epilogue: part two
dakota's pov +
days past and it has honestly been the best few days that i've had in a long time.
not to be cliche, but jack makes me feel like i'm the only girl in the world and every second that i spend with him i fall in love with him even more.
it's been great hanging out with his friends too, alongside my own. months ago, this would have seemed like a joke to me, but everyone gets on so well that it sucks that finals will be over, graduation will come up and we'll all be off at college soon.
i walked down the staircase with jonah following behind as he went on about my upcoming eighteenth birthday.
"but it's all the way next week" i groaned.
"and that basically gives us no time to think of what to do" he responds as we reached the ground.
"i don't want a party".
"you're turning eighteen, you are dating the most popular guy at our school, we're friends with the jocks now, so you're getting a fucking party" jonah insisted. "kelsey's picking us up soon to go for lunch and brainstorm".
i sighed, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer. "if you say so".
"dakota," nate walked in from the kitchen, sorting through the mail in his hands. "there's a letter for you".
i frowned and took the envelope, "a letter? from who?".
"how should i know?".
i rolled my eyes at his reply, then began ripping open the letter to read the words under 'dear miss dakota richards'.
"i got in...i got into nyu!" i loudly squealed with excitement.
"congratulations!" jonah exclaimed, reading the letter over my shoulder. "i'm so proud of you, dee!".
my best friend hugged me tightly as i could barely believe what just happened.
"this is crazy. when i applied, i didn't think they would actually accept me" i said.
"i'm gonna miss you so much when you're living life in the big apple" jonah pouted.
"i don't know if i'll go yet though. i mean, i still have my offer from stanford".
"i thought you were over that?" he questioned. "and nyu is where you were set on?".
"i know" i shrugged, then bit my lip with guilt. "but...what about jack?".
nate interrupted our conversation with a scoff, "you're seriously going to turn down nyu for your boyfriend?".
"i never said i'll turn it down" i immediately corrected. "but i can't just leave for the other side of the country".
"you have to talk to him about it soon, dee" jonah suggested.
i nodded to agree as i thought about how jack would take it - whether he'd be happy for me or disappointed that his new relationship will turn long distance, or end all together.
we spoke about colleges again not that long ago and all i could talk about was stanford, in fear of him reacting badly.
"i will" i said, fiddling with my phone in my hands. "um, kelsey texted. she's outside".
i pushed my thoughts aside for later then left the house with jonah.
"anyone want the rest of these doughnuts?" sam sat back in his seat, rubbing his stomach with discomfort. "i don't know why i bought a whole tray for myself".
everyone disagreed, laughing slightly at sam's grimace at his food. we all sat on a round table at the mall food court, catching up to take a break from the last finals studying.
"so, this saturday is this beauty's birthday" jack informed, pulling me closer as i was sat on his lap.
"oh yeah!" adrianna remembered, clasping her hands together. "so what are you doing?".
"she's been refusing to throw a party for weeks" jonah said.
"you're acting like we don't go to parties all the time" i pointed out.
"but this one needs to be huge, as in project-x-huge" connor leant back and put his arm over his boyfriend's shoulder.
"plus" seriyah spoke up. "we need to showcase the latest and hottest new couple".
i pursed my lips at the idea and shook my head, "but at my house? no, thanks. my mom would have a heart attack".
"i nominate my place" sam raised his hand a little. he continued to willingly eat the doughnuts he rejected a few minutes ago, then released a low burp.
"that's disgusting" adrianna swatted his arm to put him in line yet he responded with a frown.
"that's sorted then" jack rubbed his hands together before softening his eyes at me. "come on, dakota. it'll be great".
i huffed and ran my fingers through my hair, "yes, okay".
"yes, finally! i'll text kelsey the news!" jonah cheered, then turned to sam. "oh by the way, how did your date go? kelsey's a closed book about it".
"i think it went pretty well - she didn't roll her eyes at me the whole night" he grinned.
"that's an achievement" connor mentioned which was incredibly true for kelsey's natural behaviour.
"hey" jack rubbed my knee so he could grab my attention - everyone else was focused on their own conversation. "i wanna take you out for your birthday".
i furrowed my brows, "but what about the party?".
"it'll be a lunch date - just you and me" his lips switched to an adorable smile and eventually, so did mine.
"sure. i can't wait" i replied, then held his cheeks to kiss him on the lips.
"ew, get a room!" sam complained, before jack pecked my lips numerous times again just to annoy his best friend even more.
"i'm gonna go another soda" jonah told us all. "anyone coming?".
"i will" i said, standing from jack's lap to follow him.
"so," jonah began once we stood in line at subway to refill. "have you told jack about nyu yet?".
"no". i looked over my shoulder at jack laughing with the others, guilt-ridden by the second. "not yet".
"you have to tell him soon, dakota. it's been a week since you found out".
i threw my head back slightly, "how am i supposed to tell the boy i love that i'm moving to new york in a few months?".
"you're going where?" sam's voice appeared as he stood behind us with a puzzled expression.
jonah exchanged looks with me as if to question whether we should tell him, but i knew that there was no way i could lie my way out of this one.
"i got accepted into nyu last week and i'm pretty sure that i'm going, but i haven't told jack yet" i explained to him.
"damn" sam took a deep breath, absorbing the news. "you're gonna have to tell him".
i dropped my shoulders, "i know that already, sam".
"but there's no way that you can keep this from him now, considering his best friend knows too" jonah pointed out.
"yeah if i was in jack's shoes, i'd want to know sooner than later" sam advised.
