-''Oh, another visitor, how lovely.'' – Namjoon said in a mock tone, eyeing Tae sharply. His entire being hated them all. The fury surging through his veins fueled his magic more and more, edging it to seek the crack in the ancient magic, to slip through the runes, but it was in no avail. The runes were too strong, too perfectly intertwined for him to find the way out. He was stuck and he hates it. The only thing he could do is to not give his captors the satisfaction of seeing him suffering. So he smiled pleasantly and mocked everyone who came, waiting for the right time when he would be out. Jackson knew where he was now, his insider told him that. The contact was made and now all was left was the opportune moment.
Tae came closer to the cage, observing the locked man intensely. His blank face expression sent uncomfortable shivers down Namjoon spine, but he managed to keep his composure. He was never at ease when twins were close.
Tae's eyes ran from his to the cage, observing the runes carved in steel and the size of the thing. His voice sounded calm but detached from all emotions.
-''That doesn't seem comfortable.''- He said, nudging his head towards the cage. Namjoon squinted his eyes.
-''It's a bit of a squeeze, but I had worse. I'm fine though.'' – He said with high composure. There was the silence before Namjoon added. - ''You could always let me go you know.''
Tae hummed, returning his unnerving gaze on Namjoon. – ''You would like that now, wouldn't you?''
-''Well, of course, I would, but I don't think you are here to bargain with me.''
Tae shook his head. He didn't say anything for some moments but then spoke carefully.
-''What happened with you and Jin Hyung?''
Namjoon tilted his head, his lips spread into a grin, dimples peaking. – ''You should ask Jin about that... ah, right, I forgot...you can't...sorry.'' – He said mockingly, clicking his tongue in false sympathy.
-''No you are not.'' – Tae said matter- of- fact, his face didn't show any expression.
Namjoon grinned even more. He looked like Cheshire cat, grin completely devilish, eyes shining like fire. Tae could see his magic dancing in his eyes, deeply in control over the man. – ''No, no I'm not.'' – Namjoon said, licking at his lips, eyes squinting, as he intently observed the young man. -''Hmmm, you are not strong enough...not like your brother is.'' – Namjoon said, tilting his head on another side as if to see it better. – ''Your magic sleeps in a deep sleep.''
Tae's breath hitched in his throat and he barely croaked. -''You are wrong, mage, I don't have magic. My brother does.''
-''Oh, no...no, I'm right. There is magic in you...weaker one...but more...stable...it's grounding you to the Earth. Your brother's power is wilder, like a raging storm....hard to control. He is all over the place, he cannot tame his magic enough to focus it where it should go. He is powerful, I'll give him that, but too raw, too unrefined, too wild, but your...yours is like a steady breeze, cooling and in control. It's deep down, sleeping.'' – Namjoon said in deep thinking, like he observing some rare specimen for science. -''What's the point of having it if you not going to use it.'' - He said, almost pitifully.
-''Tell us how to wake up Hyung...please.'' – Tae said, eyes pleading, but face stern, jaw clenching. He was so conflicted with himself, with everything that's happening. One side of him wanted to hurt Namjoon, the other, however, wanted to plead with him to save his Hyung. Namjoon's response, though, sent raging fire through his body.
-''No.'' – His voice was light, mocking, eyes blazing daringly. – ''I guess you will have to figure that one of your own, now would you.''
Tae stared at him for a while, fighting the urge to lunge at the man, to rip him out of his cage and kill him with his bare hands, but that careful reasonable voice in his mind told him that it's not wise, that it's dangerous. Namjoon was powerful and the only thing holding him in were the runes carved in the cage. Tae wondered for how long they would withstand the mage's magic.
– ''I was warned about you two...'' – He said after a time, cocking his head again and pulling his lower lip through his teeth, before releasing it. – ''Your brother could be a nuisance, but you...you are not a treat to me at all, aren't you?''
Tae said nothing but curved the corner of his lips in a mocking smirk, just like his brother does.
