The Demon Boys
t/w abuse, suicide, alcoholism, self-harm
December 15th, 1929 - December 24th, 1971
January 16th, 1930 - October 17th, 1971
February 8th, 1930 - December 24th, 1971
Joseph "Joey" Greene, Sophie Brandon and Molly Johnston were a polyamourous group of serial killers known as The Demon Boys between the years of 1946 and 1965.
All were born into strange family situations in Augusta, Maine. Joey's parents were not in a very good financial position so he and his twin sister , Evangeline , were sent to live with their grandparents. Sophie's father was just an asshole. Molly was born to teen parents who gave her up to a a family friend. From a young age, the three were very good friends with one another.
Joey's grandparents died when he was eleven and so he and his sister were sent back to their parents. Their father , Barry , did his best but Lucinda , their mother , was an abusive woman with a major alcohol problem. As for what made Molly into the Molly we know today? She just loved violence and would commonly be found beating her adoptive siblings or even harming herself.
In 1944, Joey's father filed for divorce against his mother and then the next day he died of mysterious causes.
On June 15th, 1946 Sophie invited Molly and Joey to her house and she explained to them that she wanted to kill her father. They made a plan that was executed on June 17th, 1946. Though they ended up killing Sophie's entire immediate family. A few months after this, they left Augusta for NYC, despite being only sixteen. It was around this time the three came to love one another and on Sophie's eighteenth birthday she married Joey. Two years later, they welcomed twins, Archie and Louise.
Between the years of 1946 - 1965 the three are responsible for an estimated 30+ murders. Molly claims to have had a catchphrase when she killed someone.
"Lights out, darling."
Today they are known as The Demon Boys because they left a note at the crime scene of Willow Jetson. All it said is 'There are three of us' and it listed the other murders they were responsible for. Willow was their tenth victim. It was a woman at one of the police stations who coined the name Demon Boys. And it had just been mentioned in casual conversation.
On August 17th, 1965 they were located, arrested and all three given the death sentence. They escaped in January 1966 but were thrown back in prison after two months on the run. None would actually receive their sentences.
As for Sophie, she would die on October 17th, 1971 due to a sudden stroke. As for Joey and Molly? They were heartbroken so on Christmas eve of that same year, they made a suicide pact but first decided to have some fun. They managed to escape their cells and killed five prison guards. Afterwards, Joey shot himself in the head and Molly hesitated for a few seconds before doing the same.
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