Look 'em in the eye, aim no higher, summon all the courage you desire, then count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 number (ten paces!) Fire!
Hello mortals! It is I, the great Sundew, back with another chapter! I am taking over for the fates in this book because they're on a vacation in Malibu, so don't mind me, controlling people's every move.
💀Nico's POV:
I woke up on a bed in a white room (Well mostly white, one of the walls was a big window). Where in Hades am I? I thought. I didn't remember what happened, or how I got knocked out. I heard voices outside the room. A normal person wouldn't have been able to hear what the voices were saying, but I, being a demigod could listen quite easily.
"Bruce! I was saving him!" one of the voices said.
"By shooting him with a repulsor and kidnapping him?" the second voice asked.
"He didn't want to come with us," the first voice said.
"So? There was probably a good reason," the second voice said.
"You read the texts!" the first voice argued.
"And clearly they didn't want to be saved," countered the second voice.
"Well they might've been threatened not to tell their location or something," the first voice said.
Suddenly it all came flooding back to me. The texts, going outside the border, Archery Pigeon and Metal Man. My eyes widened.
I also remembered that Mr D told me I couldn't go outside of camp because mortals might see me. "Oh gods, Mr D is going to have my head!" I exclaimed.
The two voices outside stopped arguing.
A man with curly brown hair and glasses stepped inside the room. "So, you're awake," he said. "That's unusual most people don't wake up for at least a day after being hit with a repulsor."
"Who are you?" I asked, trying to change the subject, I did not want to try to come up with an excuse for waking up fast.
"A friend of your friend who decided it would be a good idea to knock you out and kidnap you," he replied, saying the last words very loudly looking outside the door.
"For the last time, I did not kidnap him," the first voice, who I assumed was 'Meatal Man' said stepping into the room.
"You kinda did though," I said.
"I did not, I was saving you! You could have died at that camp!" Metal Man exclaimed.
"Well, I also could have died when you shot me with that lazer thing!" I argued. "For once, maybe Mr D was right," I mumbled under my breath.
"Who's Mr D?" Metal Man asked.
"Oh, he's the camp director, although he doesn't act like it, he was kinda forced to be the director. honestly, I don't think he even likes kids. Or maybe he just hates everyone," I said with a chuckle.
Metal Man gave me a concerned look. "So you're saying that not only do you try to kill each other at your camp, but your director hates children?" Metal Man asked.
"That is correct, and now he is going to have my head," I said.
"What! Why?" Metal Man asked.
"Because he told me not to go outside of camp, and I did. Also, I was exaggerating, he's not actually gonna kill me, the worst he can do is make me wash the dishes for a couple of months. Well, that is, if he doesn't want to get in trouble, with Chiron and my boyfriend," I said. Then my eyes widened. "Oh jeez!" I exclaimed.
"What?" the curly-haired man asked.
"Will is probably gonna make Leo hack you, track you, and he's probably gonna bring a bunch of other kids to try to save me," I said.
"Whatever, we can just knock them out. what can a bunch of kids do?" Metal Man asked.
"Don't underestimate someone based on their age," I said. "And that was just what I could do when I'm injured and without a weapon. All the kids Will is probably gonna bring have the same skillset as me, some might even be more advanced than I am, And they're all gonna have weapons."
"So how many kids are we talking about here?" Metal Man asked.
"Well, there's Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Will, and maybe Reyna," I said counting on my fingers. "So most likely nine, but there might be more."
"And you said they all have the same skillset as you, and some might be even more advanced, and they're all going to have weapons," the other dude asked.
"Yep," I replied. "Also, can I get your name? I don't wanna keep calling you 'the other dude' in my head."
Metal Man snorted.
"My name is Bruce, and that's Tony if you didn't already know," Bruce said.
"Alright, thanks," I said.
"Wait. . ." Tony said. "How did you not recognize me?"
"Well, you've never shown me any pictures of you," I said. "How could I recognize you?"
"I'm Tony Stark!" Metal Man exclaimed. "Iron man! The best Avenger of all time! How do you not know me?"
"Sorry, I don't really have the time to know a bunch of celebrities," I said.
"I literally own a 400,000 square-foot tower in the middle of New York!" He exclaimed.
"Okay, now that you say that, I may have heard Annabeth say your name once or twice," I said thoughtfully.
"ONCE OR TWICE? I'm Iron Man, you've had to have heard my name at least twenty times this year!" he exclaimed.
"Wow, your ego is even bigger than your tower," I said rolling my eyes.
"Oh, buuurn!" Someone said from the doorway.
"Shut it, chicken boy," Tony said.
"Oh hey, you're Hawkeye, aren't you?" I asked the dude in the doorway.
"Yep," he replied.
Tony made a noise that sounded like a dying pterodactyl. "So you know Clint, but not me?" he asked.
"I'm becoming more famous than you, get over it old man," Hawkeye said. Tony glared at Hawkeye. "Oh, also, I'm Archery Pigeon," he added.
"Oh no," I said.
"What?" Archery Pigeon asked.
"Don't you dare tell Will that you're Hawkeye," I said.
Archery Pigeon smirked. I sighed.
"So, can we get back to the topic of your boyfriend leading an army of kids into the tower?" Bruce asked. Honestly, I forgot he was there.
"Wait, what?" Archery Pigeon asked.
"Heh, yeah. . ." I said. "My boyfriend is probably gonna lead about nine kids to raid. . .wherever I am."
"You're in Stark Tower, the building Tony mentioned. If you look out the window, you'll see we're in New York City," Bruce replied.
"Okay, thanks," I said.
"Hold up, I don't see how nine kids is a problem, I mean, they're only kids," Archey Pigeon said.
"I wish we were just kids," I sighed.
"What do you mean by that?" Archery Pigeon asked.
Suddenly I saw a glint of Bronze outside the window. "Did you guys just see that, or am I going crazy?" Metal Man asked, pointing outside the window.
"First of all, you're already crazy," Archery Pigeon said. "Second, yes, I did see that."
"What do you think it was?" Bruce wondered out loud.
"I don't know, but we're about to find out," Metal Man said, pointing to the window, I looked over and saw that the thing was coming closer.
I knew what it was, and let's just say, I was not excited about it.
"Ah! It's a dragon!" Archery Pigeon yelped.
"That is the coolest piece of technology I have ever seen," Tony marveled.
I rolled my eyes. Of course they would bring Festus.
Festus blasted a hole right through the window. Tony yelped, Bruce stood there wide-eyed, Archery Pigeon shrieked, and I just sighed and ducked. All of the seven, plus Reyna, Will and Thalia were crammed onto Festus's back, and he did not look happy about it.
"FRIDAY, GET THE REST OF THE AVENGERS IN HERE," Tony shouted at the ceiling.
I sighed. This should be fun. I thought.
Thanks for reading, I hope you liked the chapter! I'll try to update again soon!
-Sundew ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ
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