Part 2
Thank you for all of your help and support!
Harry: lou can you tell me something
Louis: um yeah sure
Harry: am I ugly?
Louis: no love, you're ruggedly handsome! Why would you think that.
Harry: I'm too fat aren't I
Louis: no baby you're perfect to me
Harry: please tell the truth, I deserve to know that people really think of me
Louis: I think that you are a really sexy young man and I bet you're great in bed ;)
Harry: ewww
Louis: too much?
Harry: just a bit, you've really cheered me up tho =)
Louis: who made you feel bad? Imma destroy them when I get the chonce
Harry: just some kids at school, don't worry about it
Louis: I am worried
Harry: why, please don't be
Louis: I'll have you know I'll worry about you if I want to
Harry: wanna meet up sometime?
Louis: only if you feel comfortable
Harry: yeah, I do
Louis: OK maybe London?
Harry: yeah, that works can my friend naill can come
Louis: sure the more the merrier
Harry: yay can't wait
Louis: ok so times
Harry: Saturday at 1pm
Louis: ok yeah that suits
Harry: yay, I'll send u my address if you want
Louis: you're address? You live by yourself?
Harry: nope bacicaly the opposite lol
Louis: u with your parents?
Harry: nope, care home 😂
Louis: aww I'm so sorry
Harry: for what?
Louis: I didn't know you were care
Harry: well I am
Louis: is it OK if I'm nosy and ask why
Harry: oh yeah sure. Both of my parents died in a fire when I was at a friend's house like 12 years ago.
Louis: oh I'm so sorry
Harry: don't be, they weren't nice people. They used to lock me in my room for weeks on end, they would beat me daily.
Louis: I can't believe that, you've been through so much, when I meet you I'm gonna give you lots of hugs
Harry: ooo about that. My careworker is gonna come up the town too. Sad I know I'm not allowed any privacy
Louis: it's for your own safety
Harry: Ik, I'm really sorry but I have to go =(
Louis: it's ok bye 👋
Harry: 👋 bye
OK this has surprisingly been requested a lot! Thank you for reading!
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