha. But, I'm not sure I really want that." He said, and your heart fell to the floor, shattering into a million pieces. You couldn't believe what he was saying. Especially after you had just sat at dinner together, him saying he forgave you, and wanting to get back together. Was that all just a game he was playing? Maybe he felt sorry for you, and was pacifying you until you were healed and he could leave.
You turned around, not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation, knowing it would hurt too much. Sniffling away tears, you grabbed the tissue box from the downstairs bathroom, before going outside. You didn't bother turning any lights on, you stumbled your way to your lounge, dropping into it. You had no energy left, what little had been there was completely sucked out by what you had just heard.
Your entire body hurt. Not just from the fact that you had just jarred your sore ribs, but from the fact that Jensen had been playing you this entire time, and didn't want to get back together with you. While it might not show on the outside, this news hurt worse than the injuries you received from your wreck.
As the tears cascaded down your cheeks, you wished you hadn't gotten your memories back. Maybe life would have been easier, maybe Jensen wouldn't have said those things to Jared, if you didn't remember everything. You were so wrapped up in despair that you didn't hear the back door open or shut. But you did see the back light turn on, and you quickly tried to hide the fact that you had been crying. You didn't want Jensen to know how much he had just ripped your heart apart.
"Y/N? Are you out here?" He asked, and you knew he couldn't see you over the back of the lounge. Before you could answer, you heard his footsteps coming closer, and then he was standing right behind you, blocking out the light. "What are you doing out here? It's freezing!" He said, and he took the blanket from in his arms and draped it over you.
"I just wanted to come out here and think." You told him, keeping your gaze from him, knowing your tears had left you looking like a raccoon.
He grabbed one of the chairs, pulling it over so he could sit next to you. "What's up? Did the call with Misha go okay?" He asked casually.
"I guess." You said, and your voice must have betrayed you, because he scooted closer, moving his hand to tilt your face so you could look at him.
"You've been crying." He said, worry filling his eyes. "What's wrong? Did Misha do something? I swear I will..."
"No, it wasn't Misha." You told him, feeling the tears rising to the surface once again.
"Then what?" He asked, confusion filling his face.
"If you don't want to work this out, why didn't you tell me?" You whispered, cringing as you waited for him to confirm his words.
Before he could say anything, the front door bell rang. The two of you stayed still, neither one moving to get it. Finally Jensen stood. "This conversation is far from over." He promised. He strode back inside, returning minutes later with Misha in tow. Misha was dressed casually in a pair of faded, low slung jeans, with a pale blue button down that just seemed to accentuate his eyes. It was the first time you had seen him since the hospital, and in a small way, you were glad he had come by today. Because you weren't sure you wanted to finish your conversation with Jensen.
But as you thought about it, you came to the realization that maybe it was for the best. That way all three of you could air your issues out, and come to some sort of understanding. Misha looked at you, then Jensen, then back at you. "Is this a bad time? Because I can always come back tomorrow."
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