Chapter 14
Third person POV
"May, I'm home!" Peter shouted to particularly no one seeing as he wasn't sure on whether she was home or not. He gestured Edmond to come in after seeing him standing awkwardly at the front gate.
As Edmond walked in to the house, a small but surprisingly super homely 2 bedroom abode, he started awkwardly looking around. Awkward, because he wasn't sure if Peter would be okay with it but Peter, sensing Edmond's discomfort said, "Make yourself at home and feel free to look around, although, I don't think there's much to look at. I'll be heading to the kitchen." He awkwardly starts walking to the kitchen, then disappears from Edmond's view.
Edmond's POV
After he leaves, I decided to set my bag down which I got earlier with Peter when we decided to head over to my place to get my clothes and man, it was so hard! Hiding injuries from a person called Evony, lying to her, and acting natural?! That was definitely one of the hardest 30 minutes of my life. I hope I NEVER have to go through it again.
Getting back to the present time, as I was walking around, just like peter said, there wasn't much, but honestly, simplicity is the best. Like why get so much furniture? That only results in more cleaning. Have less, and boom! Less chores. Gosh, I'm getting carried away again, so, as I was saying, before I got interrupted by my trail of thoughts, I saw a couple paintings on the wall showing a family portrait in the first, surprisingly oddly familiar but I just brush it off thinking it's my mind playing tricks on me again, then I see a couple other paintings, one of them showing a bright white-gold daffodil, along with an orange daffodil, and a classic yellow daffodil and others similar to that. Funny thing is, that Evvy and I used to collect them all the time, always looking out for the white-gold and an orange one specifically when we were younger. The yellow one does look familiar though, I just can't seem to place it anywhere. You know what, it's probably that cow character in 'Mickey Mouse clubhouse'. Clarabelle cow? I dunno. I remember yellow daffodils being something I used to relate that cow with but I'm not really sure at this point. Or... it mi-
"Hey Edmond. You okay?" Peter said bringing me out of my thoughts. He was holding a plain white tray which held two transparent regular sized bowls with apples chopped up along with two toothpicks for each of us I was guessing. Then, I remembered I was staring at it for far too long so I changed my line of sight to Peter's face looking him right in the eyes and said, "No, Peter. I'm fine. Thanks for letting me bunk at your place anyways. It's really a great help."
"No need to thank me, Edmond. I mean, I hurt you in the first place. It's just to repay my sins and come sit down here, I brought some apples for us to eat. Although I think you already knew that, based on how long you were looking at it." He laughs a little, then gestures me over to his sofa for us to sit down and enjoy our apples.
As I sat down on my sofa, I saw a photo with I'm guessing little Peter, right across me on a tv stand with a small, but not too small television on it. Peter set the bowls down on a small glass table right in front of me so I picked my bowl up and put the first piece I found into my mouth. The apple was so fresh and nice. It was like the best apple I've had in my entire life. If I had to eat these apples all day, I'd more than gladly comply.
"Hey Peter?" I said turning to look at him.
"Yeah? Anything you need?" He said turning to look at me while still chewing some apples.
"The apples, they're amazing. The best I've had in my entire life. Where'd you get them from? I'd love to buy some myself for Evony, Grand-papa, and I to share together."
Peter scratches the back of his neck. "I actually grew it myself. All the fruits and veggies I use are self grown. I have a field back in Tennessee. That's where most of my ingredients are from."
"Woah, that's cool. So... you like have people who work there? Like since your family lives here, y'know." I asked curiously.
"Yeah, of course. I mean, how else would I be eating fruits & veggies from my own field." He said chuckling a bit at the end.
"Yeah." I pause for a while then look at the direction of the picture "What's that?"
"You mean the family picture?"
"Yeah, that picture."
"Oh, well it was taken around 2007 or 2008 so I was about 7 or 8 years old. It's a picture of me dressing up as Tony Stark because I thought he was really cool at the time, which he was, but he's like even cooler now, as he is like Ironman, y'know?"
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I love how you drew your beard with marker though. You look adorable!"
"It's true though."
"No, it's not."
"Yes, it is."
"It's not!!"
"It is!!"
As Peter said that last line, another voice joined in saying,"He's right y'know, Peter"
"Aunt May!" Peter shouts "When'd you get here?"
"Long enough to know what this conversation is about. Now, care to introduce me to your friend?"
"Oh right, sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Edmond Abreo. I work at Edmond & Evony's cheesecake palace with Peter. He's been a great help there. He helped us a lot when we were at our worst. We were about to go out of business but thanks to Peter, our restaurant was saved. As a thanks, we've made it so that all friends and family of Peter are welcome to eat there for free."
"Wait, when did that happen?"
"Ah, well we were planning on telling you and your family on your upcoming birthday but I decided to tell you now, that I've met your aunt. A pleasure to meet you, Mss..."
"Parker. May Parker. Pleasure to meet you as well, Edmond."
She holds out her hand and we share a handshake with each other.
"Umm Aunt May? I got a very important question."
"What is it, dear?"
"Edmond needs a place to stay for a few days. Can he stay here?"
"Of course. Any friends of Peter is welcome here 24/7."
"Thanks, Aunt May." Peter said while giving her a hug.
"Oh yeah, I have one more thing I wanted to ask. Did you do the groceries?" Peter said
Mss.Parker chuckles, then says," I did, Pete. Now, since we have a guest over and I haven't played it in a long time. You two wanna play some monopoly?"
Then we both replied something along the lines of "Yeah, sounds great."
"Good. Now, Peter, why isn't you bring the monopoly while I look at Edmond's wound which he is terrible at hiding."
Wait, I was trying to hide it? Looking down, I realised my mind was subconsciously doing it by itself. (Random but autocorrect accidentally made 'mind' into 'MJ day' while writing it lol.)
"Sorry, I didn't even realise I was trying to hiding it. You said that you wanted to look at it?"
"Yes, I do."
I let her look at it, then she asks how I got it in the first place then I tell her everything that happened. She bursts out laughing, then orders me to not move my left arm much and Peter returns.
We end up having a great game of monopoly, playing three rounds in total, with all of us tying with each other. Overall, it was fun, and before I knew it, three days were up, and it was time to go back. Peter and his aunt are great hosts though I feel like they're hiding something from me and I intend to find out what, but maybe another day, I'll know when they feel they're ready to share. For now, I'll focus on the present.
A/N : I feel like I apologise for late updates every chapter so I'm sorry for that but thank you for 15K guys! I love all the support you give me. It's really great. Also, I'd like to give a shoutout to one of my good friends ZodiacLegacy because their spider fanfic is great and it doesn't get many views for my liking. There are many trigger warnings though, so proceed with caution.
Today's FOTD is...
Sweden has a rabbit jumping competition called Kaninhoppning.
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