The Disappearance of Eve Lewandowski
t/w rape, child sexual abuse
not proofread bc I'm tired
(A photo taken of Eve by her brother, Cezary, six hours before her disappearance)
January 1st, 2002 - August 2nd, 2017
Eve Aldona Lewandoski was a Polish-American girl who went missing from her family's campground in 2017.
Eve was born in Krakow, Poland, the second of two children. She had one brother, who was four at the time of her birth, Cezary. When she was four, her parents, Aldona and Birger, were both in a car crash. They'd end up surviving but both had major injuries and Eve and Cezary would be placed with their uncle Jedrick for the several months while their parents recovered.
During this time, Eve was raped by her uncle multiple times until Cezary told their parents, who were mostly recovered by this point, and they contacted the police and brought their children home.
The lived in Krakow for another four years until the family moved to Green Eye, Vermont when Eve was eight. The Lewandoskis moved to the U.S. after Birger was promised a job. It ended up working out, but the Lewandoski families still continued to struggle with English.
Cezary also struggled but Eve took to it like a fish to water, mastering it very quickly, becoming fluent in a year. The family would vacation in Poland every year and go on an annual camping trip to a Vermont camp ground; Jackson & James Campgrounds. For several years, the Lewandoskis lived their lives in the U.S., just having a grand old time.
On the family's annual camping trip in 2017, things would change for the family. They arrived on July 29th, 2017 and would spend the next few days just enjoying themselves. On August 1st, 2017, the family went about their business, enjoyed themselves, and went to sleep. When they woke up the next morning, Eve was gone. They, or Cezary, asked around the campgrounds, asking if anybody had seen her. Nobody had seen anything. Cezary did say he heard her get up during the night, but he assumed her to just be going to the bathroom. He didn't realize when she didn't come back.
"I think she was kidnapped. Since then, I've hated myself," Cezary said in a 2021 interview. "What if I just asked her where she was going? What if I went with her? Would she be okay? Would I not even be having this interview right now?"
The family contacted the police of the nearby town of James & Jackson where Cezary would answer most the questions due to Aldona and Birger still struggling with English. The police would search the campgrounds for several days but found no trace of Eve.
Eve has been reportedly spotted exactly five times all across North America.
The first time she was reportedly spotted was a month after her disappearance, in Connecticut mall. She was sitting in a food court, across from a taller man. She was spotted by the mother of one of Eve's friends from Green Eye. She didn't report it until a week later.
The second time was in February of 2018, when she was spotted in Detroit, Michigan, walking down the street with a young child, whose face was obscured. This was reported anonymously.
The third time was in January of 2019, when Eve was walking down the street of New Orleans, Louisiana, holding a baby and holding the hand of an Asian little girl. Many people theorize that the baby was her own and that the Asian girl was the same girl whose face had been obscured in Detroit. Nobody knows who the Asian girl is, though there are some theories, a few believing that it was Sadie Sherwood, but as the person who reported this sighting explained that the child looked to be about six years old and Sadie would've been fifteen in 2019, this was easily disproved.
The fourth time was in July of 2019, this time in San Francisco, California. She was pushing a baby in a stroller and the Asian girl was walking beside the two.
The fifth and final time was in February of 2022 in Chicago, Illinois. The Asian girl, seeming about ten, was walking with her and a toddler girl, who the anonymous reporter says they heard Eve refer to as Ally. This has so far been the last time that Eve was spotted.
At the time of her disappearance, Eve was fifteen years old, 125 pounds (58 kilograms) and 5'6. She was wearing a green and white tank top and jean shorts, though, as of the last time she was spotted, she was wearing a heavy black jacket, black leggings and white sneakers.
Today, Eve would be twenty-one years old. Eve, if by some miracle you are reading this, and you are able, please come home. Your family and friends miss you and they just want you to come back.
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