Chapter 10
(A/N : I'm so sorry but I'm changing their ages again. Evony's age is gonna remain the same but Edmond's gonna be 19. I'm so sorry for changing their ages so many times. I swear this is the last time. Please forgive me. I also decided to remove Gwen Stacy from ever existing in the story because it makes things too complicated. But if I ever decide to add her in, she won't be much of an important character. Perhaps a nice side character or so... uhh hope you enjoy the chapter.)
(RIP Chadwick Boseman. You were a great inspiration to all of us. You will be greatly missed. Thank you for everything, King.)
Italics = dreamworld
Straight = real life (ik you guys already know that tho)
Dreamworld (written in Peter's POV)
"Hey!" I hear a strangely familiar kid voice call out "C'mon, lets go"
"I heard that there are a lot of hills to slide down from"
"Are you sure it's safe to cross through here?" I heard myself say "Dada tell not to come here because the ice might break and the water too cold"
"Oh c'mon. He only said that because he thinks it's too dangerous for you. We have to show our parents we can do anything, right? They think little kids can't do anything. Our mum and dad told us if we went to Hogwarts we would be in Gryffindor right? Harry Potter is in Gryffindor and he is very brave. We should show mum and dad we're just like Harry because they don't believe us. Now, you with me or not?"
"Okay, let's do it. I want to show mumma and dada that I'm a big boy. I'm not a little baby and they should let me do what I want."
"Now, that's the spirit"
After a few minutes there was a loud crack and so I froze
"Uhhhh, I don't think we should go anymore." I pause "I hear a big noise and dada say when big noise happen on frozen lake it not good"
"Oh c'mon. I have to tell you again? Mom and Dad thinks we are babies. We have to do this to show mom and dad we are not babies."
"Okay, let's go." But just as I take a step, I heard an even louder crack then a scream and a splash. I look around to find my friend but I don't see him anywhere and then I realise he's the one splashing and screaming. I froze. I didn't know what to do. I was lost in my mind. Then suddenly my friends words whirled around my head "They think little kids can't do anything" so we have to make mumma and dada know that we are brave big boys just like Harry Potter.
So I went to my friend and saw that he looked very sleepy and was drinking a lot of water and was slowly falling into the lake and I told him to come out because he would catch a cold but he didn't say anything. I was very confused but then I remembered, that he's drowning like those characters on TV. I have to help him right now or he might die.
"HELP! ANYONE PLEASE!! MY FRIEND IS DROWNING!!!" I shouted but then remembered that we had travelled deep into the forest so not many people would be around. So without any second thought, I jumped in into the lake. I was instantly attacked by the freezing cold water, but didn't waste anytime to grab him and get him out of here as quickly as possible. Things were so much difficult underwater than they are on land. The people on TV make it look so easy when it actually is very very very hard, dada taught me how to dive a few months ago so it was a little easier but still very very very hard. After I got him out of there he wasn't moving at all at first but then he started coughing and I think
"Yay! He's okay". I then started feeling sleepy and so I closed my eyes and went to sleep but not before someone shouted something.
I woke up and felt extremely confused. That dream I had, it felt so real. It felt like it happened before but I couldn't fit it into my memories ; And that boy, who the hell is he? At times like this, I really hoped mum and dad were still with me (along with many other times of course). You know what, I'm gonna go outside to clear my head. Maybe patrol? Yeah, patrol sounds good. I leave a note for May saying
Hey Aunt May,
I'm not home because I woke up really early and I decided to head out because someone told me that the air is really fresh during the sunrise. The view must be pretty too so don't be surprised to see me gone. I don't know when I'll be back but when my heads cleared n all maybe? Anyway, there's some leftover food in the fridge so you can have that for breakfast. I also have some leftover sandwiches so you can bring that to work because as far I know you have a 6 hour shift today from 7:00 a.m. ~ 1:00 p.m. so that should do but if your schedule changes please be sure to lemme know so that I can have something cooked up for you. I Larb you.
Your one and only mischievous nephew Peter
Then I head out.
