Chapter 3
(A/N : The italics are thoughts so it's not actually said)
Unknown :
Hey there kiddo
Peter :
Who are you and how'd you get my number !!!
Unknown :
I'm Bruce and I'm a friend of 'Mr.creepydude'
What's up with his name btw ?
Peter changed 'Unknown' to 'Bruce'
Peter :
Oh. You're the one who looked over my work with Mr.creepydude right?
Bruce :
Right you are
Peter :
To answer your question, he threatened to hack into my phone to find out who I am but of course my system never fails me so he couldn't hack into my phone 😁
And that's why I named him 'Mr.creepydude' because that is creepy as hell in my opinion and if you don't think that's creepy then I may have to change your name to 'Bruce the creepydude'
Bruce :
I'm glad I think that's creepy because I have no interest in getting a name like that
Here I thought he was the smartest one in the world
Peter :
So you're saying I'm the smartest?
Bruce :
Of course kiddo
You just blocked out a genius from your phone !!!!
Peter :
Well ig I might be a lil smart then
But I'm sure I'm not the smartest one in the world
I'm sure there are smarter ppl in the world
And I'm just a nobody
Bruce :
No one's ever a nobody in this world okay?
Everyone has a purpose in life
You may think at times, I'm no one important. I'm just a nuisance. I'm a waste of space. I should just die. I know from experience.
But no
That's not what you do
Why give up on life
You were born for a reason
Everyone's born for a reason
So you see, everything in life is dependent on one another
Let's take the water cycle as an example
If there's no rain, there's no water
and if there's no water, there's no rain
And you may think the human life ain't nothing like that
But see if you're not there
Your parents will be upset
If not your parents, your relatives will be upset
If not your relatives, your friends will be upset
If not your friends, your girl/boy will be upset
If not them, your pet cat will be upset
If not your pet cat, your boss will be upset
If not your boss, someone will be upset
If not someone, Mr.creepydude and I will be upset because we care for ya kiddo whether we know you well enough or not
You've dug your way into our hearts
We love ya kiddo
Anyways, as I was saying we'll all be upset
And by being upset as much as we say 'we've moved on' a part of yourselves will always remember whether or not we cared
And however much you want to forget pain it never leaves actually as its impossible to leave behind a part of yourselves
But that obviously doesn't mean we can't get better it is possible to gain success as well after passing that stage
But what I'm trying to say is we'll never be able to forget you even if its in a deep part into our minds
You are not a nobody
Nobody is not a nobody
Everyone matters including you Bambi
Peter :
Tysm Bruce
That makes me feel so much better
You remind me of my uncle Ben
He was rlly wise and always had the right words to say to me
God I rlly miss him
Bruce :
Peter :
He has passed 3 years ago
After that it's just been me and my aunt
Bruce :
I'm so sorry for your loss
And if you don't mind me asking what do you mean by 'after that it's just been me and aunt'. Don't you have anyone else or parents?
Peter :
I don't mind you asking
Been asked too many times to even care
Besides they died when I was 5, so I don't have many memories of them
It's a shame tho, I'd love it if I could remember my parents more
And now it's just me and my aunt
She's all I have left
Bruce :
Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear that
You said you're still in high school right?
Peter :
Yeah, I'm in high school
Bruce :
You must be a strong kid, kiddo
Its not easy to be okay after facing 3 deaths at such a young age
Ik I would never be able to heal
Peter :
Well, I haven't completely healed either
My aunt is the one that keeps me going
I always think that a lot of other people my age may have it a lot harder than me and I should just stop sulking around the corner and get it together and be grateful for what I have
Bruce :
That is true kiddo, but that doesn't mean your feelings are not accounted
You shouldn't keep your feelings bottled up and have someone you can talk to
Perhaps a friend or therapist
Peter :
Yeah about that
I would talk to them but I don't want to burden them with my problems and I'm too poor to afford a therapist
Besides, I'm doing okay without them so I don't rlly see the need of talking to a friend or seeing a therapist
Bruce :
Ik you're doing good but I'm just saying if you feel rlly shitty someday you should reach out to someone and if that doesn't help ik I'm not that kind of doctor but you could always talk to me :D
Peter :
Aww thank you for that Bruce
But I doubt dumping my problems onto my friends will help me and my friends will probably think I'm weak, dumb, stupid, & a loser including you~~
Bruce :
No problem kiddo and I doubt your friends will think that and if they do you got some terrible friends kiddo and you should just dump them
Peter :
Even if they're my only friends?
