It's Now or Never
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. With Misha there, you knew everything was going to come to a head, but you weren't sure you were ready. Especially after hearing Jensen talking on the phone with Jared.
"I can come back." Misha said, back stepping as he took in your tear stained face, and Jensen's frustrated grimace.
"No, please stay." You whispered. You wanted him there, just in case things ended badly between you and Jensen. It was selfish on your part, but you wanted someone to be there for you.
"Okay." He said, though he still sounded unsure. He sat down at the table, while Jensen stood on the other side of you. You could have laughed at how ironic this was, if your heart wasn't still hurting that is.
"Between the three of us, there is a lot that we need to talk about." You started. "But before that, I need to know something."
"Sure." They both agreed quickly.
"I guess this is more for Jensen, than for you." You apologized to Misha. He looked a little bit like a kicked puppy, but gave you a tiny shake of his to let you know he understood.
"Jensen, do you still want to work things out between us? Do you still want our marriage to work?" You asked him, even though you cringed at hearing the answer, especially after what you heard him say over the phone.
"Of course I do!" He said adamantly, sitting back down on the chair. "I told you I do. That I want to forget what happened, and start again. To be happy again."
You felt tears threaten to fall once again, and you brushed them away, frustrated at your weakness. "Really? Because that's not what it sounded like when you were talking to Jared." You told him, seeing Misha's eyes grew round in surprise.
"What? That's not what I... What did you hear?" He stuttered, his tone uncertain.
You tried to stand up, but just ended up grimacing in pain as your ribs ached from the movement. "Damn it Y/N, that's not what I meant at all. If you had stayed to listen, then you would have heard the rest of it!"
"What was that? That you were with me right now because you pitied me? Or because you were jealous Misha was going to get the girl?" You spat, not even recognizing yourself in your anger.
"No, you would have heard me saying that I didn't want to do this meeting." He answered quietly, his eyes begging your you to understand. "Y/N, it's just, I'm still afraid that I'm going to lose you to Misha, and I thought this meeting was going to be for you to tell me goodbye. I wasn't ready for that. I almost lost you, and I don't want that to happen again."
You melted at his words, his tear filled eyes showing how desperate, but truthful he was being. "Thank god." You whispered, before he pulled you into his arms. "I'm never leaving you. Please don't leave me." He whispered, and it broke your heart that this strong, amazing man was so unsecure about the love the two of you shared.
"Never." You whispered, feeling horrible that Misha was there to witness it, but also a little glad at the same time. Because this showed him who you had picked, making it more clear than any words ever could.
You sat back up, making Jensen give you a curious glance. "There, now that that is taken care of, can we please clean the air between all of us?"
"How do you want to do that?" Misha asked, his voice a little cold, and you didn't blame him. You just wished that by the end of the evening, hearts would be on the way to being mended.
"I want us to talk it all out, maybe drink, and try to get back to the way things used to be. Or at least, find a new way to deal with each other. Because you are friends, or at least you were. And you work together, every day. I can't have the two of you glaring daggers at each other all the time." You told them.
"Fine. Let's talk." Jensen agreed.
You looked over his way. "Jensen, you might not like some of the things being said, but always remember. I picked you."
He nodded, grasping your hand, and you started off the conversation. "Misha, first of all I want you to understand, I'm with Jensen, now and forever. But, if I hadn't had this wonderful husband here, whom I don't deserve, you would be the first man I would choose. Your funny, and smart, and you sure know how to kiss." You said, not missing the look of jealousy that crossed Jensen's face. Misha, on the other hand, sat there calmly, staring at you, listening to what you have to say with a hooded look oh his face.
"But I'm sorry Misha. We need to have this talk, then forget about everything that's happened. For your sake along with ours. Do you think you can do that?" You asked him.
He nodded. "I can do that. During your time in the hospital I had plenty of time to think, and feel ashamed for my actions. I know those feelings will be hard to put behind me, but I promise I can do it. I will miss you Y/N, but I'm hoping we can continue on as friends."
Giving him a soft smile, you turned to Jensen. "Jensen, I know Misha and I messed a lot of stuff up. But do you think you and Misha could go back to being friends?" You asked him, watching as both men stared at each other. It was a silent battle of the alphas, and for a moment you wondered if everything you had worked to would be pushed away by the pride of men. But you watched as Jensen sighed, his shoulders drooping a little, before he strode forward. Misha was watching, uncertainly, ready to take a step back, but Jensen surprised the both of you by holding his hand out.
Misha took it, and Jensen spoke, his words low. "Misha, I want you to know that I forgive you for going after my wife, but I will never forget it." Without another word, Jensen reared his other hand back, punching Misha square in the jaw. "That is for going after my wife in the first place."
Misha stood there, rubbing his jaw, waiting for another punch, which never came. "I deserved that, and a lot more." He admitted.
"Yeah you do." Jensen agreed. "But, I don't want anymore discord between me and my wife, or me and my friends. I just want this all to be over. And to go back to having friends, filming our show, and doing our conventions. Can we do that?" Jensen asked tiredly, and Misha nodded.
"Don't worry Jensen. You won't have to worry about me doing anything stupid ever again." He promised, earning a chuckle from Jensen.
"I doubt that." Jensen muttered. "I'm willing to give this a try. But just this warning, and then it's gone, never to be talked about again. I know you will be spending time with Y/N. But if you touch her the wrong way, a simple punch will be the least of your worries."
Misha nodded. "I understand. And believe me, I don't think of Y/N like that anymore. She's like a sister to me, I promise. But now I think that since everything is cleared, I'm going to take off, let the two of you have some time together."
"Thank you Misha." You told him, Jensen helping you off of the chair. You walked over to him, giving him a quick hug, your eyes on Jensen the entire time to let him know it was just friendly. Misha stepped away, giving Jensen a pat on the back before going back in your house to leave.
You sighed, relieved that that horrible conversation was over with. Jensen sat down in your lounge, and you glared at him for taking your chair away. Moving to sit in his chair, you were surprised when you felt his arms reach around you, gently pulling you down onto his lap. Melting in his embrace, you leaned back, letting your head rest against his chest. The two of you stayed like that, listening to the heart beat of each other, content in the company of one another.
"I was so worried when I overheard your conversation." You admitted, as you drew circles with your finger on his chest.
His hand that was wrapped around your shoulder tightened for a moment. "I'm so sorry that you got worked up over that. But trust me, I don't want to leave you. Those nights apart were the worst nights of my life. I never want that to happen again."
"Let's promise each other that we won't do anything like this again." You pleaded with him, feeling his arms tighten around you. "Nothing is worth the pain I caused you. If I could take it back I would."
"I know. But all we can do is move on from it, learn from our mistakes. And we will do it, and survive. Together." He told you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I love you."
"I love you too." You answered him, closing your eyes, amazed that this man had stuck with you through pain and heartbreak. Hopefully it would make your marriage that much stronger.
**This is the end of this part. I do plan on doing a version with more Misha, that I will just add to the end of this.**
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