-''No?'' - He said in a wicked voice while turning around lightly and start walking to the door, but before he went out he added. -''We shall see, won't we?''
His mask fell as soon as he stepped out and the cold rage gripped him in a tight hold. He was fuming, energy boiling in his blood as he quickened his steps shaking with fury. He brushed past Heechul, whose cheerful voice died on his lips with one look at the dark twin.
-''Hey Tae who rattled your cag...''
-''Don't.'' – It was all Tae hissed before disappearing around the corner in search of his brother.
He found him over some old scrolls in the Count's library. Jiyong himself was seated not far from him, looking through some books as well. They were working nonstop, trying to find a way to stop the artifacts, but there wasn't much. The information was or never written, or it was destroyed when the last magic purge was conducted. The few rare books and scrolls Jiyong possessed, were very hard to come by and he paid a huge amount of gold to get his claws on it.
Sensing the disturbance in the air V's head jerked up and his eyes landed on his brother.
-''Tae, what's wrong?''
Even Jiyong perked his ears and stopped what he was doing to observe.
-''V, I need to speak to you... privately.''
-''I will leave you to it.'' – Jiyong placed his book down and prepared to stand up from his chair when Tae raised his hand stopping him.
-''No, Jiyong Hyung, please stay and continue what you were doing. My brother and I will go to our Hyung's room.''
The Count knew that he meant Jin's room and saw no objection to that. He nodded approvingly and Tae looked at his brother again. V's eyes narrowed, but he stood up and followed his brother silently through the halls that led into Jin's room. None of them spoke a word, even when they were inside the room. Tae turned to lock the door and then faced his twin.
-''Do you still think I have magic in me?''
V blinked at this sudden question but answered quickly. – ''Yes I do.''
Tae nodded head bowed, looking at the ground. – ''Help me unlock it then.''
V's brows furrowed as he scanned his second half.
-''You are sure aren't you?'' – He asked, already knowing the answer. Tae nodded, licking his lips.
-''I am. I don't know what I should do, but I'm willing to try.''
-''Allow me to ask why? Why now all of the sudden? What changed?''
Tae took a deep breath, he still trembled from rage, but it was controlled now. If V was raging fire when mad, Tae was cold as ice, which proved easier to control, but much crueler when allowed his rage a free reign. – ''I've been to see the prisoner.''
V's jaw tightened. – ''Why? I told you not to go to him.''
-''I had to try one more time.''
''And what? He said no of course.''
-''Then why...?''
-''He told me something that made me think.'' – Tae said, deep in thought. – ''He told me that your magic is like a raging storm, strong and powerful, but too hard to control. You are all over the place, hard to focus, missing your target.''
V gritted his teeth at that. – ''I know that myself.'' – V hissed. He hated the fact that he cannot tame something so tightly connected with himself. He felt it, but he could not control it...not yet anyway and he didn't need Kim Namjoon to tell him that. Tae paid him no heed.
-''For me, he said, that mine is like a steady breeze, cooling, and in control, but deep in sleep. How can he see it V? How can he when I can't even feel it?''
-''Tae...'' – V took an exasperated sigh, they've been through this hundred of times already. - ''I've told you already, you don't feel any change because you had it with you for as long as you live. It's the feeling that was born with you and grew with you and you wouldn't know it's there because you don't know what it's like to live without it. You would feel it awakening or missing, but you wouldn't feel it sleeping as it is now.''
-''Was that the same for you?'' – Tae asked, much calmer now, fingers playing with the corner of his brother's coat. V's eyes grew softer.
-''I always knew it was there, even since we were a little. But then again, I was always less human than you.''
-''That's not true V.'' – His brother protested. – ''You are human just as I am, if not more. You care for everything in your own way much more than I do.''
V chuckled. – ''Tae, that is exactly what makes you more human than me. Your ability to see good in people, even in cold monsters such as myself.''
Tae gripped his collar and pulled him on his chest hissing in his face angrily. – ''Call yourself a monster one more time V and I'll swear to Gods I will kick your ass.''