Bruce :
Yes, even if they're your only friends kiddo
But don't worry, Mr.creepydude and I will always be your friends :)
Peter :
Aww ty
Now I have 5 friends including you and Mr.creepydude :D
And for your nickname
Bruce :
5 friends?!
For someone like you I thought you'd have a million friends
Peter :
Ummm well I'm not exactly popular ig
I'm more of that one 'loser' in school
Bruce :
For being smart right?
Peter :
Bruce :
Don't worry about it kiddo
You're not a loser
These bullies are just jealous of you because you're so smart
And school will be over before you know it
University is a lot better
People are more serious with their studies there
And I'd also like to thank you for texting 'Mr.creepydude'
I know it was by accident but thank you for continuing to text him and not block him as soon as he earned the title of 'Mr.creepydude'
Mr.creepydude's friends and I were wondering why he was smiling every time he checked his phone and was typing
But we decided to leave him alone because he doesn't smile often
And he has started to get out of his lab more and hangout with us more often
And all in all he has gotten better ever since he has started texting you so thank you like rlly I genuinely thank you
Peter :
You're welcome?
I'm sure I'm not the reason behind it tho
Maybe Mr.creepydude just worked rlly hard to improve his lifestyle?
Bruce :
No kiddo
It was you
You're the reason why Mr.creepydude's so happy and full of life again and not a zombie surviving on coffee
Peter :
Bruce :
Yes kiddo
All because of you, he's all happy again and back to his normal self as Rhodes says
Peter :
Who's 'Rhodes'?
Bruce :
Rhodes is Mr.creepydude's friend from college
They've been best friends ever since
Rhodes is the one who's known him the longest
I myself have only known him for 5 years
Peter :
5 years?!?!?!?!
That's even longer than I've lived on Earth
Bruce :
You're not being serious rn, are you kiddo?
Peter :
Of course not
You think kiddo the great would be 5?!?!?!
Wow, I'm disappointed
Although my aunt does call me a 5 year old sometimes because of all my childish behaviours as my aunt puts it
And sometimes ppl call me 11,12 or 13 and its soooooooooooo annnnnoyiiinnngggggg
Like can someone pls call me the right age
Oh yeah, lets not forget the time when a literal 7 year old asked me if I was going to be their new classmate (this happened when I was 13 btw)
(A/N : This happened to me actually except a 6 or 7 year old asked me if I was in 1st grade when I was freaking 13!!!!!! like srsly do I look that young. Well at least I'll look young when I'm old. That's how I comfort myself. Anyways, sorry for the mini rant. I just rlly had a strong urge to let it all out. Author out~)
Sorry for ranting
Bruce :
Its fine
I'm sure all of us feel the strong urge to rant sometimes
It's a way of expressing feelings
Besides I've heard Me.creepydude ranting to me too many times to care
I'm pretty used to it by now
I'm pretty much his ranting wall
Peter :
Wow, how's it like being a ranting wall?
Honestly I think I'm a ranting wall and I'm also the one who makes someone their ranting wall so I'm equally both of them
God I wonder how annoyed my friends must get when I rant to them
Bruce :
Y'know part of having friends is being able to say anything about literally anything to them from the dumbest thought to the most meaningful thought
You can say all to them
I think that's the best part of having friends
Knowing that they won't judge you for whoever you are and that you'll be able to express yourself to the fullest
Peter :
I think I already told you this but you really remind me of my uncle Ben
Hearing you talk just like him is putting me into tears
If you don't mind, may I call you uncle Bruce because you remind me of my uncle Ben n all
Actually just forget about it
Ugh how do I delete messages
Bruce :
Well for deleting messages all you need to do is long press the message and then I think you can figure it out from there
But I don't really want you to delete it as I'd love to be your uncle
And I love the name 'uncle Bruce' a lot more than 'Bruce'
Peter :
R- rlly?
You'd do that for me?
Bruce :
Yes, I'd do anything for you
Actually scratch that, I'd do anything with logical reasoning for you
Peter :
Wow thank you Uncle Bruce
Bruce :
No problem kiddo
Peter changed 'Bruce' to 'Uncle Bruce'
Then they continued talking until they were forced to say goodbye for lunch
(A/N : I have a new story with YoAverageFangurllll on the acc This_is_the_username so make sure to check that out and for today's fun fact...
The scent of orange relieves stress)
Word count : 1866 words
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