The Sad Truth
I slammed the dagger on the table and slowly looked up at the person who was bothering me. Didn't they know I didn't have time for their shitty excuses?
My voice wasn't even unwelcoming, it was straight up threatening. But the woman just carried on like nothing had happened
"I want to buy a dagger" She stated firmly and I raised an eyebrow
"Oh? 200"
Her eyes widened at the price "What?"
"You heard me old lady. Go find a magic dagger somewhere else"
She blinked "Magic?"
I rolled my eyes. Jesus fucking Christ this woman "Well no shit Sherlock what do you think I said?"
She pointed at the dagger "So, what can it do?"
I looked somewhere behind her and pointed around as I talked "Heal, shoot fire. Normal stuff"
"I want it"
"Then buy it"
She just looked at me then down at the dagger and I knew what she was gonna do before she even did. She looked up at me for a split second before grabbing it and running away
Sadly for her before she could walk further I could see the hilt starting to burn red hot. She screamed as her hand was begining to turn coal dark and dropped it, her right hand holding her wrist
I stood up and walked towards her, bend down and picked it up. She didn't seem to be able to utter a word as I went back and quietly sat down on my chair
Nobody steals from me. Everybody knows that
But she didn't and now, she was paying the price
"Bitch" she yelled, her teeth bare in a wide snarl. I smirked ever so slightly at the unnecessary attention, full well knowing this was just another score for me
I leaned forward on my elbows and enjoyed how the echoes would carry my voice when I talked "Next time, don't steal"
* * *
I was pushed down on the ground, the group of people only exclaiming and never giving much of a care for anyone other than themselves over here
Since Silco is now running this place everything was even more fucked up than before. People were constantly at each others throats ever since he poisoned the streets with his Shimmer
Another hit at my stomach and I was down on my elbows. I rolled away, barely avoiding the next punch and kicked his kneecap
At first glance it was peaceful. People were laughing or simply passing by. Yet when you looked further you could see the yelling, the fighting and the bloodshed that those streets had become
He yelled and kneeled down, holding his precious kneecap. In the moment of weakness I grabbed his head and slammed it against my knee then stood up, spun and kicked him on the side
He dropped down, his unconscious body barely leaving a twitch of resistance before going still once again. I moved the hair out of my face, my fingers barely lingering on the cold steel on my ear before looking down at the man
He wasn't moving. Good
I looked up at the growd and gave them one of my personal glares before stepping over his body and leaving this mess behind. Someone else would deal with it
I put up my hood and my hands in my pockets as I walked down the streets. I passed faces, each one of them more familiar than the other as I looked for my alley
Some people waved, some nodded and most gave me the stink eye. A couple were smoking the damn Shimmer, purple smoke coming out of their mouths as they laughed loudly
I cut trough the corners and walked further between the buildings but never quite leaving the main street. As I turned right my eyes landed on the little shop tucked in the corner of the street
I walked towards it and kneeled before the cold stone. I had carved out his name on here and below it the date after all this happened
"Hey Keisha what's up?" I smiled at the woman. She was the CEO of the club as she preferred to be called, a small woman with blond curly hair and a skin to die for
She had told me to swing by an hour ago so something must be bothering her
She smiled sadly and went to hug me "Dearie...Hercos..."
I looked at her body and my heart sank. She was stiff as if she was preparing to tell me something bad. I stopped and pushed her away "Is he...?"
She nodded silently "I'm sorry"
I was over it now. Truly
And as another tear rolled down my cheek and splashed over the hard stone I knew I was over it. It was behind me now, I was ok. I had to be
I smiled sadly at it and put a small flower I had found at the outskirts of the city to sit beside the dry petals. I took out one of my daggers and renewed the carving, it was starting to fade
Once I was done I stood up and went behind the counter to look down at the plates. Empty. Every one of them. I took one of them and a fork I had used so many times before and leaned my back against the counter
"You know Hery this day was bad" I said as I toyed with the empty plate "I have a new bruise on my cheek but at least it will fade until tomorrow right Hery?"
I laughed "I know you hate being called that"
My eyes trailed down the cracks on the floor as I sighed "I can't stop thinking about her you know? She had been gone for, what, four years now? Yet I still miss her. I don't know why. It's stupid I know you don't have to say it"
I really did miss her
No. You don't
I kept thinking to myself. She abandoned me without even saying a word. Who does that?
"I knew her for a day yet she is plaguing my mind for the past week. She promised she would see me you know? That day on the rooftop? She promised she would come next Wednesday at that time. And you know what happened?"
I supressed a tear as the fork hit the plate "She never showed up. I went there for the next two years you know? Every damn week"
I stood up and put the plate back. I did not have the mental capacity to do this today. Not again. I wiped my eyes and calmed down, it almost scared me how fast I could switch it off "Thanks for the cake buddie"
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