It is I, the beloved Breeze. (And me, Sundew.) I am here to write this wonderful chapter (Me too, I'm editing) because Sundew has thrown herself at my feet and begged once again. (More like you begged me to write another chapter.)
Also, in case you forgot, here are the Capture the Flag teams:
Blue Team: Zeus, Posiden, Iris, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Nike, Hephastus, Hebe
Red Team: Hermes, Dionysus, Hades, Demeter, Hypnos, Tyche, Aphrodite, Nemesis, Hecate
Whatever. (Here's the chapter!)
BTW, Sundew totally begged me to write this chapter.
BTW, I totally didn't.
🔱 Percy's POV:
"Okay. Here's the plan," Percy said, leaning in. "Poseidon will guard the flag. Ares and Apollo are our enemy territory fighters and Nike is our enemy territory scouts. Hephestus, just set up as many traps as you have built on the border. Iris is on border patrol, Athena and Zeus are our home territory fighters and Hebe can guard the jail. Lila, can you organize that?"
A tall girl with long braids nodded silently. "Hebe cabin, follow me!"
A few kids trooped off after her. Percy turned to Will. "Can you organize Ares, Apollo, and Nike?"
Will grinned. "Cmon, guys." About half of the campers trooped off, yelling and cheering.
"Iris, position yourselves around the territory. Zeus's Fist is home base, report back there with anything. Avengers, come with me." Percy snagged the flag and started trotting through the woods. We trailed after him.
"So, er... what's the plan?" Clint asked. "Do we have a battle strategy?"
Percy looked at him like he had just told him he ate green thumbtacks for lunch. "Umm... no. We stand guard over the flag until we win."
"Errr... and what if we're attacked?"
"We won't," he said confidently. "We've got it all worked out. . . Probably. I mean, we won't die."
"Wow, thanks for the reassurance," Clint said, rolling his eyes.
"You're welcome!" Percy said with a smile.
🍸Tony's POV:
"It's coldddddd," Peter whined.
"I'm boredddd." Clint groaned.
"Oh, hush, stop acting like babies." Percy rolled his eyes. Then he went rigid. He looked around. Then something crashed through the bushes.
It was Will. "Percy... they're coming... come on... the Hermes cabin..."
Percy drew his sword. "Oh no you dont!!!" He crashed off. "PEANUT BUTTERRRRRR!!!"
What kind of battle cry is 'peanut butter'? I thought.
Then he stopped. "Oh, you guys just guard the flag, kay?" Then he ran off again, Will following him.
"Er. Okay. Um... I guess we guard this then." Steve said, staring out into the darkness.
"Umm... yep," Bucky said.
"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Peter suddenly yelled, causing Natasha to jump up, and cover her ears because he was right next to her.
"What?" I asked.
"There was a CHIPMUNK!" Peter exclaimed.
"Uhm. . . cute?" Bucky said.
"I KNOW!" Peter yelled.
"Can you possibly get any louder?" Bucky asked.
"Yeah, sure," Peter said.
"Wait, no. I didn't mean literal-"
"CHIPMUUUUUNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" Peter screamed at the top of his lungs.
We all covered our ears. "What the hell kid?" I said once he was finished screaming the word 'chipmunk'.
"He asked me to," Peter said, pointing at Bucky.
"It was sarcasm," Bucky explained, exasperated.
"Oh. . ." Peter said. "Oops, sorry."
We all just kind of stood there in awkward silence for five minutes, we weren't really sure what to do, I mean, we knew we were supposed to guard the flag, but we didn't really know what to do if someone attacked (which would most likely happen in the near future). Percy said we didn't need a battle plan, which was kind of weird, but what did we know about this kind of capture the flag.
Suddenly I heard a rustle in the bushes.
It sounded like this: "Rustle rustle crunch stomp."
Will crashed through the bushes. "Butterfly formation!"
We looked at each other. "Um. Butterfly. And that is...?" I asked, perplexed.
