////[ ::::]\\\\ does anyone want to name this spooder? Timmy and I need help deciding its name.
ᕙ(◍.◎)ᕗ Timmy wants to name him Timmy Jr.
I told Timmy I'm not naming a spider after him. His ego is big enough already.
--'- ---! ------ --. -- - ------ ----! --- ---- -- ----- -- -----! (betchya can't guess what Timmy said.)
*le gasp* Rude!
🕷Natasha's POV:
The kids led us to a big beach on the edge of a forest. There were a few other kids sitting on the sand and in the water.
"Okay, this looks like a good place," Frank said.
"Yup, we're on sand so Leo can't set anything on fire, by water for Percy, and around a lot of precious metals for Hazel," Will said, nodding.
"I have no clue what any of that means, but okay," Peter said.
Annabeth chuckled. "It'll make sense soon," she said.
"So, who wants to go first?" Conner asked.
"I will!" Leo exclaimed.
"Sure," Jason said.
"Okay, so I'm a son of Hephaestus, and my mom who wasn't a god, but she totally would've made an epic god, but one of my powers that isn't really a power but I'm going to say is a power is that I'm really good with machines," Leo said.
"How good?" Tony asked, probably wanting to have a competition with him later on.
Leo pulled a paperclip, a rubber band, and a pipe cleaner out of his toolbelt, and in only two minutes he had created a tiny helicopter that had spinning blades and could actually fly.
". . .I think I have my answer," Tony said, astonished.
"Yup," Leo said, smirking, "Oh wait. . . oh no. . . AAAH!" Leo exclaimed, and without warning his shirt and hair set on fire, and he rolled around on the ground making noises that imitated what a dying pterodactyl would sound like.
My eyes went wide, and the rest of the Avengers started panicking, while the kids just stood there with amused smiles.
Steve and Bruce rushed down to the water and tried to scoop water up with their hands to put the fire out, which was pretty useless, and Bucky and Tony fanned the fire, in hopes of putting it out, but that was a really stupid idea because the flames just rose higher.
All the while, Leo was also smiling for some reason, I had no clue why though, seeing as being lit on fire was probably pretty painful.
"Your friend just lit on fire? Aren't you going to do something?" Clint asked them, panicking.
And that's when the kids all lost it. They doubled over in fits of laughter, including Leo, who was still on fire.
"Did I forget to mention I can also manipulate fire, and am immune to it?" Leo asked, after they all stopped laughing, and the fire died down.
"YES!" Bucky exclaimed.
"Oops," Leo said, smiling innocently.
"Okay, who's next?" Frank asked, still smiling a little bit.
"I can go if no one else wants to," Hazel volunteered politely.
"Yep, you can go," Frank said.
"Alright, so I'm the daughter of Pluto, Hades's Roman counterpart, and I can sense precious metals, and summon them from the earth," Hazel said.
"Really?" Steve said, fascinated.
"Yeah, and I can demonstrate, but you can't touch whatever I bring up," Hazel said, warningly.
"Why?" Bruce asked.
"Because I can only summon cursed jewels and metals," Hazel mumbled, clearly not very or proud or excited about the talent. "The last time someone touched something I pulled from the earth, I never saw them again."
"Oh," Bruce said, with wide eyes.
"Yeah," Hazel said. She closed her eyes and made a weird motion with her hands, and suddenly a small chunk of Osmium popped up from the ground.
Hazel picked up the precious metal, examined it, and chucked it into the water. "Hopefully I didn't hit any naiads," she said. "Who wants to go next?"
"I'll go," Percy said.
Hazel nodded.
"Okay, so I'm a son of Posiden, his only known demigod child since world war two," Percy stated. "And since I'm a son of the sea god I can manipulate water, talk to sea life, create hurricanes, and start earthquakes. But I'm only going to manipulate water right now because the last time I created an earthquake I made a volcano erupt while I was in it, got trapped on an island for a week, and then ended up walking in on my own funeral."
Annabeth rolled her eyes and the rest of the Avengers and I just stared at him in disbelief.
Percy pointed his finger at the water, and a small sphere of water came floating over to him. The water seemed to follow wherever he pointed his finger. Eventually, he pointed at Leo's hair, which still had a bit of fire on it, and the water dropped, making Leo soaking wet.
"Hey!" Leo complained.
Percy rolled his eyes. "Frank can go next because he has cool powers, and I've been trying to get him to admit it for ages, but he's stubbornly modest and keeps insisting that my powers are cooler, so you guys need to make him say it," Percy said.
"Okay. Frank, what are your powers?" Peter asked, curiously.
"Not much, they're really not that great," Frank mumbled. "I can just do this," he said. After he said that he shapeshifted into a tiger, then an eagle, then a beaver, then a squirrel, and finally into a dragon. It all happened so fast, I barely saw it.
Clint made a small choking noise in the back of his throat. "Not that much? Not that much?" he asked, in disbelief.
"Umm, yeah. That's what I said," Frank said, clearly self-conscious.
"You can literally shapeshift into a dragon. A FLAPJACK FLIPPING DRAGON!" Clint exclaimed. "That is awesome."
"See Frank! Awesome!" Percy said.
Frank rolled his eyes.
"So, who hasn't gone yet?" Jason asked.
"You, me, Will, Annabeth, Conner and Travis, and Nico, although he isn't here right now, but we can call him down here later," Piper said.
"Right, well I guess I can go," Jason said. "I'm the son of Jupiter, the Roman counterpart of Zeus, and I can summon lighting and fly," Jason said.