Dreamworld (written in Edmond's POV)
"Hey!" I hear myself call out "C'mon, lets go"
"I heard that there are a lot of hills to slide down from"
"Are you sure it's safe to cross through here?" I heard a little voice say"Dada tell not to come here because the ice might break and the water too cold"
"Oh c'mon. He only said that because he thinks it's too dangerous for you. We have to show our parents we can do anything, right? They think little kids can't do anything. Our mum and dad told us if we went to Hogwarts we would be in Gryffindor right? Harry Potter is in Gryffindor and he is very brave. We should show mum and dad we're just like Harry because they don't believe us. Now, you with me or not?"
"Okay, let's do it. I want to show mumma and dada that I'm a big boy. I'm not a little baby and they should let me do what I want."
"Now, that's the spirit"
After a few minutes there was a loud crack. I couldn't care less because I knew I wouldn't fall in. But what I didn't know was that the chunk of ice I was on was the one cracking and was very unstable.
"Uhhhh, I don't think we should go anymore." the strangely familiar kid says "I hear a big noise and dada say when big noise happen on frozen lake it not good"
"Oh c'mon. I have to tell you again? Mom and Dad thinks we are babies. We have to do this to show mom and dad we are not babies."
"Okay, let's go." But just as I take a step, I heard an even louder crack and I start falling. I scream and splash around even if I know that'll make it worse. I couldn't think properly because I was panicking so much. I then heard "ELP! AN'ONE PLEA'!! M' 'END 'OWNI' !!!" I couldn't really make out whatever whoever was saying because of all the water. I was slowly starting to get tired out. I just wanted to give in, but I knew if I gave in then I may not wake up again.
But as the time passed, it was getting harder and harder to stay awake. I couldn't do it anymore so I gave in. My last thought was envisioning mum, dad, evvy, & the kid and saying i love you. And i slipped into the darkness but not before seeing a small hand reach out to me.
I woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air. I decided to go get a glass of water from the kitchen as my throat felt really dry. I go the kitchen and switch on the lights. I drag a chair out and get some water for myself. I chug down my glass of water and set it down on the table. I couldn't get the thought of what I just saw out of my head. What the hell was that?
I tried to recall at least something but all I got was a pounding headache. "Ugh", I grunted. I started looking for some paracetamol to help with my headache in the medicine cabinets as quietly as possible as I didn't want to wake Evony & grand-papa up.
Turns out I wasn't as quiet as I thought I was because the next thing I know Evony is standing right at the doorway.
"Looking for these?" she points at the medicine in her hand
"Uhm, yeah. That's exactly what I was looking for. How'd you know?" I say as I reach out to get the medicine
"Well, I 'am' the one who always refills the medicine cabinet so I knew that this specific medicine was missing." She says emphasising more on the 'am'
"Anyways, what are you doing up?"
"I could ask you the same."
"I asked first."
"Well, I asked second."
"First is superior."
"And second is a larger digit."
"One comes first"
"Two is older"
"One is one"
"Seriously? 'One is one' you could've come up with much better than that, Evvy. I expected much better from you." I sigh "And before this game gets even more out of hand. I'll put an end to it" I give an annoyed smile then continue "I was up because I couldn't sleep. I had one hell of a dream. Now, your turn"
She chuckles then says,"You better improve your ninja skills. You really suck, no offence. I also gotta test coming up so, I just woke up a while back to study and I heard a ton of noise coming from the kitchen so... I decided to check what the commotion was all about and now, we're right here having this conversation. Also, are you just gonna keep standing all day with the medicine. I mean, if you do, don't forget to keep it back in the medicine cabinet."
"Wow, I completely forgot the medicine was even in my hand despite still having a headache. Thanks for the reminder, Evvy."
"No problem." She pauses for a moment then continues "What're you gonna be doing now because I doubt you're going back to bed."
"You're right. I'm planning to go out to get some fresh air. Papa always talked about how fresh the air was during sunrise. I may as well just see if what he says is true."
"Good luck studying!"
"Have fun outside! Don't be back too late!"
"Haha, okay MOM. Bye!"
Then she leaves and I take the med and head outside with my camera.
(A/N : I'm so sorry for not adding texting once again but I'll try to have texting within the next two chapters. Sorry for not updating in a long time. I've been having a pretty shitty week with this day being the worst but I felt rlly bad for keeping ya guys hanging so here ya go. Hope you liked it.)
Today's FOTD is.....
Cats will head butt you to show they trust you
Also tysm for 6k! Luv ya guys 💕💕
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