"Oh, come on! Seriously? Okay," Will said. "So everyone spread out in a half circle and get your swords ready. Then one of you come stand in front of the flag with me."
We clumsily did as we were told. A few other campers crashed through the bushes and immediately formed a defensive line in front of us. I nodded, impressed.
We waited in the dark, swords drawn, the only sound our breathing and clashing of distant battle. Suddenly, about a dozen campers with red plumes on their helmets. They were chased by blue-plumed campers.
"IT'S SHOW TIME!!!" Will yelled. "Campers, forward!"
The first line rushed forward and... well... fought. They clanged swords and hit each other. They swiped the plumes off one another's helmets and knocked each other between the eyes with the blunt end of their swords.
I watched, eyes bugging and mouth hanging open. Here there were teenagers and kids less then twelve years old, knocking each other out.
"Avacadoes, forward!" Will shouted, and we jumped and leapt forward.
A mean-looking camper immediately thrust his sword towards me, and startled, I used my sword like a baseball bat and knocked it away.
"Go, Tony! Knock him out!" Yelled Percy, taking on three campers at once. His sward moved so fast I could barely see it.
"Knock him out?!" I continued batting away the sword, sweating hard.
"Yeah! Hit him over the head or smack his legs and trip him or something! I don't know!"
I glanced around. "If you say so..." I brought my sword up, dodging a swipe from the boy, and slammed it down on his head. (Blunt end, of course.) He slithered down to the floor. "Aaah! I just did that!"
"Yeah, you did! Now hurry up and keep fighting!!!"
Two minutes later, the last Red was knocked down to the ground. The Avengers and I stood together, breathing hard, eyes wide.
But Percy wasn't about to give us a break. "Come on, you guys! We gotta go!"
"Go where?" Clint panted, standing over the flag.
"Go find the flag! Ares and Apollo are probably getting it by now, we gotta go back them up!"
I wasn't about to be the tired one when a teenager was looking like they just spent a day sipping coke on a pontoon. I took off through the bushes.
"Uhhh... Tony, wrong way!" Percy called after me, and I stopped and trekked back, embarrassed.
"Um, right. Which way, then?"
Percy set off the other way and we followed him, running hard. We met ran into a bit of trouble at the creek (a burly kid who Percy referred to as "that dumb old Hecate idiot") but he knocked him flat with a burst of water to the noggin.
Suddenly, Percy grinned and started sprinting faster. After a second, we burst into a clearing of chaos. Annabeth was up a tree holding the Red Team flag and shouting orders to a shifting crowd of blue and red.
"Blue team! On ten! Βιάσου τους!"
"What?" I hissed. The Avengers shrugged.
"Rush them!" Percy whispered, then launched himself into the fight.
The blues began to form a wall, still in combat, except for a few that stayed at the base of Annabeth's tree.
All blues rushed forward, knocking through the red's defense, all screeching "PEANUT BUTTER!!!!" like Percy before.
"Avengers! To me!" Annabeth leaped from the tree and was surrounded immediately by blues, battling reds on all sides.
Natasha shrugged and hurtled herself into the fray.
We followed suit.
"GO, GO, GO!!!!" Everyone started sprinting, flag streaming out behind us and reds crashing through the forest after us. We leaped over the creek, and...
"SAFE!!!" Chiron yelled.
The blues began screaming and Percy began his celebratory water show, which included multiple water statues of reds laying crumpled on the ground.
My favorite was the one where the Avengers and I kicked demigod butt while guarding the flag.
This chapter was so fun to make! Follow me for more! awolfone003 (But I thought you un-published all of your books)
P.S. Eeeep! Sundew might not want me to tell this to you guys, but there's gonna be a sequel to this book! (No, I didn't want you to tell them Breeze, but now you published it, and people have already seen it, and so whatever.) It's not over yet, of course.
Question to answer in the comments: Who's your godly parent?
-Sundewʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ, Bɾҽҽȥҽ 🐴
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