Chapter 8
Peter's POV
After a lot of explaining to Ned and MJ, I was finally able to go to work (thank goodness they didn't make me late or my boss would've had my head) while they stayed back at my apartment eating breakfast courtesy of me wasn't burnt or disgusting (no offence, May but I'm just better at cooking). I made blueberry pancakes straight from the base. By base, I meant all the ingredients were self grown right from my own field in Rosehill, Tennessee. My grandparents had purchased a lot of land when they were first starting out family life in hopes of making a permanent home for their kids to live in but that never worked out so then it passed down to their kids, Richard Parker (my dad) & Ben Parker (my uncle). My dad was too busy with his scientist work to even think about it while my uncle decided to make a log cottage there with a lot of bedrooms I didn't bother counting and also started growing some fruits and veggies and since they sadly passed, I inherited it all from them making it my land.
Anyway, back to what I was saying. After I got there, I immediately started getting ready for my 6 hour shift at the one and only Delmars'. There were not many people not to my surprise as this restaurant isn't as popular as all the other restaurants nearby. This restaurant doesn't pay that well either so I work at another place called 'Louise's cheesecake palace' which pays significantly better and I have a couple friends there as well so there's that. Even though, Delmars' pay is less, I still work there because of the owner of Delmars'. He helped my aunt and I a lot when we were struggling to make ends meet with bills, rent, and all that even when he was struggling with his own business himself so to repay him I decided to work at his restaurant to help out with business and all in all his business has gotten a lot better ever since along with May and I's financial status so I guess it's a win-win situation.
"Parker!!" called Mark Lee (another employee at Delmars') snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Coming!" I replied while getting my name tag on. Looks like I gotta go start working.
6 hours later...
It's 5 p.m. that means my shift is finally over. I can finally get a break. Then right at that moment I remembered that I have to go to 'Louise's cheesecake palace'. Thank goodness it's close by though. I don't know how much longer I could stay awake. So once I get there, I can quickly go and find some place to rest before my 4 and a half hour shift starts at 5:30 p.m and that's exactly what I did. I asked Edmond and Evony (the friends I was talking I mean thinking about earlier who also happened to be Louise Abreo's grandchildren) to wake me up 5 minutes before my shift starts and to also prepare some cappuccino as I know I'd need it. So, with my final thought, I took a little nap.
15 minutes later...
I woke up to Evony shaking me awake and saying," Peter, wakey wakey. It's time to wake up or you're gonna miss your shift. Edmond and I prepared the cappuccino as you asked and got some of your favourite cheesecake too."
"Fav'rite chees'cake?" I mumbled half asleep.
"Yes, Peter. It's the one and only New York cheesecake, Pete. Specially made by me just for you." she pauses "I'll eat it all up if you don't get up in 5 seconds tho."
"1" but before she complete saying '1' I shot out of the chair I was resting on.
"I'm up! I'm up! Don't eat my cheesecake!"
"God, you're such a lil' kid sometimes. You're just like that Japanese snack 'kohakuto'.Acts all hard on the outside, but is truly just really sweet and wonderful on the inside. Its like crystal jelly. You know what, I'm calling you crystal jelly from now on because they taste the best and really remind me of you every time I have it. I'm only calling you crystal jelly if you agree though. So, do you permit me to call you crystal jelly?" She replied putting a serious look on her face in the end.
"Of course, Evony. Not like you were gonna listen to me if I disagreed anyways and not that I have anything against being called 'Crystal jelly' but don't you think that's a bit long? I mean, nicknames are supposed to be short."
"True, so... how about just 'Crystal'?"
"Crystal sounds great, Ev."
"Did you just- you know what, I don't mind. I like the way you say Ev so I'm permitting it."
"Oh, so you'll hate it if I say it like this? Eeeeev. Evvvvv. E——————————v" I said chuckling.
"Peter, stop. You will most definitely not be allowed to call me 'Ev' if you keep doing that and before we get further into this conversation I think you should have your cheesecake and coffee now though. Our shift is starting in like 4 minutes."
"Oh shit. I should hurry up."
"Yep, you better hurry up, Crystal. We don't have all day."
"Tick-tock, Tick-tock"
A/N : I'm so sorry for not updating last week like I was supposed to and for a rlly short chapter. I just had no idea what to write until a light bulb flickered in my head yesterday so thanks to that you guys are getting a chapter. I also just saw that I have 3000 readers as well so thanks for that. I'll try to have the next update out soon and by soon I really mean soon because I have ideas for it. Anyways, today's FOTD is...
Mice and rats are ticklish - - and they laugh when you do it
Added pictures I found on the internet cuz why not. The pictures are the New York cheesecake and cappuccino that Evony gave to Peter.
Love you guys 3000
Furry is out
( And yes, I'm using the nickname you gave me YoAverageFangurllll )
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