Chapter 13
Edmond's POV
It was Spider-Man. Oh my god. I couldn't believe it. The Spider-Man was taking to me. A random civilian. I have huge respect for this hero because based on his patrol hours, I can tell he has a job out of this and he's not doing this for fame, otherwise he would've revealed his identity. This job he does for NYC, he doesn't get payed for it either. An interviewer from ANC (American News Channel), got lucky and was able to interview Spider-Man on the why he does all this and all Spider-Man said was,"If you can do the things that I can, but then you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." That answer was everything I needed to hear to know Spider-Man's intentions and while there still were still haters, like the Daily Bugle (a really popular news company in all over NYC). He didn't give up and kept going and that's what I love about him. I probably would've rambled on how thankful I am, that New york has a hero like him, if it weren't for the large pain on my left arm.
Since when do grazes hurt this much? Or am I just turning weaker? What happened to my left arm I didn't know, but all I could focus on was Spider-Man helping me.
Peter's POV
As soon as I got there, I could tell it was Edmond with his hazel brown eyes and his soft pink- ugh stop getting distracted. He's injured with a large gash on his arm dripping blood at the rate of the Niagara Falls. Then, I start helping him.
Time skip for everything that happened and arriving to the...
Hospital. As soon as I got there, I called for help and about 5 medical staff (thankfully not the Daily Bugle supporters) quickly rushed to my side scanning me up to down for injuries probably because of the blood but when they failed to see what was wrong with me, they frowned then I motioned towards Edmond with my hands to see their eyes flicker with realisation. I ripped my webs off and took glove off of him then they took Edmond from me to do their medical stuff while I sat there waiting in the waiting room.
~~10 minutes later~~
"Hello Spider-Man. I'm nurse Hallie and I'd like to inform you tha-"
"Is he okay?"
"The boy you brought in is fine and if you don't mind, may I ask what your relation is to the boy?"
"Just a random person I found on the street. His name is Edmond by the way." I said "He told me before we arrived here."
"Well then, Spider-Man. As much as I don't want to usher you out of here, this waiting room is strictly only for-"
"Direct family & guardians. Yeah, I know. I had my fair share of watching shows/movies to know that. I'll be on my way out then and tell him that Spidey wishes him a quick recovery and to look out for glass on the road more carefully next time."
"Will do, Spider-Man."
And with a blink of an eye, I had said goodbye. (I just wanted to make it rhyme. What I rlly wanted to say was- And with a blink of an eye, I was gone.)
Edmond's POV
After I was taken from Spider-Man, they started doing the medical stuff the doctors do and they numbed the area so I wouldn't feel the pain and I was grateful for that. After they were done treating my arm, they asked me if I had anyone I could contact to take me home but left the liberty of me going home by myself as I was an adult and because I didn't want to worry Evvy & grandpa I didn't call them and decided to just bunk with a friend until my arm was healed because you have no idea how much they panicked over me breaking my arm which was coincidentally the left as well 3~4 years ago. I'm not sure why they worry so much as they won't tell me but I've decided to brush it off. Something I won't brush off though is why my left arm has such bad luck. My history with injuries were always on my left arm with not even a single scratch on my right arm.
I must just have bad luck on my left arm then, and that's why my right arm is so blessed. Yeah, that must be it. Before I got carried away by my thoughts once more, there was a new presence in the room. She stated that she was nurse Hallie and had a message from Spider-Man. She said what he had to say and I laughed. What a typical Spider-Man move, I won't be forgetting it though, as it was addressed to me.
Getting back to the point, in the end, I decided to go by myself and ended up walking around the area away from anywhere close to the bakery or any place where Evvy or Grandpa would most likely go to and just enjoyed the quiet environment although it wasn't as quiet as before as it was -checks watch- 6:42 a.m. My friends are probably asleep now so I shouldn't bother them by awakening them with an annoying ringtone. I don't believe there are many places open at this hour either, as they normally open around 8 but it wouldn't hurt to check right?
So, I switch on my phone, go to Starkle maps (Stark industries edition of google maps) and found that one of my favourite cafes would be opening at 7, which is in less than 20 minutes after so I head over there.
With another 10 minutes to spare, I decided to explore this part of the neighbourhood and as I'm normally not here, I'm really unfamiliar with this place. As I went farther away from the library, I stumbled upon something that was probably the biggest of that thing I've seen in my entire life. It was an enormous and really fancy, but somehow classy but modern at the same time library with black walls and huge glass windows on the outside surrounded by a bunch of beautiful plants which I didn't know the name of, as I, don't know plants.
I walked into the library and was instantly hit with the smell of fresh books, ah how I used to smell this every weekend with Mum & Evvy. It was always peace and quiet there unlike the normal busy ol' New York where everybody was up and working. As I was walking through the aisles, I noticed quite a few posters about some person called Dr. Bruce Banner. He must have released a new book or something I thought.
