🍕Ever heard of the Backyardigans?🍕
Greetings fellow earthlings. Didja miss me?
Lol, just kidding, I'm not an earthling.
I'm an evil robot sent from the future to destroy the past.
But that's just between you and me, got it? 🤫
Also, I'm really sorry for not updating in a while, I've been kinda busy.
🍸Tony's POV:
We all walked back along the dirt path that we came to the beach on, occasionally taking a few turns. (Well, except for Leo and Percy, they sprinted off after Percy said they were having pizza.)
Finally, we came to a big outdoor dining pavilion. It had a huge fireplace and twenty-one tables, each lined up about a few feet from each other except for the big table which was place horizontally facing all the other tables.
The tables also all had Greek words written on the front of them, which I'm assuming is the name of all the kids who sit at that table's godly parent.
"Why are there twenty-one tables if there are only twelve Greek gods?" Peter asked.
"Oh no, there are a lot more Greek gods than just twelve," Annabeth replied. "At Camp Half-Blood we have children of the minor gods too, such as Nemesis, Hypnos, Iris, Nike, and a lot more."
"Oh. What about that one I learned about in school, like. . . umm, what was her name? Oh! Hestia?" Peter asked.
"Hestia's a maiden goddess, so she doesn't have any kids, although we do have a cabin here for her, just as a symbol of respect," Piper answered.
"What table would we sit at, seeing as we're not children of any gods?" Natasha asked.
"Hmm. . . good question," Jason said. "Well, I would say Hermes, but they're a little crowded at the moment so. . . go sit with Percy!"
"Hey!" Percy complained from his table.
"Don't act like you weren't just complaining about being alone at your table two days ago," Annabeth said, rolling her eyes.
Percy sighed. "Fine," he said and beckoned for us to come sit at his table.
We all walked over and sat down on the opposite side of the table from Percy while the kids went and sat down at their own tables with other kids.
I noticed that some tables were completely full, others only had one person sitting at them, and some were completely empty. "Why are some tables empty, and some tables crammed full of kids?" Bruce asked Percy.
"Well, the reason some tables are empty is because some gods don't have kids, but we still have their cabins and tables, just kinda as a symbol of respect. And for the tables that crammed. . . I guess some gods just have more kids than others," Percy answered. We all nodded in understanding.
Before any of us could say anything else, Mr. D stood up from his place at the big table facing all of the other tables. (I still don't know to feel about that guy.) He cleared his throat. "There are a few announcements," he said.
Everyone quieted down to hear him.
"First of all, Zeus told Piper it was okay for her to tell a group of mortals about the Greek Gods and let them into camp, so let's welcome our new visitors: the Averages," Mr. D announced.
Percy snorted, trying to contain his laughter.
"Um, it's actually the Avengers. Spelled A-V-E-N-G-E-R-S," I corrected.
"Don't sass me, I know what I said Tiny Steak," Mr. D said.
Clint and Bucky burst into laughter, along with Percy, Conner, Travis, and Leo. I sighed, a little bit offended. Why does everyone have to make fun of my name?
"In other news, capture the flag is tonight one hour after dinner, so get your weapons ready, and make sure your armor is intact," Mr. D said, and then at down, signaling he was done with his announcements. Everyone started talking again.
"Why would you need weapons and armor for capture the flag?" Steve asked.
"Capture the flag is a little bit more violent here," Percy said. He laughed when he saw our concerned faces. "Don't worry, we don't kill each other, just mildly injure."
"Right. . ." Natasha said.
Suddenly plates of Pizza and empty cups appeared out of nowhere right in from of all of us.
"Ah!" Clint yelped in surprise.
"Why are the cups empty?" Peter asked.
"So you can choose what you want to drink. All you have to do is hold your cup, and say what you want to drink," Percy explained. He picked up his cup. "Blue Diet Coke," he said. I didn't think it would work, since blue Coke isn't a thing, but a few seconds later, a blue liquid appeared in his cup.
"No way, you can also choose the color? that's awesome dude!" Peter exclaimed.
"I know right?" Percy said.
