Chapter 6
All was going well until my spidey sense went off
Peter's POV
I landed on a rooftop of a tall building. You could see basically everything from here. From my small apartment from Queens to all the way to the Avengers compound. Man, I wish I could go there someday. Maybe get a job there? or better. Become an avenger!!!! Actually nah, that'll probably never happen. I mean, I'm just a small vigilante in New York while they are the heroes of the world. They're so cool. Maybe someday I'll be like them. As I look over the city to see if any crime was going on I saw no crime (yay!!!!!). So I thought why not relax and enjoy this view.
All was going well until my spidey sense went off.
I felt something like a dart or arrow come my way so before it could hit me I quickly grab it from behind and turn around and say ," Who is it this time? Dr. Octopus, Little Gobby, Mr.Reptile? Look, whoever it is can you please leave me alone and maybe do this some other day. Lets see.... how does Friday 11 p.m. here sound? I have to get back home right now before they start to think I'm dead." And as I was about to continue further whoever was there cut me off by saying," ahem" and it sounded female?
Natasha's POV
It was 5 a.m. I had a sound sleep after a long time because the rest of the team were out on a mission and so it was peace and quiet. I decided to go on a run outside as I hadn't done that in a long time. So I left for a run leaving my phone behind as I didn't want any distractions. By the time I was back at the compound it was 8 as I decided to stop for a quick breakfast and man, the sandwiches were amazing. So I left a big tip for the owner who I came to know was Mr.Delmar. When I got back, I decided to take a small shower as I stunk from all the running.
Now it was 8 a.m. and I was bored. So I decided to go on my phone to see if I got any notifications and I got one from Fury. It said...
7:30 a.m.
N. Fury :
Spiderman is out on patrol
Bring him in for questioning by any means possible
8:20 a.m.
Natasha :
On my way
I ask Friday, " Where is Spiderman and what is he doing?"
She replies," Spiderman is currently on the rooftop of (insert a tall building in New York) and he is watching the view but as he is Spiderman I suppose he is looking out for crime in the city."
I then say, "Thanks Friday" and leave before she gets a chance to reply.
I arrive 5 minutes later thanks to my bike and I want to make it quick so I sent a tranquilliser dart his way but right before it hit him he blocks it and starts saying ," Who is it this time? Dr. Octopus, Little Gobby, Mr.Reptile? Look, whoever it is can you please leave me alone and maybe do this some other day. Lets see.... how does Friday 11p.m. here sound? I have to get back home right now before they start to think I'm dead." annoyed.
He was about to continue but before he could continue I cut him off by saying," ahem".
He then said," You're a female.. My very first female enemy. Yesss!! As much as I'd love to stick around and celebrate. I should really get going. Bye~~~"
But as he was leaving I threw knives at his webs and he was just shooting more webs and I was cutting more webs but he just kept shooting more webs and the funny thing was that he didn't even look back once seeming to be 'too busy with his own life' to care. So after chasing him around for a while I numbed into a lady who seemed nice and helped me search for him for a while but then we gave up and I decided to let him go for today and maybe take up his offer of Friday 11p.m. right here. Since that lady helped me even if she had her own life to take care of I decided to take her back to her home. When I reached her house, she was insistent on me coming in so I decided to spend some time there. Like I mean what was the worst that could happen?
Peter's POV
That crazy lady finally stopped chasing me and me being the stupid person I was decided to not look back at who that person was. Ughhh I regret my life so bad.
Well by the time I get back its 9 and thank goodness aunt may isn't back otherwise I'd be literal toast. So when I get back I go to the table and put my head down and am out like a light.
May's POV
My shift is finally over. It was a stressful shift and I cant wait to come home to lie down on my comfy bed. I wonder how Peter and his friends are doing. Did they eat well? Did they get enough sleep? Are they comfortable? were all the questions swirling through my mind. But I quickly brushed it off knowing Peter is an amazing cook and Ben has taught Peter from a very young age on how to be a good host.
As I was walking to my bus stop I bumped into someone. I apologised and then kept walking until I remembered the look on her face. She looked like she was looking for something so I decided to help her out knowing that being a few minutes late to getting back home won't harm anyone.