There was anger in Tae's eyes, electricity rippling underneath his skin and V felt the vibration of Tae's power stirring slightly, but not quite awake.
-''I am who I am Tae. There is no point in arguing. I've done a lot of bad things...''
-''Good things even more!'' – Tae protested and V smiled widely.
-''That doesn't change the fact that I'm capable of doing monstrous things Tae, no matter if it's for the good or bad. The only person that is able to keep that Monster more tamed, is you.'' – He said running his fingers through his brother's hair. – ''You are the one who keeps me balanced and safe. I am never afraid when I'm with you.''
-''You were the one who always protected me from real monsters in my life V. You and Hyung. You were never scared.'' – Tae said, his thumbs brushing V's cheeks. They were standing so close, right next to Jin's bed. The feeling of Jin's presence made twins a bit emotional. Seokjin was everything to them and seeing their strong and kind protector so powerless, made them want to scream from frustration. They were separated for a long time and all they wished was to be family again.
-''Oh, TaeTae, you're wrong. I am also scared. Scared of losing you, scared of losing Hyung and Jiminie and...'' – He left the rest unspoken, but both of them knew what he meant, Hoseok.
-''The thing is, whenever you are happy and safe, I am fearless.'' – V said caressing Tae's cheek. – ''You are the only one who knows me for all of my faults and virtues, the only one who knows my soul better than me. I am nothing without you. You always say that it was me that keeps you in check and calms you down, but it was the opposite. You were the reasonable one, the one with understanding, the one with compassion. You ground me and keep my fire burning whenever I'm down. Even if I don't show it, you feel it, you were always able to sense it. It's our bond, we are connected TaeTae, we share the soul and the blood. We were created from the same magic and I truly believe that once it was released, you would balance mine, you would be able to help me control it, just like you always do.'' – V kissed his brother's cheeks and then starred at him calmly, blue eyes that were strangely soft and dark warm ones. They remain silent, speaking volumes through their gaze, calming each other down. Tae's brows furrowed and V could sense his fears and worries.
-''I don't want magic to gain control over me V. I don't want it to corrupt me.'' – He said quietly, huffing as he stared down at V's chest.
-''It will not.'' – V said gently. – ''The Mages are different. Their magic is stronger, it's more like a living organism inside the person. The witches' magic comes from the Elements, the earth, water, fire, and air. Ours is connected with our emotions, our senses. It will not control you, it will just sharpen your mind.''
-''Why is Namjoon's so different?'' – Tae asked and V furrowed his brows in concentration, trying to remember something Jiyong told him sometime before. – ''Witches inherit their magic, it's written in our blood, improved by our ancestors. Mages are born with magic. It's not passed by the family, it's born inside one and if not trained and controlled on time, it grows stronger, taking over the person's life.''
-''You think Namjoon's magic took over his control?'' – Tae asked and V nodded.
-''I know it did. You can see it. Have you seen his eyes Tae?''
It was Tae's time to nod. – ''Yes...it's like there is a fire inside them.''
-''Yes, that's his magic. Yoongi told me he wasn't like this before. His eyes were shining dimly. He was more of a human being back then. Now, however, he is more his own alter ego.''
-''You say it like his magic have a personality of her own.'' – Tae says.
-''It does. Every mage had it, the split personality. It depends on the strength of the mage.''
They both turned to look at their sleeping Hyung. He would look almost peaceful if there wasn't for the prominent crease in his brow, the only indicator that his dreams might not be as peaceful as they all wished they were. V whispered, not removing his eyes from Jin.
-''I think something happened with Namjoon that made him vulnerable and exposed so much that he cloaked himself in his magic and relinquished all control to it. And I think it has something to do with Jin Hyung.''
He could feel Tae's eyes studying his face. He could feel his twin's internal confusion and curiosity fighting to come out and ask for the explanations that V had no answers.
-''I don't know what happened.'' – V said. – '' Yoongi wouldn't tell me. I think he knows more than he wants to share, but I can bet my life that Namjoon's villainy has everything to do with Hyung.'' – He nodded towards Jin.
