The Lunina Urbs Concert Shooting
a photo of Ava the night of the shooting
October 20th, 1986
The Lunina Urbs Concert Shooting is a shooting that occurred at an Ava Lunilet concert while she was on her Diamond Rings tour.
Lunina Urbs was the third stop along Ava's Diamond Rings tour. Security was noted to be fairly relaxed at this event, as Ava's concerts had always been described in newspapers by goers as some of the safest places they'd ever been too. In a June 1986 issue, a teenage girl by the name of Willa Lunilet (not related) was interviewed and she said, "It was such a sweet, sweet place to be. Mostly girls, save for all the boyfriends and dads and husbands and brothers. Well, basically what I'm trying to say is, while, yes, there are plenty of men and boys and stuff, they're always with a girl, and I've never had or even heard of a bad experience there. I even tried some weed with a girl, who I have plans to meet up with this Saturday."
Ava herself was always seen as friendly and 'silly' by fans. She'd typically wait outside the concert venue and sign autographs and take pictures with as many people as she could, though she was have security have to usher most of the crowd to keep moving.
On her Diamond Rings tour, she'd be performing three nights in Lunina Urbs, her hometown. The first night went fine, being the usual safe place newspapers always said it was.
Forty-three minutes into her set, at 9:45pm, Ava sang the lyric, "Go on and shoot a shot" from her song Get The Girl. That's when someone began shooting into the crowd. Ava was quickly rushed off stage, but many witnesses say she turned back to look at the crowd.
Many people began running as more shots were fired out.
Many witness statements essentially describe it as, "A very loud and panic filled blur."
Forty people were injured and twenty-three were killed. Among the deceased was Vera Zukobi, a close friend of Ava's.
The deceased are as followed:
Vera Zukobi
Lara Danbi
George Vivibi
Branno Willis
Annaliese Neumann
Joster Willibi
Vivero Ladio
Sarah Edwards
Ruelue Handlet
Hallena Chashena
Caroline "Cara" Griseo
Branno Ryanbi
Olive Hanio
Mariana Lockwood
Anabel Cabrera Sanchez
Fiona Caberera Sanchez
Xenia Marbi
Natalia Douglas
Georgette Daniels
Tala Ancionsen
Miliana Alexander
Roseanne Rodbi
Juliette Hansen
The gunman was seen leaving the building, where he would shoot himself. He was identified a week later as American man, Thomas Wayne.
Throughout the next month, many concert dates were rescheduled, and Ava made time to visit those injured in hospitals. She sent personalized condolences cards and money to each of the families. The oldest victim (George Vivibi) was forty-seven and the youngest (Tala Ancionsen) was eleven. Many survivors and families of the victims have said that Ava was "the picture of remorse". According to Ava's husband at the time, director and serial rapist, Eddie Sollet, Ava felt incredibly guilty about the shooting, and was talking about killing herself. Ava later said that though, yes, she felt incredibly guilty, she never talked about killing herself and she never asked Eddie to tell people that.
Ava, after that, upped security heavily, but many women and girls, of all ages, even today, describe feeling completely safe at her concert. Ava has since never held a concert of October 20th in remembrance of the tragedy.
May all the deceased rest in peace.
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