Chapter 4
Later that day
~~Peter made a group chat with 'Mr.creepydude' and 'Uncle Bruce'~~
Peter :
Hello my favourite internet buddies 🙃
Mr.creepydude :
Hey kid
Uncle Bruce :
Hey there kiddo
How's my favourite nephew doing ? 😊
Peter :
I'm doing good thank you for asking Uncle Bruce 🙂
What about you two ?
Uncle Bruce :
I'm good too
Mr.creepydude :
I'm awesome
But are we just going to ignore the fact that you (Bruce) called him 'nephew' and you (Kid) called him uncle ?!?!
What about meeee?
Peter :
You're 'dad' remember?
For being soooooo annnnoooooyyyinnggg
Mr.creepydude :
Oh yeah, son
I'm sorry I forgot
Peter :
Nah, all's good
What did you guys have for dinner ?
Uncle Bruce :
I had a big lunch so I had some salad for dinner
Mr.creepydude :
I had some sushi
Uncle Bruce :
What about you kiddo?
Peter :
I went out with my aunt and had some Thai it was da best 🙌
Mr.creepydude :
Wow, I love Thai too kid
We could be best buddies 😁
Peter :
And here I thought we were already best buddies 😔
Mr.creepydude :
No no no
It wasn't like that
Peter :
Calm down dad
Jeez i can't even joke around you
Mr.creepydude :
Well I ain't some 15 year old so my bad
Peter :
I'm not 15 but yeah sucks to be you
Mr.creepydude :
Hey! At least I can do whatever I want now
Peter :
Only if you have money
Tony and Bruce chuckle at this statement because they know they're anything but poor
Mr.creepydude :
What if I told you I was a billionaire
Peter :
Then I wouldn't believe you but if that's rlly true then wow 😮
Mr.creepydude :
You can believe whatever you want to kiddo 🙃
Uncle Bruce :
What are you two doing ?
Peter :
I was working on a project for school but got bored so I started texting you too
Mr.creepydude :
I was in my lab with you know who
Peter :
OH NO!!!!!
Uncle Bruce :
He is not a terrible villain
In fact he's quite the opposite
Peter :
Really 🧐
Uncle Bruce :
Yes kiddo, really
Now you wouldn't not believe your uncle now would you
Peter :
You're not allowed to pull the uncle card on me
And I'll only believe you because I trust you unlike mr.creepydude over there
Mr.creepydude :
I'm dad remember?
Peter :
God I wish I could obliviate you so that you'd stop saying that
Mr.creepudude :
Don't obliviate me
What if the spell goes wrong and you make me extremely dumb
Then I no longer will be a billionaire
Peter :
Fine, I won't obliviate you dad
Mr.creepydude :
I have a son now
Look Brucie
Peter :
You're TONY STARK!!!!!!!!!!
Mr.creepydude :
That's just an inside joke me an Brucie bear have
Peter :
I find that hard to believe but it all makes sense now
You're a genius, Mr.Stark's a genius
You're a billionaire, Mr.Stark's a billionaire
You're the exact opposite of a terrible villain, Mr.Stark's the exact opposite of a terrible villain
You're in touch with the avengers, Mr,Stark's in touch with the avengers
You have a friend called Bruce, Mr.Stark has a friend called Bruce
God it all makes sense now
seen by Uncle Bruce & Mr.creepydude
Tony's POV
"BRUCE!!!!!!!! what do I do now?" I asked him in panic. God, why was I so stupid? I completely blew my cover.
Bruce then says," You have no choice but to tell him who you really are now which includes me too." And sighs.
"Guess we'll be telling a kid who we really are now." I said and then we both went back to our phones to text the kid.
Back in the texting world~~~
Peter :
Where are you guys?
Look I'm sorry if I offended you by assuming that you're Tony Stark and Bruce Banner
Please forgive me
You guys are one of my only friends
Please don't leave me
"God I messed up so bad and now my friends are gone," Peter thought. So Peter decided to switch off his phone and started working on his project.
A few minutes later~~~
Mr.creepydude :
No no no kid
You didn't do anything wrong
Uncle Bruce :
If anyone needs to be forgiven it's us
We shouldn't have left you on seen to be wondering if you did smth wrong
Mr.creepydude :
And you're right kid
I'm Tony Stark
Uncle Bruce :
And I'm Bruce Banner
I'm rlly happy you like my work kiddo
Mr.creepydude :
Me too
You're the first person I heard talk about me like that and it made me really happy
Uncle Bruce :
And you made the Tony Stark start living a healthy life style
The most stubborn person ik
Mr.creepydude :
I'm not stubborn
Uncle Bruce :
Says the guy who won't listen to anyone unless FRIDAY gives a logical reasoning but it takes her like at least 5 times to convince you
Mr.creepydude :
Okay fine
I may be a bit stubborn then
Just a little tiny bit
Uncle Bruce :
Okay Mr.stubborn
Kiddo if you want to change his name there it is
He's the most stubborn person I've met in the world
Mr.creepydude :
Noo, 'Mr.creepydude' is a million times better
Don't call me 'Mr.stubborn' like your good ol' uncle Bruce suggested
Wait speaking of kid, where is he?
Uncle Bruce :
He's probably busy
Mr.creepydude :
But he usually replies within a few seconds
Uncle Bruce :
You do realise that he has a life out of this right?
Mr.creepydude :
Yeah but still 😣
Uncle Bruce :
Kiddo, ignore Tony
You can text us back when you're free 😊
Bye kiddo
Mr.creepydude :
Bye kid
Fun Fact : Snakes can predict earthquakes
You know what that means? Let's go get some pets snakes
Word count : 969 words
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