Tae remained silent. V could almost hear the gears turning furiously in his head.
-''Well....we just have to wake him up and ask him then, aren't we?'' – Tae said calmly. V turned to stare at him. – ''But Tae, I can't risk it. I can't control it. What if I hurt Hyung? I would never forgive myself that.''
-''You will not hurt him.'' – Tae said calmly, holding his brother securely with his gaze. – ''Because I will be there to guide you.''
V felt a wave of calmness wash over him. He was pliant in his brother's words. He smiled gently and cock his eyebrow. – ''But how Tae? When your powers are locked?''
Tae smiled. – ''Then unlock them V.''
-''I might hurt you Tae.''
-''You could never hurt me. I'm part of you and I won't let you fail.''
V closed his eyes at that, releasing the breath he didn't know he was holding up until now. He felt the light kiss in between his eyes, just above the bridge of his nose and then the light press of Tae's forehead to his own, connecting them.
V felt everything all of a sudden. His senses were so sharpened and tuned up ten times. He herds the hum of their blood rushing through their veins and the distant echoes of thousands of ancestors whispering. V reached beyond his own consciousness and into Tae's, slipping through the strong defense like it was nothing. He heard Tae gasp, but he didn't break the contact, nor fought him. His mind recognized his other self, letting him roam, letting him see whatever he wants. Deeper and deeper V went, exploring the memories, hopes and fears his brother had, wishing he could calm them and put them to rest, but it wasn't why he was there.
He reached further into the darkness of the unknown until he found it – the block. It was intricate like the trickiest knot. Like the web perfectly made. It was strong, almost unbreakable. He recognized the familiarity in its design. - Mother. - He heard Tae's whisper as it was next to him. Yes. V felt the truth of it. It was their mother's design. She bound them to protect them. V figured he had the same one, but it was violently broken in the forest when he touched the runestone. Wait. The Runestone, V thought. He conjured the image of the rune in his head. It blazed in green and yellow fire, so warm and strong. It flew towards the block slowly and for the first few moments, nothing happened. V was almost disappointed, but then Tae screamed and V needed to use all of his control and power he had to hold him steady.
The rune started to burn, melting the block away slowly. V grunted, straining to hold the rune and his brother in place. He could hear Tae' painful screams. He needed him to fight, to awake his magic.
-''TaeTae! I can't hold it much longer!'' – V screamed in his head while gripping at his tossing brother. – ''Tae!!! I need you!!! Tae!!!!''
The block exploded from the inside, crashing through with the cold force, like the water bursting through the dam. It was overflowing, Tae's body arched and contorted as the magic surged through his blood. The echoes of whispers were too loud, the force was overpowering and V knew exactly how Tae felt at this moment. He has been there. He felt that. The overwhelming sensation, the pain, the fear, the power. The process needed to run its course.
-''Brother!'' – He heard Tae's screams in his head. There were fearful and needy, but they possessed the strength underneath, ready to be attached to something, to pull himself up from this destructive flow of energy. Tae's magic was like water, strong and vast, never-ending and V had to push his fiery magic further to meet Tae's cold one. The sizzling sound of fire and water colliding, swirling around one another like two hissing snakes, before forming a chain. One blue, one red, connecting together in the most impossible ways. It felt so natural. V felt his brother's magic calming him down, regaining the grip of his control. Their powers, now bonded together, one cooling down the fire and another warming the water were in a perfect balance.
He heard Tae gasping for a few moments. V himself was afraid to breathe. They were still connected, forehead to forehead, their hands intertwined together, shaking. Suddenly Tae's senses shifted and V saw what his brother was watching...Jin Hyung...lying emotionlessly in deep sleep, pretty much as Tae's magic did only a few seconds before.
-''Are you sure?'' – V asked silently with his mind. Tae hummed calmly and pulled their joined hands together to touch Jin's face.