Peter picked up his cup. "Red Orange Juice," he said, and a red-colored liquid filled up his cup.
I gasped. "Rainbow tequila."
"Does that work?" Annabeth asked. A rainbow-y swirled liquid filled up my cup.
"Apparently so," I said, after taking a sip.
"Oh! I wanna try!" Clint dramatically raised his cup in the air. "cheetah spotted strawberry milkshake."
Percy widened his eyes, as clint's cup filled with a cheetah-spotted milkshake "Wait! You can do patterns?" He excitedly dumped his blue coke onto the ground. "plad coke." We all watched in amazement as a plad-patterned liquid appeared in Percy's cup.
"glittery red lemonade," Natasha said, and we all watched as Natasha's glass filled up with a shimmery liquid that looked like it was a potion straight out of harry potter.
Soon enough we all had weird colored and patterned drinks, well except for Bruce. Bruce just got regular water because he's boring.
"Thor and Loki would probably like this place." Natasha mused.
"You mean the Norse ones?" Percy asked.
"Yeah, it's too bad they couldn't come, they're on Asgard," she said.
"Asgard?" Percy asked.
"Don't you know what Asgard is? Since you're part of the mythology world or whatever you'd call it?" I asked.
"I know all about Greek Mythology, but I know virtually nothing about Norse mythology," Percy answered truthfully.
"Well it's basically the home of the Norse gods and a lot of Asgardian demigods," Natasha said.
"Oh. Cool, and I'm guessing Agairdian s the term for someone who lives on Asgard." Percy said.
"Mhmm, and they refer to our world as Midgard, so we are Midgaurdians," Natasha explained.
Percy nodded thoughtfully. "Ever heard of the Backyardigans?" he asked. Clint spit out his drink, laughing.
"No. . .?" Natasha said.
"Well, it's a show where these animal thingys called the Backyardigans go on adventures and stuff," Percy said. "Wanna hear the theme song?"
"No, that's okay," Steve said.
"Too bad, I'm going to sing it anyway," Percy said. "Hi, I'm Pablo." He sang in a squeaky voice. "My name's Tyrone, I'm Uniqua, I'm Tasha, And my name is Austin, And we're..."
"Your backyard friends, the Backyardigans!" Leo sang, loudly.
"Your backyard friends, the Backyardigans. Together in the backyard again. In the place where we belong. Where we'll probably sing a song. And we'll maybe dance along. We've got the whole wide world in our yard to explore. We always find things we've never seen before. That's why every day we're back for more. With your friends, the Backyardigans!" They finished together in squeaky voices.
Conner and Travis erupted in whistling and clapping. "Encore, encore!" Travis yelled.
Conner wiped a fake tear from his eye. "So beautiful," he whispered.
Leo and Percy stood up and bowed. Nico stood up and left.
"Thank you! Thank you, everyone! Except for Nico," Leo yelled.
"Sit down," Mr. D called out to Leo and Percy.
Percy smirked and sat down.
All the campers slowly started to finish up their Pizza and leave until it was only the Avengers and me. We had finished a while ago, but we didn't know where to go so we just kind of sat there.
Finally, after about fifteen minutes of awkwardly sitting there, Will ran up to us. "I was looking for you!" he exclaimed. "I thought Carisse tried to dunk you in the toilet of something."
"Oh, uh. . . nope. Just. . . waiting for. . . something," Peter replied.
"Well, I'm sure whatever you're waiting for can wait because you need to get weapons and stuff for capture the flag, I'll take you to Annabeth's cabin, come on," Will said, running off.
We all got up and ran after him, he was really fast, just like Nico and Annabeth, we almost lost him, but managed to follow him all the way to a pale-ish yellow-colored cabin with a big owl symbol hanging above the door.
"Alright, let's go in," Will said.
"Oh wow," I whispered once he opened the door.
Thanks for reading! I hope you liked the chapter!
Also, 100K reads? 4.3K votes? Thank you guys so much! I love you all! *Grows very long arms so I can squash you all in a giant hug*
-Sundew ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ
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