"Kinda like Thor," Tony mumbled.
"Well, Thor would probably the Norse equivalent of Zeus, so that would make sense," Annabeth said.
Bruce nodded in agreement.
Jason started walking up a flight of stairs, but incredibly, the stairs weren't there, and he just looked like he was waking up stars, but in reality, he was flying. Then he put his hand up in the air, and a bolt of lightning came out of nowhere and struck the sand.
"Whoa," Bucky said, with wide eyes.
"yeah, Piper, you wanna go next?" Jason asked, coming back down to the ground.
"Sure," Piper replied. "So, I'm a daughter of Aphrodite, and despite from being annoyingly pretty, my power is charmspeaking, which basically means, if I charmspeak you you're put in a sort of trance and you have to do whatever I say," she said.
"Really?" Tony asked.
"Yup, but sometimes if someone has a really strong will, they can resist my charmspeak," Piper said. "Who thinks they have a strong will?" she asked.
All the Avengers and raised our hands.
Piper smirked. "Spin around three times in a circle, and do the chicken dance all the way through twice," she said.
And for some odd reason, I had a strong desire to do what she said. And almost against my will, I did what she asked. It was a strange feeling. It was like I really wanted to do what she said, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I was in a trance, and I wanted to stop doing what she told me, but I did what she said anyway.
After we all stopped doing the chicken dance for the second time though, were put out of the trance.
"That was. . . weird and terrifying," Steve remarked.
"Yeah, I try not to use the power that much, but it does come in handy in a fight," Piper said.
"Can we go next?" Travis asked.
"Mhmm, sure," Piper said, nodding.
"Do any of you have watches on or anything?" Conner asked.
"Umm, I do," Steve said.
"So do I," Bruce said.
The brothers looked at each other, grinning. "Okay, look at Annabeth's nose for five seconds," Travis said.
Steve and Bruce looked a little skeptical but did as Travis told them.
Five seconds later, when they looked away from Annabeth's nose, they noticed their watches were gone.
"What? Where did my watch go?" Steve asked.
"Right here," Conner said, tossing the watches back to Bruce and Steve.
"How?" Bruce asked.
"We're sons of Hermes, god of messengers, travelers. . . and thieves," Travis said.
"Now, Will or Annabeth, it's only you two left," Conner said.
"And Nico," Travis added. "But he isn't here."
"I can go," Annabeth said. "I'm the daughter of Athena, she's the goddess of wisdom, so her children don't really have really cool powers, but we're all really good at battle strategy, and. . . uhm. . . I make good decisions." she said.
"Yeah, I think she has the best power out of all of us." Percy said.
"Pfft- yeah, we would've all died by now without her." said Leo.
"Damn right," Annabeth said.
"Well, I guess that just leaves me," Will said. "I'm a child of Apollo, and I don't really have any cool powers per se, but I can curse people to rhyme, and I can heal people, and I think I'm pretty good at playing the ukelele," he said.
I nodded.
"He's also like a human glowstick, except you can't bend him and crack him or he'll die," Leo added.
Jason rolled his eyes.
"Now, I'm going to call Nico and tell him to come down to the beach," Will said, pulling out his phone from his back pocket.
"Hello!. . . yes, this is very important. . . Ugg, no . . . WHAT? You know what? We can talk about that later, right now you need to get over to the beach so you can show the people your powers. . . No, I can't. how am I supposed to show them your powers? . . . *sigh* just get down here," Will said, then he hung up.
"He'll be down here any seco-"
"AAAH!" Clint yelled, cutting Will off.
Nico stepped out from a shadow that was cast on the ground from the forest. He rolled his eyes.
"Oh. . . hi Nico, I didn't see you there," Clint said.
"Clearly," Nico grumbled.
"Okay neeks, now's your time to shine!" Will exclaimed.
"You sound way too excited bout this," Nico said. "Also, I don't shine, in fact, I do the opposite, I get darker, I melt into the shadows. But anyway, I a son of Hades, technically I was born in the 1930s, but I was trapped in time, so I'm sixteen currently, bu that's the short version of the story. Also, I can teleport using shadows, and summon the dead."
"You can raise the dead?" Peter asked.
"No. I can summon the dead, I can only call upon them, and bing their souls up from the underworld, not bring them back from the dead, there's a difference," Nico explained.
"Oh," Peter said, a little disappointed.
"Nico, can you summon Micheal Jackson?" Leo asked.
"Yes, I can, but I won't," Nico said.
"I'll get you a happy meal," Leo offered.
"No," Nico said.
"Yes," Leo said.
"N. O."
The two's arguing was interrupted by a loud noise that sounded like. . . a conch horn?
"Aww yes! It's dinner! And Katie told me we were having pizza!" Percy exclaimed.
"Pizza?" Leo asked.
"Pizza," Percy confirmed.
The two looked at each other, smiling, and then sprinted off, back to the camp.
Piper rolled her eyes. "It looks like it's time for dinner, come on," she said, walking back to camp.
We all followed her. These kids have crazy powers. I thought.
2145 words. . . I'm sorry! I had to make it this long!
Also, I was browsing Pinterest and found a really funny piece of fanart and thought I'd share it with you guys:
Haha, it's Bucky, Sam, and Steve. Idk who the artist is, but if you know, can you tell me so I can give them credit for this masterpiece?
Anywaaaay, thanks for reading! I hope you liked the chapter!
-Sundew ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔ
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