dakota +
as the class dispersed into separate conversations while we waited for our teacher to arrive, my eyes diverted to the door when jack and his large group of friends entered.
they were goofing around and suddenly became the loudest conversation in the room.
"...i'm telling you dude, she's great" jack said, as they walked over to the few empty seats behind me and sat on the top of the desks.
"i told you, bro!" sam pointed out. "crystal isn't the only girl out there".
"wait, who is this girl that you keep talking about today?" derek luh asked.
"her name's olivia - we were texting all last night, we have a lot in common-" jack explained and my cheeks heated up at the excitement in his voice.
"is she hot?" the other popular jack interrupted, but everyone calls him johnson.
"yeah of course, but that's just a bonus. she's funny, understanding, she's into-"
"woah, it looks like my boy is a little whipped" sam mentioned.
the rest of the guys snickered at the comment and i nervously bit on the skin of my lips at the thought of him being so attached, so soon.
"fuck you, man" jack defended. "i'm not whipped, okay. she's just really cool, that's all" he quieted his voice and his friends continued to tease and chuckle at his denial.
i ended up zoning out of their conversation and over-thinking what they said about jack being "whipped".
was that a good thing? or just an open chance for him and me to get even more hurt.
for once, i was glad to see my math teacher enter the room and settle down the class, because algebra would at least take my mind of these regrets.
while sitting in my bed in my room, i decided to send a text to jack since the last time he responded was earlier when he was fascinated to know what i was eating for lunch.
hey :)
i sent the message, and about half an hour passed of nothing.
then, i waited another thirty minutes and i stupidly grew anxious because usually, jack responds so quickly that i can barely keep up sometimes.
as jonah lay on his stomach on my bed, he turned to me and narrowed his eyes, "you're anxious - what's wrong?".
i fiddled with my phone in my hands, "i texted jack more than an hour ago and he still hasn't replied yet".
"okay i love you, dakota and no offence, but his football jock schedule doesn't really include replying to a text message from a girl he's never met".
i moved off the headboard and buried my face into a pillow, "but usually, he replies within five minutes or so" i mumbled.
"you're a guy, what does this mean?" i asked, lifting up my head.
"yes, because me of all people has a similar mindset to a guy, who's biggest problem is if a girl thought his dick was too small" jonah responded and i rolled my eyes at his lack of help.
"maybe he knows it's me" i suggested, nervously trapping my lips in my mouth.
"look," my best friend turned to me. "if this is stressing you out, maybe you should just stop texting him".
i knitted my brows together and shook my head, "i can't, i just feel like i can't now. plus, you should be grateful if this works out y'know".
"in what possible way does this benefit me?".
"well, i can hook you up with some of jack's friends. for example, connor..." i sang and he sat up on my bed with a smile on the corner of his lips.
"seriously?" jonah questioned and i nodded my head.
"i mean, it's about time he realises that we're meant to be already," he said. "because i'm telling you now, the things i would do to-"
"oh my gosh, stop!" i exclaimed and threw a pillow that i was holding at his face, before he spoke any further and laughed, hitting me back with it.
sorry that i didn't reply to your text
i was hanging out with some friends and they always tease me whenever they see your name pop up on my screen
ahaha why?
they assume that i'm whipped on you...
i know it's stupid because its only been one day
no it's not stupid
it's kind of cute :)
so you're not freaked out that i could possibly like you already?
no not at all bc i guess i feel the same way
phew that's such a relief
lol so what are you up to?
doing homework - world history ugh what about you?
just got out of shower then i'm about to do some homework too
ok and don't worry this isn't one of those moments where i say "you showered without me? ;)" like a typical fuckboy
lool it wasn't worrying
i know that you're different :)
how so?
well from what i can judge after one day...
even though you're basically a football jock, you seem like someone who really cares about the relationships that he has, more than people actually think
are you psychic or something?
yeah totally my saturday job is to read the palms of strangers and i have a crystal ball and everything
a girl with sarcasm? i like it ;)
and a guy who recognises my sarcasm? i like that too ;)
ok i've got a bunch of homework that's due tomorrow and i haven't even started
are you sure you wouldn't rather text me?
and get a detention in every class? no thanks
should i be offended?
no you should be happy because the quicker i get this done, the quicker i'll be able to talk to you again
okay okay i'll stop talking now :)
i chuckled and shook my head at his message, then locked my phone to start working on these piles of homework.
this chapter sucked, so i might edit the hell out of it later.
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