"i know, you're both right" i replied with jonah smiling proudly at my words. "but i'm scared, this is just too huge".
"it'll hurt him a little, but he'll pull through and understand. jack always does" sam shrugged.
we reached the front of the line and began refilling our cups with soda.
"okay, just give me until tomorrow" i nodded, straightening my posture to give myself more assurance.
jonah sipped his drink and patted my shoulder, "good, and if you don't then sam will".
"i will?" sam inquired with confusion.
"yes, you will" jonah then insisted.
the thought of jack hearing it from someone else didn't sit well in my head, so i nodded to the agreement and began thinking of ways to say it on our way back to our friends.
jack's pov
i came into my kitchen to grab a quick drink before dakota came over anytime soon. we're going to spend the whole night watching movies and eating junk food whilst my parents are away.
i decided on a glass of orange juice and poured myself some just as my phone rang with johnson's name on caller id.
"hey man, what's up?" i answered.
"hey, so i heard that dakota's having a birthday party on saturday" he mentioned. "got the weed sorted out for it yet?".
"dakota doesn't really do drugs, so i think we're gonna leave it for this one" i replied.
"what?! dude, come on. my dealer is doing half price. even if it's just a few us smoking? she'll barely even notice it's there" he complained. "look, i'll even talk her into it".
i chuckled, "no, it's okay bro. i'll talk to her about it tonight. she's coming over soon".
"okay, thanks" johnson relaxed. "oh and also congratulate her on getting into nyu for me".
i furrowed my brows in confusion, "nyu? what are you talking about?".
"she got accepted last week right?...ah, shit. you didn't know, did you?" he winced.
"no" i responded. "she didn't tell me".
"i'm sorry, man. i heard it from adrianna who heard it from crystal".
as if on cue, the doorbell rang and i knew that it would be dakota waiting behind it.
"it's okay, i'll talk to you later. bye" i didn't give johnson any time to respond as i hung up the phone and made my way to answer the door.
"hey" dakota reached up to kiss my cheek when she came in.
she headed straight for the kitchen to settle down the few snacks and drinks that she bought with her.
"so, i was thinking - scary movie and pizza or scary movie and mcdonalds? we had mcdonalds last week so maybe you want pizza, right?" she wondered with a huge smile.
all i could think about was what johnson told me instead of an answer to her question. her smile eventually faded as she noticed my lack of enthusiasm.
"what's wrong?" she asked.
"did you get accepted into nyu?" i didn't hesitate to question.
dakota instantly moved uncomfortable in her spot, refusing to make eye contact with me.
"did sam tell you?".
"sam knew?!" i exclaimed. "so johnson, adrianna, crystal - i'm guessing jonah, kelsey, liam and connor knew too but yet your boyfriend is the last one to find out?".
she bit her top lip and softened her eyes as she looked up at me, "i was going to tell you, jack".
"when? when you left?".
"no, i just...i was scared because of how you reacted just when i told you that i applied".
my eyebrows flinched together, "that's not an excuse. you, thinking of moving to new york is something that i should know".
"thinking?" dakota lightly frowned, pulling her hoodie's sleeves over her hands more. "i'm going to nyu, jack. i've already decided".
on the inside, my heart practically shattered once i felt it in my stomach, but instead i chuckled slightly to play it off.
"you're kidding, right?".
"it's a big opportunity, jack. i've always dreamed of it just like you've dreamed of going to usc to play football".
"that's different" i pointed out.
"because where i'm going isn't on the other side of the country and because my dream is actually—".
"actually what?" dakota interjected, clearly offended. "realistic?".
"i never said—".
"this isn't even about me" she shook her head and muttered, sitting down on the island seat. "it's about you and not having your little fantasy ruined".
i looked at her with a puzzled expression, "what fantasy?".
"the one where you go to usc to play football and your quiet, girl-next-door girlfriend will only be a few hours away at stanford studying math".
i sat myself down beside her and gently moved her hair out of her face, "dakota, how is that so bad?".
"because that's not what i want to do anymore!" she moved my hand away from her. "does my future not even matter to you?".
"that's not what i said. it's-it's just a bit far fetched to go all the way to nyu to become what? a writer?".
dakota narrowed her eyes, "are you hearing yourself right now? this is exactly why i didn't tell you".
"so it's my fault that you didn't tell me for over a week? who knows how long you would have kept it up?" i argued back. "first olivia and now about this".
dakota immediately scolded my choice of words until she switched to being more hurt by them than angry.
"that was different and you know that" her voice quietly spoke.
"no, i don't know that. how is lying to me about being someone else then lying to me about where this relationship will be in a few months different?".
dakota jumped off her seat, wiping her eyes in the process, "i'm not having this conversation anymore".
"fine" i carelessly shrugged whilst i followed her to the front door. i seemed like i didn't care, but watching her cry was something that i can't bare to see.
"and you can forget about those plans for my birthday this saturday because after this, i really don't feel like seeing you".
i sighed, "wait, dakota—".
she slammed the door behind her before i could get anything else out. i ran my fingers through my hair, yelling out a curse word with regret to how that entire conversation went down.
i've only just got dakota back, i can't lose her again. but the way i spoke to her didn't really help me out either way.
finally updated since mo'fucking july 😨
this chapter gave me such hsm vibes lmao but sorry for the wait bbys. next chapter will be the last epilogue. omg i'm gonna miss jack and dakota so much !!
but tbh i'm just waiting on netflix to give me my money for stealing this storyline for "sierra burgess is a loser" (lol jk but forreal a girl is broke af) 🌹
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