Their power streamed forward slowly in small waves, exploring and slipping through the cracks of Namjoon's magic. For the first time, V felt control of his power. It was such a relief. No fear, only safety. Tae, it was all Tae. He felt Tae's magic guiding his, pushing it forward and holding it back when needed, molding it through the cracks while spreading to break the spell, bit by bit.
Namjoon's magic was strong and furious. It fought against them in a filthy way, seeking the opportunity to defend and destroy the new enemy. It attacked in various ways, morphing, slowing down and then going faster, wavering and crashing, but it could not pass through their joined forces. No matter what the mage's magic tried, the witch twins were more than capable to break through its defenses. What V overlooked in his attacks, Tae covered. Where Tae lacked the strength to break through, V pushed forward. Their magic was like perfectly combined and maneuvered troops. V's was more like archers, deadly and accurate at high range, hitting their target perfectly, but Tae's were more like a cavalry, wide and destructive through the close combat. Separated they could be beaten quickly by a skilled opponent such as Namjoon, but together they covered everything. Together they were strong. Together they had the chance.
With one last strength, the foreign power attacked, only to be cut viciously by the united ancient power. They heard Namjoon's magic howled in rage one more time before it disappears in the amber blast. The crackling air filled with electricity and a sudden sense of peace envelops them. They felt a light touch on their intertwined hands and they opened their eyes, staring at each other, brows sweaty and slightly panting before turning down simultaneously towards the bed where two dark familiar eyes watched them confusingly.
-''Hyung.''- Tae said gently, his voice wavering from exertion and emotion that was about to choke him. V placed a hand on Jin's forehead and smiled. – ''Welcome back Hyung.''
Jin blinked, trying to focus. He studied two of the most important persons in his entire life, noticing the change deep within. It wasn't visible much on the outside, but it flew gently on the inside.
-''W-what happened? Where am I?'' – Jin croaked weakly, his voice was dry and raspy.
-''You are safe Hyungie.'' – Tae said nuzzling his cheek in Jin's hand.
Jin's eyes went wide. – ''Namjoon....''
-''Don't worry Hyung, he is captured and locked away.'' – V said reassuringly. – ''Tae got there on time.''– He added. Jin's eyes went from V's shiny blue ones, with Tae's teary dark ones.
- ''We thought we lost you, but you are here, everything is alright now.'' – Tae's voice nearly cracked as the tears start rolling down his cheek. Jin's eyes went soft.
-''My t-tiger cubs, w-why...why the tears?'' – He asking, cupping the boy's cheeks in his palm. He felt so weak, so sleepy.
-''You were lost for us Hyungie.'' – V spoke, running his fingers through Jin's knotted hair. – ''We were afraid you would never wake up.''
Jin shifted his eyes from one twin to another, blinking confusingly. – ''You have to...tell me....w-what...what happened because I'm having...t-trouble remembering...'' – Jin coughed from dryness in his throat and V quickly pulled him up slightly so he could take a few small gulps of water that Tae quickly poured into the cup. They always had fresh water poured into the pitcher and left on the bedside table for the occasion such as this. It was Jimin's idea and Tae couldn't thank him enough.
-''Don't worry Hyungie, we will explain everything when you eat something, you must be starving.'' – Tae said while V helped him to lie down on the pillows again. And indeed Jin was, actually, he was famished. Before he could even confirm that sentence, there was a familiar voice from the door.
The twins jerked their heads towards the door where they spotted not only Yoongi standing, but Jimin, Jungkook, Jiyong, and Seunghyun. Tae was pretty sure he locked the door before, but one glance at the said object informed him that they were unceremoniously and savagely broken into. They must have broken it when they heard the screams. The brothers haven't heard anything because they were too preoccupied fighting Namjoon's magic.
Jin slowly turned his head and meet with Yoongi's eyes. Seeing his oldest and dearest friend send warmth spreading in Jin's chest. He whispered. – ''Yoongichi.''