Then, as I was walking through, there was this one aisle in particular which caught my eye. It was all about the human brain. I've always been interested in learning about how the brain works and all ever since I was little. In my little self's mind, I always thought quote on quote 'I'll figure out the mysteries of the human brain'. I'm not exactly sure why I'm so into it though.
As I was walking through the aisle, I came to the part of the library I desired to come to. I was shocked at how little books there are on it and seeing how many books they have on
the other topics, 5 was a displeasing number. I've decided to read the books by Robert W. Jefferson seeing as he had two books and I think I've read about him once on the internet and people said he was good. The books were called 'The depths of human psychology' & 'Ten ways to overcome psychological barriers'
I've decided to read the book about the depths of human psychology first as I'd like to understand it better before jumping into overcoming the barriers of it. But as soon as I flipped open the first page, my stomach grumbled reminding me I haven't had breakfast yet! So I decided to make a membership card there so that I could bring these books back home to me and as soon as I did that, I was on my out. I don't think my poor stomach could handle it any longer so I was more than glad that I was done.
As I headed out, I bumped into something and fell down on my left arm once again on the exact spot I needed stitches. "Ouch," I said to no one in particular "I must be having bad luck today, aren't I?"
"Sorry about that." A voice behind me said then he held out his hand, probably to help me up so I took it and got back up and faced him. It was Peter.
Peter's POV
What's up with me bumping into Edmond all day? I just wanted to go to the library and read Dr.Banners newest book!
Back to Edmond's POV
"Oh my god, Edmond! What happened? Are you okay?" Peter said looking extremely worried.
"Look Peter, I'm fine. It's just a little graze I got earlier today that needed stitching and I fell right at that spot when I bumped into you. That's why it hurt. Thank god the stitches didn't reopen. I definitely wouldn't want to get a second trip to the hospital."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I should've been looking where I was going. I was just so excited to read Dr.Banners new book I wasn't payi-" So that's what all the posters about Dr. Bruce Banner were about.
"Peter, it's okay. You don't need to apologise. You haven't even done anything wrong. Besides, I'm the one who should be paying attention as I am the one who actually injured them self." I said putting more emphasis on I'm and I.
"I'm still sorry though. I hope you're not mad at me."
"Mad? Didn't I just say it's my fault? Not yours."
"Yeah, you did. But please let me do at least something in exchange like maybe accompany you to your home or something. My mind can't rest in peace knowing I've hurt you and I just brushed it off like it was nothing."
"For the last time, Peter. It was an accident. You know what, no one's at fault here. It was an accident. And you don't need the anything Peter, it's fine."
"Pleaseeee let me do something. I can't rest in peace with knowing I haven't done anything."
"You don't need to, Peter. It's fine."
"Pleaseeeeeee." He said giving me puppy eyes.
"Ugh, how can I resist those eyes."
"Yes!" Peter cheered quietly but loud enough for me to hear.
"Okayyy, so there is this one thing you could do for me but I think you'd need to check in with your parents for that."
As soon as I said the word parents his eyes darkened with an emotion I couldn't place but he quickly covered it up saying his parents were on a business trip and his Aunt was looking after him right now and she wouldn't really mind anything unless I was taking him on a suicide mission which I am not. So I tell him what I really wanted to say.
Peter's POV
That was a close call. No one but Ned and MJ know they're... gone and I'd like to keep it that way.
Back to Edmond's POV
"So, you see. My grandfather and Evvy would get extremely worried and possibly start acting super weird around me like keeping me away from any pointy substances, or cushioning everything up and the most annoying of all, monitoring my every movement so I'd like to stay over at your place until my arm is all healed up which should be within 3 days. So if time you're up for it, I'll just tell them that an unexpected school trip came up and that I'll be back within three days. Is that okay with you?"
"Well, my aunt would be more than delighted that I have a friend over so I don't see any problem why I can't do that, although I must warn you that my aunt may be fussy about you arm being the nurse she is and I can confirm that because let's just say I've had my fair share of injuries. But, luckily she never monitors my every movement after I get injured so... it'll be fine."
"Umm, thank you so much for helping me out Peter. I don't know what I'd do without you. And... I was actually on my way to that cafe down the road before I- you know what happened. Anyways, wanna come?"
"Sure, I haven't had breakfast yet so I'm absolutely famished!"
I chuckle "Yeah, me too."
"So... after the cafe, we'll go over to my place?"
"Yeah, your place."
"Then, let's goooo. My poor lil stomach can't hold in any longer"
I laugh then we head over to the cafe
A/N : I was supposed to update this yesterday ehehe so I apologise for forgetting like I always do. And umm, thank you so much for nearly 12k. I did not expect my story to get this many views and thank you for all the support you give me as well. It makes me very happy especially with the bad days I've been having for the past week. So... umm thank you again.
Todays FOTD is...
There are 19 different types of smiles. They are categorized into 2 categories. The polite "social" smiles and the sincere "felt" smile
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