So I asked her, "Excuse me, Ma'am. Are you alright? You seem to be searching for something."
"I'm alright thanks for asking Ma'am. I am searching for someone though." She replies while taking her phone out of her pocket.
"Here", she said while showing me a picture of Spiderman on her phone.
I was then wondering why in the world was some lady looking for Spiderman. Wait does she work for some dangerous organisation? Oh my god I should get away from her now.
As if reading my mind she said, "I'm not an agent working for some dangerous organisation. You know the avengers? Well, I am an avenger and have been tasked to bring Spiderman in for interrogation. I'm trying to find him."
"Oh! I did not expect that. I wonder how I didn't recognise you. You guys were all over the news. If you don't mind, I can try to help you find him." I say.
"Oh no. That's not necessary." She started but I cut her off by saying, "It's fine, Ms.Romanoff. I'd love to help you."
"You don't need to call me Ms. Romanoff. Call me Nat or Natasha." She said.
"Okay, Natasha. Lets go find Spiderman." I say.
Then we started looking but there was no trace of him. In then end, we just gave up and I said," I should be taking my leave then." Then she said," Let me drop you off to your home as you were helping me all this time. The least I could do."
After a lot of resisting, I finally gave in and she dropped me off to my house.
Since we were basically in front of my house I decided to invite her in as it would be rude to not invite her in. So I invited her in and apologised for the condition the house was in. I'd let her sit on the couch but I found Ned asleep and a lot of snacks all over the couch so I resorted to the dining table where I found Peter fast asleep and I normally would let him sleep without disruptions but I didn't really have a choice so I let Natasha have the seat next to Peter while I brought some tea and biscuits. Before I left, I told Natasha that this was my nephew Peter and his friends were over on a sleepover so that's why the house was so messy.
A/N : idk what snack American ppl offer to ppl when they come to their houses so... lets stick to this. Can someone tell what you guys (even if you guys aren't American) offer to guests when they come over plssssss? I'm curious. My parents usually offer some fruits and biscuits and some tea and if they're kids probably some juice and chocolates or biscuits.
Natasha's POV
As I sat next to her nephew, I saw how precious he looked. He looked liked a bundle of joy that lit up everyone's day with nothing but their presence. He looked so peaceful sleeping and before I even realised it I felt a sense of protection towards Peter. If anything happened to Peter I'd kill everyone in this world and then myself.
Once she came back I found some tea and home-made cookies in her hand. I thanked her and oh boy were they the best cookies I've ever eaten in my entire life. They were amazing. I immediately told her," Did you make these cookies because they're the best cookies I've eaten in my entire life."
"Ahaha, thank you but no I didn't make them. It's Peter over there who made them. He has a knack for cooking. He cooks for me nearly everyday since I'm sadly an awful chef. But thanks to my little Pete I don't starve. Oh my, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm May, May Parker." She said.
"Well then, nice to meet you May or I mean Ms.Parker." I said with a smirk on my face and we just had a really fun time talking that I didn't notice a certain someone wake up and hear our conversations.
I only noticed when he said," Uhhh May? Who is this?"
A/N : I'm so sorry for the delay in updating and for a terrible chapter too and wow since the last time I've updated I've gained a lot more readers so thanks for that. Thank you for all the support you guys have shown me and I think I've already mentioned in the previous chapter but they are a huge motivation and every comment, vote and read it makes my day so thank you so much guys.
And FYI Civil war did happen but all the avengers decided to grow up and face the situation like adults instead of acting like children and Tony found out about his parents real cause of death too but was cool about it as he knows Bucky was brainwashed and he was mad at Steve for like a pretty long time but they made up with each other.
And I'm also curious about something
Which side would you guys choose in civil war? (I'd choose team Cap even I completely disagree with how Steve reacted with Tony. I don't think he should've gone so extreme because it left Tony really heartbroken.)
Okay I think that'd enough from me so todays fun fact is.... (drum roll)
There is enough DNA in the average person's body to stretch from the sun to Pluto and back - 17 times
Word Count : 1911 words
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