It was in that moment Yoongi surged towards the bed, falling on his knees to bury his face in Jin's chest, sobbing brokenly. – ''F-fuck y-you. I thought I w-would never s-see you again a-asshole.'' – The line of curses and muffled incoherent sentences came from Yoongi's mouth and Jin's chest shook from silent laughter. He placed one hand on Yoongi's hair, caressing the dark locks.
-''Hyung it's good to see you.'' – Jimin said, coming closer to stand at the edge of the bed, eyes glistening with tears and a happy smile on his face as Yoongi straightened himself up, wiping his face and sniffling loudly, still staying at Jin's side. Jin smiled at Jimin and let his eyes slide towards Jungkook, who shyly stood close by, smiling softly and then on Jiyong and Seunghyun who both had a look of relief on their faces.
-''You took your time.'' – Jiyong said teasingly. There wasn't menace in his voice, but pure joy at seeing him well.
-''Oh, you here...'' – Jin said rolling his eyes. – ''What a man had to do to get some food around here?'' – He asked, an easy smile spreading on his plump lips. Jiyong smiled wide.
-''Ah, darling I could think of a few ways, but what kind of host would I be if I leave you starving?''
-''A cruel one.'' – Jin added. They both chuckled and then Jin's eyes found Jungkook again.
-''And who is this?'' – He asked. Tae raised his hand toward the knight in a silent invite and the young man stepped closer clasping the outstretched hand.
-''This is Jungkook.'' – Tae said proudly. – ''He is my...'' – He stopped not knowing how to define their relationship since they never really talked about it. – ''He is mine.'' – He said it definitely, making Kook smile, adding. -''Yes...and he is mine.'' – He said it through a shy smile, cheeks flushed. He was adorable.
Jin observed them, feeling the warm smile spread over his face, but then it grew serious. He cleared his throat. – ''I will have a private word with you boy.'' – Jin said, trying to sound stern. – ''As soon as I get my strength back.''
Yoongi chuckled and both brothers and Jimin smiled.
-''Just like you did with me?'' – Jimin asked, smiling brightly, eyes disappearing in crescents.
-''When was that?'' – Jungkook asked, feeling a bit nervous.
-''When I was eight. I almost shit my pants, he was so scary.'' – Jimin said with a grin. Jungkook's eyes grew even bigger, but he bowed seriously and said. – ''It would be my pleasure.''
-''Finally, a man who knows how to respect his Hyung. I like that.'' – Jin said smiling again, eyes dropping tiredly when a sudden commotion erupted from the hall.
-''Seunghyun!!!'' – The shout was loud and all of them turned towards the door. Donghae was panting heavily, blood sliding down his temple from his head, eyes looking completely wild. – ''Seunghyun, he escaped!!! Namjoon!! He escaped! The cage is empty!''
Everyone reacted instantly.
-''Stay with Jin!'' - Jiyong barked an order at twins before rushing through the door at high speed.
-''We can help!'' – V began but was cut short by Seunghyun.
-''You will help by not letting Namjoon get his hands on him again!'' – He pointed at Jin and ran after Jiyong, with Donghae at his heels.
-''Hyung!'' – Jungkook shouted remembering Hoseok. – ''He was downstairs! Need to find him!'' – And he bolted through the door.
-''Jungkook!'' – Tae yelled and jumped as to go after him, but Yoongi stopped him, gripping his arm. – ''Don't! Namjoon would come for Jin. I can't stop him, only you can!''
-''I'll go with him!'' – Jimin shouted, running after the knight. V growled in frustration, but they were right. Namjoon hasn't finished with Jin yet, Tae made sure in that. They turned towards their Hyung only to see his eyes closed and unconscious.
-''Hyung!'' – V jumped towards Jin, but Yoongi calmed him down instantly. – ''He is just sleeping.''
-''Didn't he done that all this time?'' – Tae asked, watching his friend worryingly.
-''No, this is a different kind of sleep. The ones he desperately needs. Let him rest.'' – Yoongi said nodding towards the broken door. – ''Let's do something about that damn door!''
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