Chapter 2
I was thinking about writing a chapter in Rose's or Ashton's (Flechters) POV, what would you all think?
7:32 pm Flechter - Rose?
7:33 pm Rose - Jack?
7:34 pm Fletcher - Seriously?
7:34 pm Rose - You asked for it:)
7:35 pm Flechter - Anyway, why did you have to leave all of a suddon?
7:36 pm Rose - I had some things to do
7:37 pm Flechter - So early in the morning?
7:37 pm Rose - That's why I wake up early in the morning, to get things done....
7:38 pm Fletcher - Suree
7:39 pm Rose - Wyd?
7:39 pm Flechter - Chilling with my friends, you?
7:40 pm Rose - I'm just listening to some music...
7:41 pm Fletcher - Thats cool
7:42 pm Rose - I guess
7:43 pm Rose - Why are you texting me, when your hanging out with your friends?
7:44 pm Flechter - I guess cause you're interesting
7:45 pm Rose - I'm really not
7:45 pm Flechter - Why do you say that you're not interesting?
7:46 pm Rose - Because im not, they're are so many more interesting people in the world than me
7:48 pm Fletcher - I really doubt that
7:49 pm Rose - You'll see eventually, people always do
7:51 pm Fletcher - You should stop doubting yourself, everyone is worth it
7:52 pm Rose - We all have our own opinions but any who what's your favorite band?
7:53 pm Flechter - -___- to answer your question my favorite band probably has to be at the moment Nirvana or Green Day, what about you?
7:55 pm Rose - Wow that's cool! My favorite at the moment as well is either Green Day or Panic! At The Disco
7:56 pm Fletcher - Let me just say Rose, you have a great taste in music ;)
7:57 pm Rose - Why thank you Flechter :) I have a different taste of music than the girls at my school (Literally me)
7:59 pm Flechter - And why is that?
8:00 pm Rose - Well because all the girls love these "boybands"
8:01 pm Fletcher - Whats so bad about boybands?
8:02 pm Rose - I feel like its the way they act or the type of music, idk
8:03 pm Flechter - Oh ok, but mean there are some pretty cool boybands out there...right?
8:04 pm Rose - Well there is 5SOS, but they're not a boyband
8:05 pm Flechter - OK then. Do you know One Direction?
8:06 pm Rose - Em yeah I think I've heard some songs from them on the radio, but I'm not so sure- wait how do you know a boyband? OMG Do you listen to boybands in your spare time??
8:08 pm Flechter - Yeah you caught me red handed, I secretly enjoy listening to boybands *please not the sarcasm*
8:09 pm Rose - Well jeez you could of saved the sarcasm :|
8:10 pm Flechter - Not really life just sometimes needs a little sarcasm, but I know about them because my sister is like addicted to them, so I'm always hearing their music on a daily basis
8:12 pm Rose - Ohh OK :)
Hi my fellow Wattpaders, let me just start off with how terrible of an updater I am, I started updating regularly and then I just stopped, which I'm really really sorry about, but sorry doesn't always cut it. I had a lot of things going on for school and I just couldn't find the motivation to keep on writing. But I'm here finally updating and I hope that I can keep this a regular thing, the keyword being hope. So again I truely apologize for my suckisch updates! I love each and every one of you who are still reading this book!
Back to the chapter, we are just getting started with the loads of lies Ashton (Flechter) is telling Rose sooo this will hopefully get interesting for you all. There are probably some grammer mistakes but if you really NEED to tell me then you can..but I probably won't fix it or maybe I will no one knows :-))
I was thinking about writing a POV in either Rose's or Fletchers view, so just let me know what you all think about that! Please vote, comment and possibly follow, it would mean a lot! Thank you so much for reading this and I love you all!! I again apologize for the terrible updates since we are just getting this book started. And sorry for this huge authors note and thank you for reading this
~Celly ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Re-Update 6.20.16
Hello again :) I made a pretty big misunderstanding by the text from Rose and Flechter at 8:04 pm and 8:05 pm, I messed something up since I approached the topic in the wrong way and thanks to shut_up_michael she thankfully noticed that and commented on that. I probably wouldn't have noticed She also gave me a great idea on a comment about One Direction and I thought I would put that in this chapter since it fitted well:) So thank you frog babe! She is such a great gal and you should all check her out, shes starting a New book and its going to be really good! ❤❤ Thankyou for the wonderful votes and comments for those who voted and commented on this book so far! ❤❤❤
~Celly ❤
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