As soon as I said that I slammed the door on his face and locked the door. I quickly went back to looking for my laptop, and I found it under my bed. He just keep talking about how he was wrong and that he will be better as I looked to see what percent it was at. I suffed it into my bag and grabbed the charger.
" Yah right, Don't try me you know what I can do," I said as I slung my bag on my shoulder and unlocked the door and looked straight into his eyes.
" Stop, your just covering your crap. You never broke my heart so you can't fix it." he just stared at me starstruck. I brushed past him.
" Don't try me with your crap, Jony," I said not even looking at him. I turned right around and stared right into his green-blue eyes that were about to cry.
"Jony, you need to get over me ok. There's a reason why I blocked you and tried to make you forget m-"
" But I can't, and there will be no one like me."
" Jony, that's the point and try to find a girl. Now don't call, text, or talk to me, ok. If you take a right at the end of this hall then a left at the end of that one there's the door ok.' I walked back to my room because I left my phone in my room.
"Where is it !" I whispered to myself." Oh, right," I said remembering that it was in my bag. I need to pay attention to where I put stuff.
" I need to get some rest," I said to myself, even though it was only seven, but I had to get up at two.
"Uhhh," I said. I hate that I get little sleep every day. I will get ton's of sleep on the plane.But morning came too quickly for me.
" Wake up." said my brother.
" Oh, now you want to talk to me?" I replied sarcastically.
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