💀 🐦Kidnappi- SAVING Nico🕸🍸
Q: Why weren't Pery's grades good in school?
A: Because they were below C level!
You don't like my puns? You think they're terrible and cringy? My Apollo-gees.
I will never stop. *whispers* Neveeeeeeeeer. Hahahahahahahahaahaha!
Also, my friend helped me with this so once again, thank you dragongecko108
🍸Tony's POV:
We had just landed, and everyone was preparing to go outside. "Why do you need five knives, Natasha?" I asked.
"You never know," Natasha responded.
"I think that's a little much," I said.
"Again, you never know," She stated.
I rolled my eyes. "This is kids we're talking about Natasha," I said.
"I was an assassin when I was a kid, and a good one too," Natasha answered.
"Well. . ." I said, but I stopped myself. She had a valid point.
Suddenly my phone dinged.
*:・゚✧ ~⭐️~✧゚・: *
Joker Blowtorch
I found a secret room in Piper's cabin when I was sneaking around looking for inspiration for my next prank.
Look what's inside of it:
Who even needs that much makeup?!?!
Piper's psychotic, gossiping, mascara loving, half-siblings who live with her
Joker Blowtorch
Lmao, you got the psychotic part right
Even Lacy wanted to murder me once they found out I found their secret makeup room
Well it's your fault for sneaking into their cabin
I swear you're almost as bad as the Stolls
I have a question
Joker Blowtorch
Okay, cool
Is your camp by any chance near a rundown barn?
Joker Blowtorch
Absolutely not.
Where would you get that idea?
Archery Pigeon
It's totally by a rundown barn, isn't it?
Joker Blowtorch
Okay, thank you for the information, we will be saving you now
Joker Blowtorch
Ugg, this is your fault, Leo!
Joker Blowtorch
No, it's your fault for saying I was lying!
Well shoelace
It's both of your faults
*:・゚✧ ~⭐️~✧゚・: *
"Okay, so they confirmed it's by a rundown barn by doing a terrible job at lying. We should look around the area, for the camp, or any signs of it," I said.
"Right, let's split up, so we can cover more ground, Tony, Clint, and Peter can go that way, Steve and I can go that way," Natasha suggested pointing in different directions.
"Sounds like a good plan," Steve agreed.
"Alright, let's do this," I said.
💀Nico's POV:
I sighed. Why do I get the feeling the fates are laughing their heads off watching me right now? I thought.
I ran over to Leo's cabin. "Leo," I said when I burst through his cabin door.
"Ever heard of knocking?" Leo asked.
"You need to go make booby traps for when 'Metal Man' and his friends come," I said.
"Uhm, why?" Leo questioned.
"Because 'Metal Man and his friends are coming to save us! Did you read our texts?"
"Wait, really?" Leo exclaimed.
I sighed. "Yes, and you need to make booby traps to stop them," I said.
"Right, I'll head to bunker nine right now, in the meantime, you should keep watch on the outside of the border, we wouldn't want 'Metal Man' and co. getting eaten by any monsters," Leo suggested.
"Right, I'll do that, you make the traps," I said.
"Yep, okay bye," Leo shouted running out the door to bunker nine.
I headed out to the border, and crossed it, with my sword in hand. Hopefully 'Metal Man' and his friends won't get here before Leo makes the booby traps. I thought.
🍸Tony's POV:
Steve and Natasha went to explore the fields and the road by the barn, leaving Clint, Peter, and I to search the barn and the hills.
"That barn looks kinda creepy," Peter said.
"Maybe we should search around the hills first?" Clint suggested.
"Sure," I said, nodding my head. The barn kinda creeped me out too.
"Look, there's a forest, beyond the hills," Peter pointed out. "Wow, for some reason that sounded really fairytale-ish. A forset beyond the hills," he repeated.
I rolled my eyes. "Should we check out this 'Forest beyond the hills'?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure," Clint said.
time skip to when they reach the edge of the forest 'cause Sundew doesn't want to write about three avengers taking a stroll through the hills
"Alright, so the question now is: do we go into the forest?" Clint asked
"I think we should explore the forest, if they're trying to hide the camp, they would probably hide it in a forest," I said.
"Okay, let's go explore a dark and scary forest!" Peter exclaimed.
We walked through the forest for about fifteen minutes, just wandering around, and I have to say, it was creepy. I felt like I was being watched all the time, and on multiple occasions, I thought I heard movement behind us. But it was probably just my imagination.
Suddenly I heard a sneeze coming from a couple of yards in front of us.
"did you guys hear that?" Peter asked.
"Yeah, should we check it out?" I said.
"Sure," Clint said nodding.
"We should get out our weapons, you never know if the sneeze camp from something that might want to hurt us," I said.
"Right," Peter agreed, putting on his web-shooters.
Clint took out his bow and arrows, and I put on my iron man suit. We walked over to the spot where we heard the sneeze come from (or flew in my case).
When we got there we saw a short, black-haired, brown-eyed boy holding a baseball bat.
"CGB?" I exclaimed.
CGB jumped. pointing his baseball bat at the tree we were hiding behind. "Who's there?" He asked.
Clint and I stepped out from being the tree. "CGB, relax, it's just me, 'Metal Man', and Archery pigeon," I said, de-activating my suit.
"What?" he said. "Why are you here? And why do you look so familiar?"
"We're the Avengers, you've probably seen us before, now is your camp around here somewhere?" I asked.
"Umm, yes, and no," he replied.
"Well, we're gonna save you now, so if you would just come with u-" Clint started to say, but Nico cut him off.
"No, I'm not going anywhere with you, I'm staying right here, and you're not going to move me," CGB said defensively.
"CGB-" I started to say.
"You can call me Nico in real life," he cut me off again.
"Nico," I amended. "Please just come with us, we are going to help you."
"No, no you're not," he said, still pointing his bat at us.
I sighed. I activated my suit, and shot a repulsor at him, not enough to kill him, but enough to lock him out.
Nico fell to the ground. "What did you do that for?" Peter screeched from behind the tree.
"He might not understand it now, but we're saving him," I said picking him up. "Let's go back to the hellicarrier."
We started walking back through the woods. "Is this kidnapping?" Clint asked.
"No, it's saving," I said.
Okay, soooooo. . . hi? honestly, I always have nothing to say here except Thanks for reading and I hope you liked the chapter.
-Sundew ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ
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