🦾🇺🇸Yippee, another battle for my freedom💀🌞
So, can I just start out saying thank you? Haha, of course I can, I'm the author! . . .Wait, you say I can't? Well too bad, because I am!
No, but I'm serious guys, thank you so much. All your support for this story has really motivated me, and I don't think I would have gotten this far into the story without you all. I really appreciate it. So, thank you. 😊
Okay, that's all I wanted to say here so, here you go. Get ready for chaos!
🦾Bucky's POV:
Steve and I were discussing the possibility of the camp that the kids went to being associated with HYDRA or Red Room. Steve looked kind of sad. It looked like he really liked these kids.
Suddenly FRIDAY spoke up. "Mr Stark has requested your presence in room R 23," she said.
"What? Why?" Steve asked.
"There appears to be ten armed children flying on top of a bronze dragon yelling profanities in Ancient Greek and Latin," She responded.
"Excuse me?" I said.
"I said: there appears to be ten armed children flying on top of a bronze dragon yelling profanities in Greek and Latin," she repeated.
"We'd better go check this out," Steve said.
I nodded. We rushed out of the room, into the elevator. Can my life get any weirder? I thought.
~~Time skip to when they reach the room Nico is in ᕙ(◍.◎)ᕗ~~
I opened the door. "Huh, there really are ten armed children flying on top of a bronze dragon yelling profanities in Ancient Greek and Latin," I said.
There was also a boy with black hair and dark brown eyes rolling around laughing on the floor. That must be the boy Steve was talking about, Nico. I thought. Natasha, Peter, Tony, Bruce, Wanda, and Clint were in the room too.
"Did you understand any of that?" I asked Steve.
"Nope," he replied.
"Will, can we please get to saving Nico now?" a girl with black, braided hair said.
The boy, who I assumed was Will sighed. "Fine," he said. "Give me back my boyfriend right now, or some serious shicst is gonna go down." he threatened. Despite his young age, he looked very serious, and you could see it in his eyes he had been in many fights like this.
"I am not letting you take him back to that- that nightmare of a camp," Tony said, standing protectively in front of the boy, who had just calmed down and stopped laughing.
"Umm, well nightmare is a strong word. Camp is kinda fun sometimes," Nico said.
"Does that mean you'll finally wear the camp T-shirt?" a boy with sea-green eyes asked.
"Never. Not in a million years am I wearing a bright orange shirt with a pegasus on it," the boy said. Now that he mentioned the shirts, I could see that all the kids were either wearing an orange shirt that said 'Camp Half-Blood', or a purple shirt that said 'SPQR'. Just another thing to add to the list of strange things about these kids. I thought.
"If you won't give Nico back to us right now we will have to attack you," a Blonde haired girl with grey eyes said.
"We won't let him come with you," Clint said. "In fact, you should be coming with us."
"Why in the world would we come with you?" asked a black-haired boy with a bow and arrow. "You kidnapped our friend!"
"We're trying to save you from that awful place! You can't really expect us to believe you when you say you're fine and don't need help." Said Steve.
"But we don't!" The scary blonde girl was getting really frustrated. "We're completely safe. Well, sort of safe. But that's not the point! There is no reason for you to save us. It's not like we're being badly or in extreme danger!"
"Did they trick you into thinking this is normal?" Peter exclaimed.
"NOW LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE-" The blond girl started to shout but the boy with sea-green eyes covered her mouth.
The boy, Will nodded at the other kids on the dragon and they pulled out weapons. Swords, daggers, knives, bows, and arrows, they were fully armed. We all pulled out our weapons preparing for a fight.
Nico sighed. "Yippee, another battle for my freedom," he said unenthusiastically.
Steve made a small noise in the back of his throat. "Another?" he said.
"Yup," Nico sighed.
"Steve, focus," I said.
The kids jumped off the dragon and started charging at us. We got into battle stance, and started fighting them.
I felt kind of a bad about fighting kids, but they attacked first.
Natasha fought with a boy with blonde hair and electric blue eyes, and the blonde girl. Steve fought two girls with black hair, one with really short hair, one with long braided hair. Tony took on the blonde boy, Will, and a boy who looked like an elf. Wanda fought an African American girl and Peter fought an Asian boy. Clint fought a girl with eyes like a kaleidoscope. And I fought the boy with sea-green eyes.
"So, how are ya?" he asked, casually doing expert sword-fighting moves like they were nothing.
"Um, good?" I said, not really sure how to respond. I didn't usually have conversations while fighting.
"Good, I'm good too. Although I'm kinda hungry," he said thoughtfully.
"You're always hungry seaweed brain," shouted the blonde girl from across the room. "You're stomach is basically a bottomless pit."
The boy laughed. "Are you two seriously having a conversation in the middle of a fight?" the girl with short, black hair asked.
"Yes, in fact, we are. Care to join us pinecone face?" the sea-green eyed boy asked.
"You two are weirdos," she said.
"What's wrong with being a weirdo?" the boy who looked like an elf asked.
"Well, obviously you don know because you are a weirdo too," the black-haired girl said.
"So? I still don't see what's wrong with that," the elf boy said.
"I think we're all forgetting who the real weirdos are here," the girl with kaleidoscope eyes said.
"Who?" the elf boy asked.
"Jason and Frank!" the girl declared.
"What?" the boy with black hair and a bow and arrow and the boy with lightning blue eyes exclaimed at the same time.
"You put peach preserves on brownies!" the girl said.
"Wait, what?" the girl with short black hair asked, laughing.
"It was only once!" the Asian boy defended.
"Yeah, and besides, it was really good!" the boy with lightning blue eyes said.
"You two are disgusting," the girl with long black, braided hair said.
"Tell me about it," said the African-American girl.
I looked around the room to see that the rest of the team was just as confused as I was. Who starts a conversation in the middle of a fight, still fights like an expert, and doesn't even break a sweat? I wondered.
Suddenly Will shot an arrow right into the center of Tony's suit and knocked him out. Will moved on to help the elf boy take down Natasha. Elf boy pulled a water ballon filled with glitter out of his toolbelt and threw it at Natasha. She was blinded by the glitter for a few seconds which gave will the opening to knock her over the head with a clock that he grabbed off the wall.
Seconds later Natasha was knocked out on the floor.
The two kids moved on to help knock out the rest of the Avengers.
Soon there was only me left. The sea-green-eyed boy had noticed that my main weapon wasn't my gun at all (it had tranquilizer darts in it, relax) it was my arm. He yelled something to the others in a language that I could only assume was ancient greek. They all nodded and started running towards me. I tried to fight them off, but eventually one of them managed to actually take my metal arm off. It didn't hurt, and it was actually a feature of the arm that you can detach it and reattach it again, but I was still mad. It all went downhill from there. "Really sorry about this, I hope you understand," he said right before he hit me in the back of my head with the flat side of his sword and the world went black.
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked the chapter! (And yes, I did just update this story twice in four hours).
-Sundew ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ
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