Don't Go
You backed away from Misha as fast as you could, your face beet red, as you saw the horror on Jensen's face. You couldn't believe it. Of course, with your luck, Jensen had to return early, just in time to see Misha kissing you. And you were still only dressed in your robe, your legs bare, your hair messy.
"Y/N?" He said, blinking his eyes as if this was just a bad dream. He stood at the doorway of the kitchen, his coat in his hand, a container of cinnamon rolls, your favorite, in the other.
"Jensen, please." You started, but he took a step back away from you, dropping the container, the hurt turning his eyes a darker shade of green, almost olive.
"So, that's what this has all been about. The restless nights, the strange behavior. I get it now." He said darkly, and you winced.
"Jensen, it's not what it seems." You tried telling him, but even you knew how cliched that sounded. But it was true, and you would do anything in the world to make him see that.
"You mean I didn't see you and Misha kissing?" He asked sarcastically, and finally Misha spoke up.
"Jensen, let's sit down so we can talk this out. If you need to be mad at anyone, be mad at me." Misha pleaded with Jensen, stepping beside you, but Jensen wasn't having any of it. He turned around and headed back to the garage.
Giving Misha a panicked look, you raced after Jensen, needing him to listen. "Jensen, please!" You yelled after him, but you could only watch as he grabbed his keys, opening the driver's door of his car. Standing next to his car, he frowned at you, his eyes full of tears. It was at that moment you hated yourself, that you could make Jensen hurt like this.
"You know what? I felt bad leaving you home alone after you've had a rough week. So I changed my plans with Jared, for you. But I guess you were glad to be left alone, weren't you?" He said, his hand on the door, a disapproving look on his face, one tear falling down his cheek.
"It's not like that! He came to talk, and I was telling him I loved you, that I wanted to be with you." You tried explaining, and he laughed at that.
"Well, you sure had a funny way of showing it. But don't worry, I'm leaving, so you and Misha can have all the private time you want." He told you before climbing into the car, and slamming the door. You stood there, tears pouring down your cheeks as you watched the love of your life driving away.
Your face wet with tears, you stayed frozen to the spot, staring at the now empty spot where his car had been, unable to move, your heartbreak making you physically hurt. "Y/N?" You heard Misha softly say behind you, but you couldn't move. You didn't want to move, you didn't want to feel. You wanted nothing but the chance to make things right with Jensen.
You felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, come back inside. Please." He pleaded with you, but you shrugged his hand off.
"Leave me alone." You said, never once looking at him, your voice strangely calm and detached from your emotions.
"Listen, I will talk to Jensen, or talk to Jared, make him talk to Jensen. Let him know what was going on. Jensen loves you, he will forgive you. Please, come inside." Misha told you, but you were hurting too much to actually listen to his words.
"Please, just go." You told him again, wanting nothing more than to be left alone, to go and wallow in pity by yourself.
He tried to turn you to face him, and that's when you snapped. "Misha, just go! Haven't you already ruined enough!" You yelled at him, not missing the hurt that crossed his face.
"Y/N, I know you're hurting, but I didn't think I was the only one in that kiss, or any of our kisses. And I know have a coworker that will probably try to kill me tomorrow. You're not the only one hurting." He tried to explain, but you weren't having any of it.
"I don't care. I just want to be alone." You said, the anger gone from your voice, and you shoved your way past Misha. "You can let yourself out." You told him, leaving him behind as you trudged up the stairs, making your way to your room. Once there, you slammed the door shut, before sliding down it, hugging your knees to your chest, letting the tears flow.
You knew it was your fault. You should have stopped Misha's attention from the very first moment. But you had been distracted by his beautiful blue eyes, outgoing personality, and the way he pursued you. And when you had tried to fix everything, it had made everything worse. And now Jensen probably hated you, and your marriage was now in shambles.
You weren't sure how long you stayed there, against the door, but when you finally decided to move, you moaned at how sore your muscles had become. Standing up, you threw your robe off, before climbing back into bed, wanting sleep to take away the pain.
You laid on your usual side of the bed, pulling Jensen's pillow to your chest. Inhaling his scent, you calmed down a little bit, letting your heart beat slow down for the first time since Jensen had walked into the house.
As you calmed down, you wondered if Misha was still here, or if he had followed your orders and left. But you didn't really care. The only person you wanted right now was probably cussing your very name. Closing your eyes, you tried to drift off to sleep, wanting the hurt to stop. Maybe, after a nap, things would look better, and maybe you could figure out a way to get Jensen to listen to you. But even though you told yourself that, you knew it wouldn't be easy, and that you had quite a fight ahead of you.
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